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An advertisement for Tareyton cigarettes in which a man who is buying a suit describes the product's dual filter with activated charcoal. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Hood Ice Cream in which a boy enters an ice cream parlor and chooses vanilla, and when the attendant tells him about all the flavors available the boy is shown with a dish containing them all.
An advertisement for Hoovermatic Washing Machine in which two animated characters describe how the product has two compartments, one for washing and one for spin dry. Submitted for Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Winston cigarettes in which a jingle describes the product's taste over an animation of the box and a cartoon xylophone. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Broadview Savings in which a puppet tells the viewer they will be able to visit Echo Valley if they save money at the organization. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
[motion picture] Orients students to the opportunities and experiences for the study of government at a typical college or university. Emphasizes that government cannot be taken for granted and that everyone is a part of the government. Demonstrates various areas of government for study: American government, politics, public administration, comparative and internal relations, and immediate controversial problems. Concludes with the generalization that the study of government is democracy at work.
An advertisement for Sealtest ice cream in which a woman tastes the brand product thinking it's from a specialty parlor and is surprised to learn it's Sealtest.
An advertisement for Sealtest ice cream in which a woman tastes the brand product thinking it's from a specialty parlor and is surprised to learn it's Sealtest.
An advertisement for Lawson's Butter Pecan ice cream in which a narrator tells a man that he should do one remarkable thing each day and eat the product.
An advertisement for Lucky Strike cigarettes in which a radio DJ smokes the product while describing it to listeners and then plays a jingle. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
Introduces four major choreographers--Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Charles Weidman, and Hanya Holt--who revolted against the conventions of ballet to produce American modern dance. Employs film clips and still photographs taken in 1934 to show the dancers and their teachers during the beginning days at Mount Bennington College. Each choreographer explains her/his view of the meaning dance should have within the arts. Includes a full production of Doris Humphrey's Passacaglia by the American Dance
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a family takes a road trip and the parents forget their son at the Dairy Queen, and they travel back to find him enjoying a sundae.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a boy runs to the grocery store to buy the product quickly, and shows the carton to a line of people waiting for ice cream from a specialty parlor.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a mailman takes a break to eat a banana split and laughs as a dog tries to perform tricks in order to eat some of the ice cream.
An advertisement for Camel cigarettes in which an animated man's head is shown to be frowning before smoking Camels and then smiling after smoking them. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a man waits in a long line at a specialty ice cream parlor, and a narrator says that Knudsen has the same taste and added convenience of being available at the grocery store.
An advertisement for Hood Ice Cream in which a narrator describes the product over scenes of fruits and other ingredients being prepared for processing.
An advertisement for Ronson Roto-Shine electric shoe polisher in which a narrator describes the product and actors demonstrate it. Submitted for Clio Awards.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated fortune teller looks into a crystal ball and finds a new car using a "timeway" loan. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated couple sits in a freezing car they consider a loan for a new vehicle. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man nervously introduces the institution's services in front of a large check. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today uses the bank to finance home improvement. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Crocker-Anglo National Bank in which a man tells his co-worker that a bank teller is interested in him and the other man says that all of the bank's representatives treat customers the same way. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for an unknown bank in which a narrator instructs the viewer on the organization's Christmas savings club. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated couple stands near an art sculpture and wonders what the figure thinks is the greatest time saver in history, to which the narrator replies that it is one of the bank's checking accounts. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement or Your National Bank in which an animated boy takes his piggy bank to the bank teller and it winks at him. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated woman asks her husband why they don't have a car like the neighbors and he considers a loan for a new vehicle. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man stands on a weight scale and a narrator compares a systematic diet to a savings plan at the bank. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Manufacturer's Trust Bank in which an animated girl learns about the bank's policy on savings account interest. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today uses the bank's checking accounts to manage business transactions. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today saves his money at this organization. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for First National Bank of Kansas City in which a man writes to thank his father for his advice to enroll in the bank program. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Manufacturer's Trust Bank in which an animated girl rides a pogo stick that she saved money for using the bank, and the narrator instructs the viewer about the organization's services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man guards a pile of valuable documents but someone burns them with a match, and the narrator suggests a safety deposit box to prevent this emergency. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Commerce Union Bank in which a boy who is being chauffeured to the bank trades vehicles with a boy who rode on his bike. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man rests on a cloud and holds up his savings plan to indicate how relaxed he feels. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated father contemplates taking out a loan to purchase a new television after being crowded by his children. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man introduces the institution's "check way" checking account. Summary for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Lubbock Savings and Loan Association in which a narrator compares two women who spend and save money differently. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man holds a paper over his head to repel rain, representing his emergency savings plan. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Liberty National Bank in which the viewer is guided through the bank's spaces and services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Illustrates Edward Weston's philosophy of photography through his photographs. Includes photographs from his study of Point Lobos, California; his record of California and the western United States; portraits of his cats; and samples from his satirical series and his civil defense series.
