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Indiana University School of Medicine. Medical Educational Resources Program
A history of medical practice and medical education in Indiana from 1821 to 1909. "A depiction of 100 years of medical history in Indiana...leading to the foundation of the Indiana University School of Medicine."
An advertisement for Tic Tac mints in which three sets of people (a man and woman painting at home, an adolescent girl and boy taking a break from tennis, and two middle-aged women at a hair salon) sing a jingle while enjoying the product. An offscreen male narrator declares that a cinnamon variety is now available over a close-up shot of the product. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
From the series Wordsmith. This popular series is based on contemporary concepts of vocabulary and linguistic theory. Each program centers on a themes like food, size, or communication. But from then on, anything goes--word cells cavort about to instruct and entertain, animated characters get their words in edgewise, word lore of all kinds lights up the nooks and crannies of the English language. Designed to arouse students curiosity about words and to sharpen their awareness of language, the series includes standard vocabulary development and incorporates terms from specialized vocabularies, foreign languages, and slang.
Bob Smith, wordsmith and author of the teacher's guide, has taught English, philosophy, psychology, education, Latin, and mathematics at levels from the seventh grade to post graduate study. His television work began in 1962. Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, and three advanced degrees in philosophy and linguistics from Gonzaga University and the University of Michigan.
An advertisement for Tonka toys in which a male narrator holding a toy truck addresses the camera about a previous Tonka commercial in which a child claimed their toy was broken by an elephant stepping on it. The narrator places the toy truck on the floor and has an elephant stand on it without breaking it. An ending title card boasts, "A toy shouldn't break just because a child plays with it." One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
From the series Wordsmith. This popular series is based on contemporary concepts of vocabulary and linguistic theory. Each program centers on a themes like food, size, or communication. But from then on, anything goes--word cells cavort about to instruct and entertain, animated characters get their words in edgewise, word lore of all kinds lights up the nooks and crannies of the English language. Designed to arouse students curiosity about words and to sharpen their awareness of language, the series includes standard vocabulary development and incorporates terms from specialized vocabularies, foreign languages, and slang.
Bob Smith, wordsmith and author of the teacher's guide, has taught English, philosophy, psychology, education, Latin, and mathematics at levels from the seventh grade to post graduate study. His television work began in 1962. Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, and three advanced degrees in philosophy and linguistics from Gonzaga University and the University of Michigan.
Episode 1 from the series Self Incorporated, a 15-program television/film series. Self Incorporated is designed to stimulate classroom discussion of critical issues and problems of early adolescence. It aims at helping 11- to 13-year-olds cope with the physical, social, and emotional changes they are experiencing. Self Incorporated was created under the management of the Agency for Instructional Television through the resources of a consortium of 42 state and provincial educational and broadcasting agencies, with additional assistance from Exxon Corporation.
Episode 7 from the series Self Incorporated, a 15-program television/film series. Self Incorporated is designed to stimulate classroom discussion of critical issues and problems of early adolescence. It aims at helping 11- to 13-year-olds cope with the physical, social, and emotional changes they are experiencing. Self Incorporated was created under the management of the Agency for Instructional Television through the resources of a consortium of 42 state and provincial educational and broadcasting agencies, with additional assistance from Exxon Corporation.
Episode 7 from the series Self Incorporated, a 15-program television/film series. Self Incorporated is designed to stimulate classroom discussion of critical issues and problems of early adolescence. It aims at helping 11- to 13-year-olds cope with the physical, social, and emotional changes they are experiencing. Self Incorporated was created under the management of the Agency for Instructional Television through the resources of a consortium of 42 state and provincial educational and broadcasting agencies, with additional assistance from Exxon Corporation.
