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Shows that the traditional life of the Polynesians of American Samoa is being altered and challenged by its governing authority, the United States, and that a potential conflict exists between the western goals of education which stress independent thinking and the cultural values of Samoa which emphasize obedience to the family and respect for authority.
An advertisement for Broadview Savings in which a puppet attempts to make a dog tell the viewer they will save money using the organization's services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Vademecum toothpaste that is narrated by a man accompanied by music. The scene depicts a scientist named Sven Vademecum III who is experimenting on toothpaste tubes and how to get all the toothpaste out in a clean fashion. After observing a sardine can key he uses the concept at the end of a toothpaste tube. The scene ends with a close-up of the product and the tagline, "Neatness and clean teeth through science."
An advertisement for Diet Pepsi that is narrated by a man accompanied by music. The scene depicts various men and boys in Washington, D.C. who are taking in the sights. However, they are all distracted by "the kinda girl, girl watchers watch," who is taking a stroll. The narrator suggests that this woman "keeps her figure, keeps her cool" by drinking Diet Pepsi.
A public service announcement for the Illinois Department of Public Health in which a mother in the "old days" drags her son to a quarantined measles home so that he can catch the virus and "get it over with." An offscreen male narrator describes how the measles vaccination makes such practices unnecessary, and the boy is shown receiving his vaccine at a doctor's office. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Wilderness Society in which a scene of forest wildlife is overlaid with audio of developers clearing trees. An offscreen male narrator reminds the viewer that "man does not live by development alone," while onscreen text provides information on how to order a free booklet on "the American wilderness." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the University of Toronto featuring a silent scroll of text discussing the problem of noise pollution and urging the viewer to contact the university's Pollution Probe to learn more. White screens accompanied by a noisy siren bookend the text scroll. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Republic National Bank of Dallas in which the viewer is guided through the bank's spaces and services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Big Dip "ice milk" in which an animated man tells an ice cream scoop about the product and the scoop creates a sculpture of the Eifel Tower out of the ice milk.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a boy runs to the grocery store to buy the product quickly, and shows the carton to a line of people waiting for ice cream from a specialty parlor.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a Monkees-esque teen idol runs from a group of fans and travels to the Dairy Queen and feels refreshed.
An advertisement for Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors ice cream in which a variety of animated characters try different flavors while a narrator describes the company's offerings.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man sits on top of a model of his home and considers buying a larger one. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Ronson Can-Do electric can opener in which a narrator describes everything the product can do to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Submitted for Clio Awards.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man nervously introduces the institution's services by altering a sign to include the slogan. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
Begins with footage of a Christmas tree being burned and Naomi adding newspaper to the bonfire. Then shows Beth and Naomi performing a puppet show for the children at Kenny’s birthday party.
A public service announcement from the U.S. Department of the Interior in which audio of children singing about going to the beach overlays a scene of a deserted beach covered with trash, dead fish, and rats. An offscreen male narrator warns that "beaches should be for people," not rats. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Citizens for Clean Air in which the close-up and audio of a man breathing overlays shots of cars, planes, factory chimneys, and other sources of air pollution. An offscreen male narrator describes the many kinds of pollutants in the air we breathe and urges the viewer to write to the organization's address. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Electric garbage disposals in which an offscreen male narrator describes the disease risk from common houseflies and how the town of Jasper, Indiana eradicated most of their flies through reforming garbage collection and installing GE kitchen disposals. Close-ups of flies and footage of Jasper accompany the narration. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Motors in which a male narrator describes the company's initiative in designing a windshield that can withstand the impact of stones. Two test drives, first with a regular windshield and the second with GM's more damage-resistant windshield, are demonstrated, and the narrator argues that the new windshields are further proof that GM cares about keeping consumer repair costs down. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Glass Container Manufacturers Institute in which a young man and woman leave various forms of litter around a city as they have fun on a date. An offscreen male narrator implores the viewer on behalf of glass manufacturers to "make love, not litter" and "keep America beautiful." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from Stag beer in which a group of elderly women collect and crush aluminum cans, while an offscreen male narrator describes how the company will pay one-half cent per can dropped off at Stag recycling centers. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company featuring a blind man who describes his experience working as an administrative director at the company. An offscreen male narrator discusses how the John Hancock company employs over 500 employees with some form of disability. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Shell Oil in which a researcher stands in a body of water and demonstrates some of the company's methods for oil spill containment and clean-up. The researcher and an offscreen male narrator claim that Shell prioritizes preventing spills so that such containment methods never need to be used. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement for the Opportunities Industrialization Center's (OIC) adult education programs in which a Black man from New York recounts his difficulties finding and sustaining a job until OIC taught him a useful trade. The man addresses the camera about the importance of learning a skill to make it in the world. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Glass Container Manufacturers Institute in which an offscreen narrator describes the steps for how recycled glass is processed and formed into new products over shots from a recycling plant and an automated bottling assembly line. The narrator tells the viewer that the bottle they used last week may form part of the future bottle they will use next week. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Someone running down a dirt road in a see-through white top and white pants with red silk wrapped around some of it. She has red diaphanous fabric in her hands that she waves as she runs around a sandy area with a smile. Another person with an elaborate hair updo and a colorful dress puts a jug on her shoulders and walks near a waterfall's edge. She holds out the jug to collect water, then we just see her feet as she walks over rocks to the other side of the creek. Woman on a rock with lots of jewelry on, looks to camera and then runs away. Another woman looks as if she's yelling as she arrives at an elevation peak. There's a woman leaning with one leg against a tree in a black catsuit and lots of jewelry. She looks to camera through the jewelry. We see the sun and then the silhouette of a rocky path with a person walking on it.
