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An advertisement for Hood Ice Cream in which a boy enters an ice cream parlor and chooses vanilla, and when the attendant tells him about all the flavors available the boy is shown with a dish containing them all.
Episode 7 from Bread and Butterflies, a project in career development for nine-to-twelve-year-olds. Based on two years of planning by educators and broadcasters, the project included 15-minute color television programs, a comprehensive Curriculum Guide, and in-service teacher's program, and international program, and workshop materials. Bread and Butterflies was created under the supervision of the Agency for Instructional Television, through the resources of a consortium of thirty-four educational and broadcasting agencies with assistance from Exxon Corporation.
An advertisement for Illinois Bell phone extension services in which a teenage boy and girl are unable to talk freely over the phone because the girl's family is sitting with her in the same room. An offscreen male narrator describes Illinois Bell's options for adding extra phone lines. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
A public service announcement for the Illinois Department of Public Health in which a mother in the "old days" drags her son to a quarantined measles home so that he can catch the virus and "get it over with." An offscreen male narrator describes how the measles vaccination makes such practices unnecessary, and the boy is shown receiving his vaccine at a doctor's office. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Shows how the services of the United Way help a man whose father becomes seriously ill. Examines the information and referral services of the agency and its work in providing home health aid and the capabilities of a visiting nurse. Designed to encourage United Way fundraising activities.
An advertisement for John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company featuring a blind man who describes his experience working as an administrative director at the company. An offscreen male narrator discusses how the John Hancock company employs over 500 employees with some form of disability. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for KLM Royal Dutch Airlines showing scenes of social life throughout Amsterdam, including shots of restaurants, bars, busy streets, museums, and shops. An offscreen male narrator encourages the viewer to take a KLM flight and experience the "surprises" Amsterdam offers. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a man waits in a long line at a specialty ice cream parlor, and a narrator says that Knudsen has the same taste and added convenience of being available at the grocery store.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a man waits in a long line at a specialty ice cream parlor, and a narrator says that Knudsen has the same taste and added convenience of being available at the grocery store.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a boy runs to the grocery store to buy the product quickly, and shows the carton to a line of people waiting for ice cream from a specialty parlor.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a boy runs to the grocery store to buy the product quickly, and shows the carton to a line of people waiting for ice cream from a specialty parlor.
An advertisement for Kodak film featuring a scene of a woman and her parents meeting her boyfriend at an airport, interspersed with shots of the two lovers eating, kissing, and playing in various locations. An offscreen male narrator says a product tagline over images of photographs taken at the various scenes previously shown. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
From the series Wordsmith. This popular series is based on contemporary concepts of vocabulary and linguistic theory. Each program centers on a themes like food, size, or communication. But from then on, anything goes--word cells cavort about to instruct and entertain, animated characters get their words in edgewise, word lore of all kinds lights up the nooks and crannies of the English language. Designed to arouse students curiosity about words and to sharpen their awareness of language, the series includes standard vocabulary development and incorporates terms from specialized vocabularies, foreign languages, and slang.
Bob Smith, wordsmith and author of the teacher's guide, has taught English, philosophy, psychology, education, Latin, and mathematics at levels from the seventh grade to post graduate study. His television work began in 1962. Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, and three advanced degrees in philosophy and linguistics from Gonzaga University and the University of Michigan.
An advertisement for General Electric's Lexan-brand polycarbonate plastic sheeting in which a bull rampaging through a store is unable to break any of the Lexan products on display. An offscreen male narrator describes the strength of Lexan and its uses for items like helmets, chairs, and windows. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Liberty National Bank in which the viewer is guided through the bank's spaces and services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Listerine mouthwash in which a man and woman, former lovers, reunite aboard a ship. The woman's current husband appears and gifts the other man a bottle of Listerine to improve his love life before comedically jumping overboard. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Lubbock Savings and Loan Association in which a narrator compares two women who spend and save money differently. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Manufacturer's Trust Bank in which an animated girl rides a pogo stick that she saved money for using the bank, and the narrator instructs the viewer about the organization's services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Manufacturer's Trust Bank in which an animated girl learns about the bank's policy on savings account interest. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Marlboro in which a team of cowboys smoke cigarettes before rounding up a group of wild horses in a mountainous setting. An offscreen male narrator, accompanied by an orchestral score, describes the scene as illustrative of "Marlboro Country." One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Masterpiece Theatre on PBS where a variety of viewers are depicted sitting enraptured to their TV sets while watching scenes from the program. An offscreen male narrator promises that Masterpiece Theatre inspires many responses in its audiences, except for boredom. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Mutual of New York (MONY) life insurance in which a woman describes needing to sell her cabin following her husband's death. An offscreen male narrator talks about the importance of discussing life insurance options as the woman wanders around the emptied cabin. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
A film describing sorority life at IU, the benefits of joining a sorority, their traditions, and the function of IU's Panhellenic Association. Shows how sorority life offers potential for personal development, exploration, and fulfillment of ideals in addition to lifelong bonding. The film also gives a glimpse into life in a Greek house as an alternative residence lifestyle. Highlights the important contributions Greek societies make to campus life, their role as leaders, and the high scholastic achievement of sorority members.
