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An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man rests on a cloud and holds up his savings plan to indicate how relaxed he feels. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man nervously introduces the institution's services by altering a sign to include the slogan. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated fortune teller looks into a crystal ball and finds a new car using a "timeway" loan. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man guards a pile of valuable documents but someone burns them with a match, and the narrator suggests a safety deposit box to prevent this emergency. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for First Security Bank in which an animated man nervously introduces the institution's services in front of a large check. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
This program explores the man-machine relationship through the research of Paul Fitts, Julian Christiansen, and George Briggs. It examines how humans handle and process information, as well as the challenges of information feedback between people and machines. The program also looks at human behavior within complex man-machine systems and how insights from these studies have influenced the redesign of equipment to better match human capabilities. The research highlights the dynamic interaction and adjustment between human users and technological systems.
Presents some of the ways in which psychologists are studying the growth and development of personality and emotional behavior in children as observed in the laboratory of Dr. Robert Sears at Stanford University. Explores the interaction between parental behavior and attitudes and the emotional development of children.
An advertisement for Big Dip "ice milk" in which an animated man tells an ice cream scoop about the product and the scoop creates a sculpture of the Eifel Tower out of the ice milk.
An advertisement for Franklin Federal bank in which a postal worker opens a mail box to find it full of letters addressed to the bank. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
A scientist for Fresh Deodorant affirms the many benefits and truths about Fresh products. At the end of the commercial the scientist becomes depressed because despite using Fresh products he is still unable to attract women. A narrator interjects and states “Fresh doesn’t promise eternal romance. All Fresh does is keep you Fresh.”
Fresh Deodorant [unknown title] : Pictures of a woman plucking flowers are shown as a narrator state how Fresh does not promise to lead you towards romance.
Ivory Bar "Best for Judy": A little girl ,named Judy, plays house and brings home Ivory soap from her shopping trip. Judy then takes a bath as a narrator talks about how Ivory soap is the best soap for girls and their mothers.
Uses behind the scenes views in the Polomar Observatory to show astronomers using optical and radio telescopes to gather information about the universe. Describes how reflecting and refracting telescipes work and shows the world's largest reflecting telescope in operation. Explains the methods used by astronomers to obtain and analyze data about the stars.
An advertisement for Fruit of the Loom undergarments in which actress Jan Miner asks shopping market consumers to guess the price of the product and they are surprised when the real answer is lower than they guessed. Submitted for Clio Awards category Apparel.
An advertisement for General Electric garbage disposals in which an offscreen male narrator describes the disease risk from common houseflies and how the town of Jasper, Indiana eradicated most of their flies through reforming garbage collection and installing GE kitchen disposals. Close-ups of flies and footage of Jasper accompany the narration. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Electric in which actor and Native American chief Dan George talks about the significance of Lake Tahoe to his people. An offscreen male narrator discusses how General Electric's sewage treatment systems allow Lake Tahoe to remain one of the cleanest lakes in the world. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Electric appliances in which a group of stop motion elves describes the brand's products that would make good Christmas gifts. Submitted for Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Electric Soft White Light Bulbs in which the animated character Mister Magoo replaces the original lightbulbs to GE Soft White after he tries to eat a stack of letters he thought was food. Submitted for Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Electric Soft White Light Bulbs in which the animated character Mister Magoo replaces the original light bulbs to GE Soft White after he confuses a burglar with his relative. Submitted for Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Motors in which a male narrator describes the company's initiative in designing a windshield that can withstand the impact of stones. Two test drives, first with a regular windshield and the second with GM's more damage-resistant windshield, are demonstrated, and the narrator argues that the new windshields are further proof that GM cares about keeping consumer repair costs down. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Glass Container Manufacturers Institute in which a young man and woman leave various forms of litter around a city as they have fun on a date. An offscreen male narrator implores the viewer on behalf of glass manufacturers to "make love, not litter" and "keep America beautiful." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Glass Container Manufacturers Institute in which an offscreen narrator describes the steps for how recycled glass is processed and formed into new products over shots from a recycling plant and an automated bottling assembly line. The narrator tells the viewer that the bottle they used last week may form part of the future bottle they will use next week. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Pictures the globe as a model of the earth and points out the representative shape and color of land and water areas. Identifies the continents and compares their sizes and locations. Uses animation to show the character of the ocean floor. Explains the poles and scales of latitude and compares various types of globes.
[motion picture] Describes the globe as a model of the earth, showing how the globe represents physical and cultural features on the earth's surface, and provides information about direction, distance, size, and location. Points out the poles, the equator, and scales of latitude on a globe.
A husband pesters his wife to get out of the bathtub so that they won’t be late for their date. The wife responds that she doesn’t want to get out of the tub because she feels good using Goddess Bath Oil Body Soap. Just as the husband is about to complain again the wife gets out of the tub and woos him.
Shows how large deposits of iron ore, coal, and cheap water transportation contributed to the creation of a large industrial complex in the Great Lakes region. Pictures large scale mining of taconite in the Mesabi range of northern Minnesota. Shows ore boats on the Great Lakes, coal mining operations in West Virginia, a steel mill in Indiana, and the forming of automobile bodies in Detroit.
[motion picture] Provides a tour of the great plains area and covers the spring wheat belt, the range livestock belt, the corn belt, the wheat belt, the cotton belt, oil fields, and Edwards Plateau. Gives particular attention to Amarillo, Texas to show the pattern of growth for many cities of the southern plains region.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
An advertisement for General Telephone and Electronics by which a narrator describes the work of Sylvania Lighting while a rapid succession of shots play displaying various ways the products are used.
Describes the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida as comprising the Gulf Coast region of the United States. Picture crops in Florida and explains that these crops are grown twelve months of the year. Contrast the varieties of soils found in the region. Briefly describes the large ports of Houston and New Orleans. Highlights the industires of the region including oil, grazing, and lumbering.
An advertisement for Helena Rubinstein cosmetic products Fashion Stick and Coverfluid makeup in which a female narrator extols the products in a mock newsreel format. Scenes of women applying the product to themselves play as the narrator describes Fashion Stick, a long, slender stick with lipstick at one end and lip liner at the other, and Coverfluid matte makeup. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A mother rubs her baby and talks about how humans’ skin becomes drier once they are past infancy. They no longer have the soft moist skin that they had when they were babies. Therefore, the mother uses Tender Touch Bath Oil to soften and moisturize her skin.
Describes various phases of high temperature research, giving examples of compounds being used, goals of the research, and some results to date. Discusses procedures being used, with emphasis on procedures with titanium sulfide.
Points out the danger of a drunk driver. Uses laboratory tests to show that the ability to drive diminishes in proportion to alcohol consumption. One man's experience is presented to stress the personal misery which can result from drinking before you drive.
An advertisement for Hood Ice Cream in which a boy enters an ice cream parlor and chooses vanilla, and when the attendant tells him about all the flavors available the boy is shown with a dish containing them all.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
An advertisement for Hoovermatic Washing Machine in which two animated characters describe how the product has two compartments, one for washing and one for spin dry. Submitted for Clio Awards.
Lee Hansen, a young horror writer who is struggling creatively, has recurring dreams of an odd abandoned house. In his dreams, he sees prophetic visions of the deaths of his loved ones. Where does the dream end and reality begin?