A public service announcement from the Safety Belt Task Force in which a girl sitting in a rocking chair recounts her struggles following her father's death in a car crash. The girl angles her face toward the camera to reveal a scar from the accident, while an offscreen male narrator urges the viewer to wear a seat belt. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A Rolls-Royce pulls up to a curb. The chauffeur gets out of the car and walks over to the window of the back passenger. He hands him some clothes. We see as the chauffer starts walking away that he's going into a laundromat. He puts the suit in a machine closest to the front window. The passenger of the vehicle is reading his newspaper leisurely and looking out to see the progress from the window. We see a new perspective of the passenger, he's wearing a shirt and underwear. When the chauffeur exits the laundromat the passenger becomes happy and expectant. The door is opened to the car and he is handed his suit. He starts putting it on, now with a cigar in his mouth. The chauffeur moves back to the driver's seat and begins to pull away from the laundromat curb. An announcer talks about Barney's wash-and-wear suits and their suit variety.
A public service announcement for the New York Urban Coalition that is narrated by a man. The scene depicts a claustrophobic POV shot of someone following a white man around a very derelict apartment. It is revealed that the potential renter is a black man, who reluctantly says, "I'll take it." The scene ends with the New York Urban Coalition address as the narrator solicits help, "Almost half of all non-whites are forced to live in substandard housing...Give a damn."
A public service announcement from the Atlantic Richfield oil company (ARCO) announcing their acquisition of Sinclair Oil and phasing out of Sinclair's dinosaur logo. The ad features an animation of a dinosaur telling an ARCO executive that he is retiring to live in Miami. As the dinosaur leaves, an offscreen male narrator states that the end of one era means the beginning of another. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Electric in which actor and Native American chief Dan George talks about the significance of Lake Tahoe to his people. An offscreen male narrator discusses how General Electric's sewage treatment systems allow Lake Tahoe to remain one of the cleanest lakes in the world. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Develops through animation the story of Harold, who with his purple crayon creates a world of his own, since whatever he draws becomes real. Harold's adventures begin when he goes for a walk in the woods and draws the trees; when he is tired of the walk he draws a boat and some water and sails to an imaginary picnic, where he draws the food; and, finally when he tires of his adventuring he draws his house, his bed, the bedcovers and then hops in and goes to sleep. Based on Crockett Johnson's book by the same title.
A public service announcement from the American Cancer Society in which a man buying cigarettes from a vending machine is juxtaposed with shots of casino games, rolling dice, and a horse race. The vending machine dispenses a carton of cigarettes as an offscreen male narrator states, "You lose." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the American Cancer Society in which a woman takes a shower while an offscreen female narrator urges viewers to give themselves a monthly breast self-examination. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information in which an offscreen chorus sings a modified version of the children's rhyme "Ten Little Indians" over scenes of people suffering and overdosing from illicit drug use. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the New York City Department of Health in which a rat is shown burrowing its way underneath a scene of children playing outside as ominous music plays. An offscreen male narrator encourages viewers to cut off rats' food sources by disposing of garbage in a lidded trash can. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Kodak products that is narrated by a man accompanied by music. The idyllic scene depicts a young couple walking through a park and dreaming of moments in their future, like taking pictures of their unborn children with Kodak cameras. The scene begins and ends with the Kodak logo overlaid in the lower right corner.
An advertisement for "Mrs. Paul's Fried Onion Rings Party Pack" that is narrated by a man accompanied by music. The advertisement depicts fried onion rings showing up in the most unlikely places, like in a slot machine at a casino. The scene ends with a close-up of the product as the narrator praises it.