A film describing sorority life at IU, the benefits of joining a sorority, their traditions, and the function of IU's Panhellenic Association. Shows how sorority life offers potential for personal development, exploration, and fulfillment of ideals in addition to lifelong bonding. The film also gives a glimpse into life in a Greek house as an alternative residence lifestyle. Highlights the important contributions Greek societies make to campus life, their role as leaders, and the high scholastic achievement of sorority members.
An advertisement for Moulinex's electric knife in which the knife is demonstrated effortlessly cutting through a large stack of various produce and meats as an offscreen male narrator speaks in French. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
Episode 12 from the series Self Incorporated, a 15-program television/film series. Self Incorporated is designed to stimulate classroom discussion of critical issues and problems of early adolescence. It aims at helping 11- to 13-year-olds cope with the physical, social, and emotional changes they are experiencing. Self Incorporated was created under the management of the Agency for Instructional Television through the resources of a consortium of 42 state and provincial educational and broadcasting agencies, with additional assistance from Exxon Corporation.
A public service announcement from the National Alliance of Businessmen in which a lineup of toy soldiers is packed away into a box, symbolizing America's disregard of veterans. An offscreen male narrator discusses the importance of employers hiring veterans over images of actual human veterans. A hand is shown reopening the box of toy soldiers. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information in which an offscreen chorus sings a modified version of the children's rhyme "Ten Little Indians" over scenes of people suffering and overdosing from illicit drug use. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for National Hi-Top batteries in which a man directly addresses the camera and talks about the product while a battery-operated bunny toy moves beside him. The man reveals himself to be an android and pulls a battery out of his own chest, causing himself to collapse. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the New York City Department of Health in which a rat is shown burrowing its way underneath a scene of children playing outside as ominous music plays. An offscreen male narrator encourages viewers to cut off rats' food sources by disposing of garbage in a lidded trash can. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Johnson & Johnson's No More Tangles hairspray in which a small girl describes how her mother was inadvertently damaging her hair by pulling out clumps of it while combing. By applying the product, the mother is shown able to move a comb through the girl's hair without getting it tangled. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
Episode 3 from the series Self Incorporated, a 15-program television/film series. Self Incorporated is designed to stimulate classroom discussion of critical issues and problems of early adolescence. It aims at helping 11- to 13-year-olds cope with the physical, social, and emotional changes they are experiencing. Self Incorporated was created under the management of the Agency for Instructional Television through the resources of a consortium of 42 state and provincial educational and broadcasting agencies, with additional assistance from Exxon Corporation.
From the series Wordsmith. This popular series is based on contemporary concepts of vocabulary and linguistic theory. Each program centers on a themes like food, size, or communication. But from then on, anything goes--word cells cavort about to instruct and entertain, animated characters get their words in edgewise, word lore of all kinds lights up the nooks and crannies of the English language. Designed to arouse students curiosity about words and to sharpen their awareness of language, the series includes standard vocabulary development and incorporates terms from specialized vocabularies, foreign languages, and slang.
Bob Smith, wordsmith and author of the teacher's guide, has taught English, philosophy, psychology, education, Latin, and mathematics at levels from the seventh grade to post graduate study. His television work began in 1962. Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, and three advanced degrees in philosophy and linguistics from Gonzaga University and the University of Michigan.
From the series Wordsmith. This popular series is based on contemporary concepts of vocabulary and linguistic theory. Each program centers on a themes like food, size, or communication. But from then on, anything goes--word cells cavort about to instruct and entertain, animated characters get their words in edgewise, word lore of all kinds lights up the nooks and crannies of the English language. Designed to arouse students curiosity about words and to sharpen their awareness of language, the series includes standard vocabulary development and incorporates terms from specialized vocabularies, foreign languages, and slang.
Bob Smith, wordsmith and author of the teacher's guide, has taught English, philosophy, psychology, education, Latin, and mathematics at levels from the seventh grade to post graduate study. His television work began in 1962. Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, and three advanced degrees in philosophy and linguistics from Gonzaga University and the University of Michigan.
From the series Wordsmith. This popular series is based on contemporary concepts of vocabulary and linguistic theory. Each program centers on a themes like food, size, or communication. But from then on, anything goes--word cells cavort about to instruct and entertain, animated characters get their words in edgewise, word lore of all kinds lights up the nooks and crannies of the English language. Designed to arouse students curiosity about words and to sharpen their awareness of language, the series includes standard vocabulary development and incorporates terms from specialized vocabularies, foreign languages, and slang.
Bob Smith, wordsmith and author of the teacher's guide, has taught English, philosophy, psychology, education, Latin, and mathematics at levels from the seventh grade to post graduate study. His television work began in 1962. Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, and three advanced degrees in philosophy and linguistics from Gonzaga University and the University of Michigan.
An advertisement for Ohio Federal Bank in which a man gambles money at a horse track and instructs the viewer on saving money at the bank. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
The film stresses that greater understanding and cooperation is needed between bicyclists and motorists to safely share the roadways. Based on recent research data on bicycle-motor vehicle accidents, critical situations in the ever-increasing bike-car traffic mix are discussed in terms of how bicyclists and motorists can cope with: Obstacles to the Flow of Traffic, Left Turn maneuvers, Visibility (Seeing and Being Seen), Right Turn Movements, Rules of the Road.