A public service announcement from the U.S. Department of the Interior in which audio of children singing about going to the beach overlays a scene of a deserted beach covered with trash, dead fish, and rats. An offscreen male narrator warns that "beaches should be for people," not rats. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Colgate's Ultra Brite toothpaste in which a male reporter asks golf star Laura Baugh about her love life. An offscreen male narrator describes the sex appeal of the toothpaste over close-up shots of the product, an elderly woman looking shocked, and a title screen with the text "How's Your Love Life?" accompanied by a chorus. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the University of Toronto featuring a silent scroll of text discussing the problem of noise pollution and urging the viewer to contact the university's Pollution Probe to learn more. White screens accompanied by a noisy siren bookend the text scroll. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for an unknown bank in which a narrator instructs the viewer on the organization's Christmas savings club. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
Source material used for the Agency for Instructional Technology series Geography in U.S. history : illuminating the geographic dimensions of our nation's development.
McRobbie-Gair Family Home Movies Collection: This home movie contains mainly footage of a large military parade in Melbourne, Australia. It is most likely of an ANZAC day parade. ANZAC day is one of the major public holidays in Australia and is held annually on April 25. It commemorates the first landings of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) at Gallipoli, Turkey, on April 25, 1915. The year of this particular parade is not yet clear though it is probably in the early 40s. But the footage of the event is particularly important as it features shots of numerous senior Australian politicians and military officers, including former Australian Prime Ministers, William Hughes and John Curtin. There is additional footage of other military parades and school sporting events very typical of the time.
From the series Wordsmith. This popular series is based on contemporary concepts of vocabulary and linguistic theory. Each program centers on a themes like food, size, or communication. But from then on, anything goes--word cells cavort about to instruct and entertain, animated characters get their words in edgewise, word lore of all kinds lights up the nooks and crannies of the English language. Designed to arouse students curiosity about words and to sharpen their awareness of language, the series includes standard vocabulary development and incorporates terms from specialized vocabularies, foreign languages, and slang.
Bob Smith, wordsmith and author of the teacher's guide, has taught English, philosophy, psychology, education, Latin, and mathematics at levels from the seventh grade to post graduate study. His television work began in 1962. Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, and three advanced degrees in philosophy and linguistics from Gonzaga University and the University of Michigan.
From the series Wordsmith. This popular series is based on contemporary concepts of vocabulary and linguistic theory. Each program centers on a themes like food, size, or communication. But from then on, anything goes--word cells cavort about to instruct and entertain, animated characters get their words in edgewise, word lore of all kinds lights up the nooks and crannies of the English language. Designed to arouse students curiosity about words and to sharpen their awareness of language, the series includes standard vocabulary development and incorporates terms from specialized vocabularies, foreign languages, and slang.
Bob Smith, wordsmith and author of the teacher's guide, has taught English, philosophy, psychology, education, Latin, and mathematics at levels from the seventh grade to post graduate study. His television work began in 1962. Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, and three advanced degrees in philosophy and linguistics from Gonzaga University and the University of Michigan.
An advertisement for Wall's Fizz Bang fizzy lollipops in which a jingle plays over various slapstick shots of children dancing, running, and eating lollipops in an early 20th-century urban environment. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
From the series Wordsmith. This popular series is based on contemporary concepts of vocabulary and linguistic theory. Each program centers on a themes like food, size, or communication. But from then on, anything goes--word cells cavort about to instruct and entertain, animated characters get their words in edgewise, word lore of all kinds lights up the nooks and crannies of the English language. Designed to arouse students curiosity about words and to sharpen their awareness of language, the series includes standard vocabulary development and incorporates terms from specialized vocabularies, foreign languages, and slang.
Bob Smith, wordsmith and author of the teacher's guide, has taught English, philosophy, psychology, education, Latin, and mathematics at levels from the seventh grade to post graduate study. His television work began in 1962. Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, and three advanced degrees in philosophy and linguistics from Gonzaga University and the University of Michigan.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
Explains that Wellmet House attempts to rehabilitate the mentally ill not by gaining conforming behavior but by helping them relate to other people in natural and unstructured ways. Points out that half of the residents are mentally ill and the other half are college students from nearby universities who staff Wellmet House. Emphasizes the need for each patient to find individual expression. Shows patients and staff at dinner, parties, the local pub, and a house meeting.
