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Portrait of a woman who was born without arms, yet leads a normal and productive life. Follows her through a typical day as she cares for her home and family, and explains her thoughts about her handicap and life.
Explores the problem that young people have with alcoholism. Stimulates consideration of self-reliance, decision-making, and resistance to peer pressure as part of developing the resolve to live free of dependence on alcohol or other drugs.
A film describing sorority life at IU, the benefits of joining a sorority, their traditions, and the function of IU's Panhellenic Association. Shows how sorority life offers potential for personal development, exploration, and fulfillment of ideals in addition to lifelong bonding. The film also gives a glimpse into life in a Greek house as an alternative residence lifestyle. Highlights the important contributions Greek societies make to campus life, their role as leaders, and the high scholastic achievement of sorority members.
The film stresses that greater understanding and cooperation is needed between bicyclists and motorists to safely share the roadways. Based on recent research data on bicycle-motor vehicle accidents, critical situations in the ever-increasing bike-car traffic mix are discussed in terms of how bicyclists and motorists can cope with: Obstacles to the Flow of Traffic, Left Turn maneuvers, Visibility (Seeing and Being Seen), Right Turn Movements, Rules of the Road.
Examines four different approaches to working with clay and ceramics. Shows scenes of ceramists at work to illustrate that the current approach to ceramics is characterized by change and creativity, allowing the ceramist to create pieces that are traditional and functional or purely artistic. Notes that the stimulus for shaping clay upon the wheel or molding clay with slabs can come from the artist's environment or his imagination. Explains that designs applied to ceramic pieces prior to firing can alter their basic forms and that experimenting with the ingredients in glazes and methods of glaze application allow for varying results.
Examines what has happened in Europe to check the threat of a menancing population growth. Traces the growth of population in Europe from the Middle Ages and suggests that the small-family concept, which began in England in the late nineteenth century, has had more effect on population than any other thing.
Explains that Wellmet House attempts to rehabilitate the mentally ill not by gaining conforming behavior but by helping them relate to other people in natural and unstructured ways. Points out that half of the residents are mentally ill and the other half are college students from nearby universities who staff Wellmet House. Emphasizes the need for each patient to find individual expression. Shows patients and staff at dinner, parties, the local pub, and a house meeting.
An advertisement for 7 Up in which a jingle plays over shots of animated graphics and live-action female dancers moving around a psychedelic backdrop of stars, bubbles, and lights. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for AAA life insurance in which a man reads aloud from a newspaper about the new insurance plans as he wanders distractedly through a construction site, barely avoiding various obstacles and dangers. The man asks a female companion whether he needs life insurance just as he is about to walk over an open sewer manhole. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
A film describing sorority life at IU, the benefits of joining a sorority, their traditions, and the function of IU's Panhellenic Association. Shows how sorority life offers potential for personal development, exploration, and fulfillment of ideals in addition to lifelong bonding. The film also gives a glimpse into life in a Greek house as an alternative residence lifestyle. Highlights the important contributions Greek societies make to campus life, their role as leaders, and the high scholastic achievement of sorority members.
A public service announcement for the American Cancer Society in which a doctor walks down a hospital corridor while addressing the camera about how money raised for cancer research is being spent. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the American Cancer Society in which a man buying cigarettes from a vending machine is juxtaposed with shots of casino games, rolling dice, and a horse race. The vending machine dispenses a carton of cigarettes as an offscreen male narrator states, "You lose." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the American Cancer Society in which a woman takes a shower while an offscreen female narrator urges viewers to give themselves a monthly breast self-examination. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in which the song "America the Beautiful" plays ironically over still images of trash, poverty, and destitution in an inner city ghetto. An offscreen male narrator says that if the viewer does not think the song and pictures go together, they need to "change the pictures." The narrator states that the AIA is "trying to" enact this change. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for the AMC Pacer in which an offscreen male narrator describes how the vehicle is wide despite being small. The car's wideness is demonstrated when a full Chevy Nova is shown fitting comfortably into the Pacer's outer frame. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for AT&T telephone services that follows phone installer and repairman Abe Knowlton as he goes about his workday in the small towns of North Haven and Vinalhaven, Maine. Abe narrates about the satisfaction of being a small-town repairman and an off-screen male narrator describes how phone workers across the U.S. keep services running even in remote locations. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Atlantic Richfield oil company (ARCO) announcing their acquisition of Sinclair Oil and phasing out of Sinclair's dinosaur logo. The ad features an animation of a dinosaur telling an ARCO executive that he is retiring to live in Miami. As the dinosaur leaves, an offscreen male narrator states that the end of one era means the beginning of another. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Barney's department store in New York City depicting a man who has his clothing choices determined throughout his life by his mother, schoolmates, commanding officer, and store clerks. An offscreen male narrator describes how Barney's allows you to "dress yourself" over shots of the man entering the store and choosing an outfit that fits his own preferences. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors ice cream in which a variety of animated characters try different flavors while a narrator describes the company's offerings.
