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A public service announcement from the University of Toronto featuring a silent scroll of text discussing the problem of noise pollution and urging the viewer to contact the university's Pollution Probe to learn more. White screens accompanied by a noisy siren bookend the text scroll. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Source material used for the Agency for Instructional Technology series Geography in U.S. history : illuminating the geographic dimensions of our nation's development.
McRobbie-Gair Family Home Movies Collection: This home movie contains mainly footage of a large military parade in Melbourne, Australia. It is most likely of an ANZAC day parade. ANZAC day is one of the major public holidays in Australia and is held annually on April 25. It commemorates the first landings of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) at Gallipoli, Turkey, on April 25, 1915. The year of this particular parade is not yet clear though it is probably in the early 40s. But the footage of the event is particularly important as it features shots of numerous senior Australian politicians and military officers, including former Australian Prime Ministers, William Hughes and John Curtin. There is additional footage of other military parades and school sporting events very typical of the time.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
Explains that Wellmet House attempts to rehabilitate the mentally ill not by gaining conforming behavior but by helping them relate to other people in natural and unstructured ways. Points out that half of the residents are mentally ill and the other half are college students from nearby universities who staff Wellmet House. Emphasizes the need for each patient to find individual expression. Shows patients and staff at dinner, parties, the local pub, and a house meeting.
Gloria Kaufman lectures on goddess worship. Date and location unknown. Kaufman's lecture begins two minutes into first side, following a fragment of a lecture by Madeline Pabis on the fear of lesbianism.
Footage (no audio) of various events and demonstrations on the Indiana University campus and in Bloomington. Includes footage of: Keith Parker, student body president 1970-1971 ; 1970 Earth Day (includes Senator Gaylord Nelson appearance) ; Nighttime demonstration in downtown Bloomington (includes Jim Retherford appearance in devil costume- possibly post-release from the Monroe County Jail on October 14, 1969) ;
Dean Rusk inside the IU Auditorum, and demonstrators and police outside, October 31, 1967
An advertisement for 16-oz bottles of Coca-Cola in which an offscreen narrator describes the cost-saving benefits of the product over close-ups of a sandwich being prepared and cups of Coke being placed on top of pennies. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Hoovermatic Washing Machine in which two animated characters describe how the product has two compartments, one for washing and one for spin dry. Submitted for Clio Awards.
William C. “Bill” Smith of Oregon Educational Broadcasting, who hosts and narrates this group of programs, takes youngsters on a day’s jaunt to an Oregon “egg factory,” a dairy farm and a dairy manufacturing plant to show them that, though milk, butter and eggs still come from the same old reliable sources, the ways which they are processed have changed considerably. On a farm where 100,000 laying hens produce enough eggs in one day to feed cities the size of Schenectady; New York; St. Joseph, MO; and Kalamazoo, Michigan, we see how eggs are gathered, cleaned and graded, and sent to market. On the dairy farms we see modern milking methods and milk being transported to a manufacturing plant. Processes involved in bottling milk and making cheese are seen, and the ice cream bar section is visited.
Reveals a candid portrait of Ralph Ellison, author of The Invisible Man. Presents Ellison discussing the function of the writer in society, how he came to write The Invisible Man; his own involvement with the work, and how he feels a work of art should engage all of a writer's being. Features the author reading from this work and commenting on the contribution which the Negro church has made to the eloquence of most Negro writers.
An advertisement for Ronson Can-Do electric can opener in which a narrator describes everything the product can do to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Submitted for Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Ronson Roto-Shine electric shoe polisher in which a narrator describes the product and actors demonstrate it. Submitted for Clio Awards.
Mendelson, Barry, Lynch, Dick, 1936-2008, McColgan, Bill
New York Giants - 21; Pittsburgh Steelers - 17;
Game played at Pitt Stadium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania;
Disc 1
1. Pre-Game
2. First Quarter
3. Second Quarter
4. Halftime
Disc 2
1. Third Quarter
2. Fourth Quarter
3. Post-Game
Texas Longhorns - 15; Arkansas Hogs - 14;
Game played at Razorback Stadium in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
"Unbeatens battling for the Cotton Bowl"
Disc 1
1. Pre-Game
2. First Quarter
3. Second Quarter
4. Halftime
Disc 2
1. Third Quarter
2. Fourth Quarter
3. Post-Game
Cleveland Browns - 28; Chicago Bears - 24;
Game played at Wrigley Field in Chicago, Illinois.
Disc 1
1. First Quarter
2. Second Quarter
Disc 2
1. Third Quarter
2. Fourth Quarter