An advertisement for First National Bank of Portland in which a narrator instructs the viewer on how best to save money using the bank's services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Broadview Savings in which a puppet attempts to make a dog tell the viewer they will save money using the organization's services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Spree deodorant soap in which a man and woman ride a motorcycle and frolic across a beach as a jingle plays. An offscreen male narrator extols the deodorizing properties of the product over images of a woman showering. The narrator describes a lab experiment where Spree was shown to provide a greater layer of protection than standard soaps. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
An advertisement for Dove soap in which a woman standing outside on a blustery winter day addresses the camera about how most soaps dry out skin. The woman demonstrates the moisturizing qualities of Dove soap by applying the product to one half of her face and generic soap to the other half. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Dial soap in which a baby attempts to handle a bar of soap during a bath. An offscreen female narrator emphasizes the mild qualities of the product while an adult hand enters into shot and begins to wash the baby. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Palmolive Gold deodorant soap in which a female student arrives at a crowded classroom, only to have the other students disappear the moment she sits down. An offscreen male narrator describes the qualities of the soap over shots of the woman taking a shower and being kissed by a man. A chorus sings a jingle with the tagline, "Don't wait to be told ... you need Palmolive Gold." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Gloria Kaufman lectures on goddess worship. Date and location unknown. Kaufman's lecture begins two minutes into first side, following a fragment of a lecture by Madeline Pabis on the fear of lesbianism.
An advertisement for Belvedere cigarettes in which an older, well-dressed woman finds an instant-gift coupon in a pack of Belvederes. The narrator lists many of the possible awards that could be won. The woman says she doesn't I smoke Belvederes because of the coupons, rather, she says, "I smoke them because I like them."
An advertisement for Dash laundry detergent in which a handyman is pulled over by a police officer before assisting the policeman's wife with her laundry machine. The handyman speaks to the woman about her machine and then demonstrates the cleaning power of Dash detergent. Dialogue is in French.
An advertisement for Coty perfumes in which a male narrator describes products while women are pictured, some admiring the perfume. The advertisement ends showing with a man and woman embracing and a Christmas tree with perfume hanging from the branches. Narration is in French.
An advertisement for Rambler cars in which a male narrator speaks about the manufacture and sales of Rambler automobiles as footage of car construction, transportation, and sales rooms are seen. The advertisement ends with a man speaking in front of the American Motors (Canada) Limited offices. Narrations and dialogue are in French.
An advertisement for Coca Cola in which a man sings a rock n roll style jingle and dances with a young woman. The woman and a few other young couples dance the twist as the camera pans past tables with Coca Cola bottle on them. Jingle is sung in French.
An advertisement for BA automobile service station in which an animated mechanic dances around and shows off pictures of car parts while a female voice sings a BA jingle. Jingle and dialogue are in French.
An advertisement for Pledge all-purpose cleaner in which an animation of a housewife talks to her husband about Pledge. Then both the husband and wife clean the house while singing a jingle about the product. Jingle and dialogue are in French.