Depicts the activities of the Western Reserve Wheelers, a cycling group of which Ed Feil was a member, throughout the year of 1975. Footage primarily consists of the Wheelers participating in different cycling events and club runs, but also shows the group socializing with each other over meals and repairing their bicycles. A mix of different club members appear throughout the film and the weather changes to show all seasons. Much of the film was taken by Ed as he participated in the bike rides.
Episode 2 from the series Self Incorporated, a 15-program television/film series. Self Incorporated is designed to stimulate classroom discussion of critical issues and problems of early adolescence. It aims at helping 11- to 13-year-olds cope with the physical, social, and emotional changes they are experiencing. Self Incorporated was created under the management of the Agency for Instructional Television through the resources of a consortium of 42 state and provincial educational and broadcasting agencies, with additional assistance from Exxon Corporation.
A discussion between unidentified host (William Spaulding?) and William Chaney, Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan in Indiana. Chaney describes the history and naming of the Klan, its current activities and political involvement, and its connections to Indiana. William also describes the racial ideology of the Klan and his opinion on Zionism.
These are 10 health stories that Marilyn Schultz reported for WRC-TV, the NBC affiliate in Washington, DC and/or for NBC News. These stories are from the 1970s, before she left NBC in 1976.
:30 Importance of early eye tests for children
1:46 Marilyn standup -ends w/ “News 4, Washington
2:10 WRC TV News 4 Insert, “Belly Dancer” Shultz, Health (on title card)
2:10 belly dancing as a healthy exercise
3:40 standup
3:58 WRC-TV News 4 Insert, “Pre-Schoolers,” Shultz, Health (on title card)
4:06 Head Start tests
5:17 Marilyn standup
5:37 WRC-TV News 4 Insert, “Body Massage,” Shultz Health (on title card)
5:42 massage and exercise for relaxation
8:26 Marilyn Schultz standup close
8:45 WRC-TV News 4 Insert “Cystic Fibrosis,” Shultz Health (on title card)
8:54 story -testing for cystic fibrosis
9:30 Video of newborns in hospital
10:18 interview w/ doctor
10:34 Marilyn standup close
10:55 WRC-TV News 4 Insert “Wired Mouth,” Shultz-Health
11:06 story -wiring mouth shut to cut down on eating
-woman wants to lose 100 pounds
12:14 Marilyn standup close (ends w/ NBC News Washington)
12:37 WRC-TV News 4 Insert “Red Cross,” Shultz, Health (on title card)
12:46 Red Cross story
-volunteers drive people to their doctor appointments
-Red Cross needs more volunteers to drive people to their appointments
13:57 Marilyn Schultz standup close
14:12 WRC-TV News 4 Insert “Hospital Flowers,” Shultz, Health (on title card)
14:30 story -do hospital flowers cause health issues when in hospital room?
16:06 Marilyn standup close
16:22 WRC-TV News 4 Insert “Uterine Cancer,” Shultz, Health (on title card)
16:34 story
-new machine to check for cancer
-interview with doctor
-Marilyn reverse question
17:45 Marilyn standup close (NBC, Washington)
18:08 WRC-TV News 4 Insert “Burn Unit,” Shultz, Health (on title card)
18:20 story – video of patient in burn unit
-many are victims of drinking/smoking in bed
-graphic film of burned skin
20:24 Marilyn standup bridge in scrubs
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated father contemplates taking out a loan to purchase a new television after being crowded by his children. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement or Your National Bank in which an animated boy takes his piggy bank to the bank teller and it winks at him. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated couple stands near an art sculpture and wonders what the figure thinks is the greatest time saver in history, to which the narrator replies that it is one of the bank's checking accounts. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated woman asks her husband why they don't have a car like the neighbors and he considers a loan for a new vehicle. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated couple sits in a freezing car they consider a loan for a new vehicle. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.