An advertisement for Beatric Foods Meadow Gold ice cream in which a narrator drops scoops of three flavors of ice cream from the top of the Leaning Tower of Piza in order to determine the bounce quality of each variety, and a boy runs to the bottom and takes one of the scoops into a dish and eats it.
Demonstrates the following procedural steps in reviewing problems between school officials and parents with regard to students: appointing the case conference committee, sharing information, initiation of individual educational plan, placement review, and revised program. Indicates that the appointment of the case conference committee is determined by the child's problems and shows the committee specialist sharing information pertaining to David's behavior patterns. Discusses a program that will remedy David's academic and social problems. | Intended audience: professional. Summary: Explains the five steps of the case conference procedure, and illustrates with a sample case. Accompanies Case Conference: a simulation and source book. [Summary from original catalog card.]
An advertisement for Broadview Savings in which a puppet tells the viewer they will be able to visit Echo Valley if they save money at the organization. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Broadview Savings in which a puppet attempts to make a dog tell the viewer they will save money using the organization's services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Burlington department stores in which performer Petula Clark sings a jingle onstage about the "Burlington look." One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Cadbury Caramilk chocolates in which Leonardo Da Vinci pauses from painting the Mona Lisa to try to explain how Cadbury gets soft caramel into the center of its chocolates. As he speaks, the model for the Mona Lisa samples a Cadbury chocolate and smiles, prompting Da Vinci to urge her to hold the expression. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from Stag beer in which a group of elderly women collect and crush aluminum cans, while an offscreen male narrator describes how the company will pay one-half cent per can dropped off at Stag recycling centers. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A discussion between unidentified host (William Spaulding?) and William Chaney, Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan in Indiana. Chaney describes the history and naming of the Klan, its current activities and political involvement, and its connections to Indiana. William also describes the racial ideology of the Klan and his opinion on Zionism.
A public service announcement from the Citizens for Clean Air in which the close-up and audio of a man breathing overlays shots of cars, planes, factory chimneys, and other sources of air pollution. An offscreen male narrator describes the many kinds of pollutants in the air we breathe and urges the viewer to write to the organization's address. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Claude Rich, Frank Jones, J. Douglas Snider, John Mee
Things Remembered: The Alumni Program of the School of Business
John Mee interviews former and current secretaries of the IU School of Business Alumni Association. Secretaries, Claude Rich, Frank Jones, and J. Douglas Snider talk about their involvement and contributions in the the IU School of Business Alumni Association as well as their time at Indiana University.
An advertisement for Coca-Cola in which a surfer walks along a beach of crashing ocean waves. A series of kaleidoscopic close-ups show the waves crashing, as a psychedelic soundtrack plays and an offscreen chorus sings a jingle. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Colgate's Ultra Brite toothpaste in which a male reporter asks golf star Laura Baugh about her love life. An offscreen male narrator describes the sex appeal of the toothpaste over close-up shots of the product, an elderly woman looking shocked, and a title screen with the text "How's Your Love Life?" accompanied by a chorus. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Colt 45 malt liquor in which actor Billy Van sits unreactively outside of a hotel building front that collapses directly over him (a reference to a stunt in Buster Keaton's film Steamboat Bill, Jr.). A second man approaches from the hotel rubble and serves Van a tray of Colt 45 cans. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Commerce Union Bank in which a boy who is being chauffeured to the bank trades vehicles with a boy who rode on his bike. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An animated advertisement for Count Pushkin vodka dramatizing the route of a trans-Siberian train carrying nobles in tsarist Russia to a banquet in Vladivostok. An offscreen male narrator describes the punishing nature of the journey and how the nobles celebrate with Count Pushkin vodka at their final destination. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
A French advertisement for Country Pale beer in which a dinner scene at a restaurant suddenly transforms into a Busby Berkeley-style musical number (including water ballet in a large pool) when one of the patrons drinks the product. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Crespi presenting multiple shots of factory chimneys releasing pollution combined with the audio of sirens and explosions. A playground of small children is shown near the factories as the ominous sounds continue in the background. A child looks at the camera in freeze-frame as a Spanish-language title card asks, "Heredaran el aire puro? [Will they inherit clean air?]" One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Crocker-Anglo National Bank in which a man tells his co-worker that a bank teller is interested in him and the other man says that all of the bank's representatives treat customers the same way. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a family takes a road trip and the parents forget their son at the Dairy Queen, and they travel back to find him enjoying a sundae.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a mailman takes a break to eat a banana split and laughs as a dog tries to perform tricks in order to eat some of the ice cream.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a Monkees-esque teen idol runs from a group of fans and travels to the Dairy Queen and feels refreshed.