An advertisement for Molson Beer in which an man is pictures playing an accordion next to a river before the camera quickly cuts away to a male narrator speaking in French Canadian about "La Force De L'Age" (translated The Strength of the Age) while music plays and images of industry are pictured. Boats, bridges, highways, and city buildings are all seen while music plays. The commercial ends with the Molson logo and slogan "La Bonne Biere de Chez Nous." Narration is in French.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
An advertisement for Fresh spray deodorant in which pilot Pippa Williams talks about managing an airport in Kenya and using the product in the African heat. An offscreen male narrator describes qualities of the product over close-up shots of the deodorant being sprayed. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
A public service announcement for the Illinois Department of Public Health in which a mother in the "old days" drags her son to a quarantined measles home so that he can catch the virus and "get it over with." An offscreen male narrator describes how the measles vaccination makes such practices unnecessary, and the boy is shown receiving his vaccine at a doctor's office. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Wilderness Society in which a scene of forest wildlife is overlaid with audio of developers clearing trees. An offscreen male narrator reminds the viewer that "man does not live by development alone," while onscreen text provides information on how to order a free booklet on "the American wilderness." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the University of Toronto featuring a silent scroll of text discussing the problem of noise pollution and urging the viewer to contact the university's Pollution Probe to learn more. White screens accompanied by a noisy siren bookend the text scroll. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Super Shell gasoline in which a male narrator explains a car race, called the Shell 4000 Rally, across Canada. Starting in Vancouver and ending in Montreal, two white cars and two black cars are pictured racing with a superimposed map showing their progress. In the end the white cars with Super Shell arrive in Montreal before the other cars.
An advertisement for a Timex wrist watch in which a male narrator, standing on a mountain in Banff, describes a 'torture test' while another man attaches a Timex Marlin watch to the side of a ski and films himself with a movie camera while skiing down a slope. The watch swing around and gets banged up but survives the 'test.'
An advertisement for Republic National Bank of Dallas in which the viewer is guided through the bank's spaces and services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Big Dip "ice milk" in which an animated man tells an ice cream scoop about the product and the scoop creates a sculpture of the Eifel Tower out of the ice milk.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a boy runs to the grocery store to buy the product quickly, and shows the carton to a line of people waiting for ice cream from a specialty parlor.
An advertisement for Kent cigarettes featuring Olympic gold medalist in high jump Walt Davis, who takes a drag of the cigarette and describes what he likes about it. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Parliament cigarettes in which a narrator describes the product's recessed filter and price. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a Monkees-esque teen idol runs from a group of fans and travels to the Dairy Queen and feels refreshed.
An advertisement for Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors ice cream in which a variety of animated characters try different flavors while a narrator describes the company's offerings.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man sits on top of a model of his home and considers buying a larger one. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Ronson Can-Do electric can opener in which a narrator describes everything the product can do to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Submitted for Clio Awards.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man nervously introduces the institution's services by altering a sign to include the slogan. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
David Baker’s Concert Piece was commissioned by Lenore Hatfield and The Camerata for M. Dee Stewart. Conducted by Keith Brown, it was premiered with that orchestra in 1997. It is a major three movement concerto with strings “informed by jazz” as Baker said. Since the piece begins muted, Stewart chose to use a SoloTone mute ala Tommy Dorsey. Baker was asked to transcribe it for piano to give it more performance opportunities. After giving the premier performance of the piano version, Ashley Toms and Stewart recorded it in Auer Hall, Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University. This exciting work was edited under the supervision of Konrad Strauss, Professor of Music (Audio Engineering and Sound Production); Chair, Department of Audio Engineering and Sound Production.
An advertisement for Winston cigarettes in which a jingle plays over an animation describing the product's filter and taste. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
King Vidor, Hollywood director of The big parade, War and peace, Solomon and Sheba, and the silent film Our daily bread, recalls Hollywood landmarks of a bygone era and talks about his directing techniques. Includes some segments of his films.
A public service announcement from the U.S. Department of the Interior in which audio of children singing about going to the beach overlays a scene of a deserted beach covered with trash, dead fish, and rats. An offscreen male narrator warns that "beaches should be for people," not rats. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Citizens for Clean Air in which the close-up and audio of a man breathing overlays shots of cars, planes, factory chimneys, and other sources of air pollution. An offscreen male narrator describes the many kinds of pollutants in the air we breathe and urges the viewer to write to the organization's address. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Electric garbage disposals in which an offscreen male narrator describes the disease risk from common houseflies and how the town of Jasper, Indiana eradicated most of their flies through reforming garbage collection and installing GE kitchen disposals. Close-ups of flies and footage of Jasper accompany the narration. Submitted for the Clio Awards.