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Pictures a business man who is suddenly thrust into the role of hospital trustee, contrasting what he expected his role to be and what it actually is. Explains what a governing board is and what it does.
Ascher H. Shapiro, John Friedman, Abraham Morochnik, Richard Bergman, Charles L. White, Jr., Frank Meagher, John J. Barta, R. Paul Larkin, Arthur E. Bryson, Stephen J. Kline, Kevin Smith, Educational Services Incorporated
Experiments in a small water tunnel demonstrates the connection between velocity flow and pressure fields, primarily in diffusers, venturis and channel bends.
Presents several Southerners who advocate viewpoints and actions which are at variance with extremists on both sides of the civil rights issue. Interviews Governor Carl E. Sanders of Georgia; R. E. McIver, a businessman of Conway, South Carolina: The Reverend James L. Hooten, minister of the First Christian Church, Savannah, Alabama; Beverly Briley, Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee; and Eleanor Sheppard (Mrs. Thomas E.), Mayor of Richmond, Virginia. Indicates that the differences of attitudes and approaches to civil rights presented provided insight into a range of viewpoints which would add sanity and stability to the South in the present period of crisis.
An advertisement for Prophecy perfume by Prince Matchabelli in which a male narrator, accompanied by a chorus and music, describes how "unexpectedly nice things happen" when one wears the product. An animation depicts a Prophecy crown bottle floating around in space, interspersed with images of a crown, jewelry, fur coat, and other luxury items. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Reveals a candid portrait of Ralph Ellison, author of The Invisible Man. Presents Ellison discussing the function of the writer in society, how he came to write The Invisible Man; his own involvement with the work, and how he feels a work of art should engage all of a writer's being. Features the author reading from this work and commenting on the contribution which the Negro church has made to the eloquence of most Negro writers.
An advertisement for Red Ball Jets shoes in which an animated boy demonstrates his ability to jump high while wearing the shoes and a narrator describes the product's specifications. Submitted for Clio Awards category Apparel.
An advertisement for Republic National Bank of Dallas in which the viewer is guided through the bank's spaces and services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Revlon lipsticks and nail enamels in which a female narrator lists ten new product colors. Women pose in recreational and intimate settings while the narrator describes how the product colors match the mood of different situations. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Revlon Touch & Glow liquid makeup in which a male narrator, accompanied by music, explains how the moisturizing qualities of the product give the user a "fresh dewy look." The scene depicts a well-dressed man and woman walking around New York City in the early morning. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Revlon Hi & Dri deodorant in which an offscreen male narrator describes how the product is fortified with the antibiotic neomycin to kill odor-causing bacteria on the skin. Accompanying the narration are shots of microscopic skin bacteria and a profile of a woman's face. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Reveals the intense feeling for the weak individual and the place in society which Eric Hoffer has achieved. Describes working as source of power for these people. Focuses on Hoffer's systematized mode of living with its inherent difficulties for the weak individual.
An advertisement for Romper Room Children's Shoes in which an animated shoemaker has trouble selling shoes until he finds four bees making Romper Room shoes and he sells the whole stock. Submitted for Clio Awards category Apparel.
An advertisement for a Ronson Adonis lighters in which a woman buys the product for her husband. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Ronson table lighters in which American fashion designer Anne Fogarty describes various models of table lighters for a program called "Room to Room with Ronson." Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Ronson Can-Do electric can opener in which a narrator describes everything the product can do to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Submitted for Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Ronson Roto-Shine electric shoe polisher in which a narrator describes the product and actors demonstrate it. Submitted for Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Round the Clock stockings in which a model puts on the product while the camera moves slowly up her leg, and a narrator describes the brand's record keeping practice to help fit customers with the right size. Submitted for Clio Awards category Apparel.
McRobbie-Gair Family Home Movies Collection: Following the European leg of their trip, the Gairs then sailed from Southampton to New York on the Queen Mary but there is no footage of this trip as Mr Gair had misplaced his movie camera and had to have it replaced in New York. This movie consists of travelogue sequences mainly of the Eastern United States and Canada, with footage from New York, Washington D.C., Virginia, Illinois, and New Mexico.
The film opens with shots of the New York City skyline and Times Square at night with an amazing light show of entertainment and advertising signage. The marquee of several historic movie theatres can be seen, including the Loew's State Theatre and the Strand Theatre, showing Only Angels Have Wings (1939) and Indianapolis Speedway (1939), respectively. Other notable footage includes a particularly engrossing segment of the 1939-40 New York World's Fair with excellent shots of many of the individual country exhibits at this event. There is also footage from George Washington's Mount Vernon estate in Virginia, Chicago cityscapes, and wonderful footage of Niagara Falls.
Moving north to Canada the film captures shots from Montreal, Toronto, and Québec City. Notable sequences include shots of Montmorency Falls and Château Frontenac in Québec City. Finally, the film travels to the American Southwest of New Mexico, including the cities of Gallop and Albuquerque. The film captures in amazing detail an "Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial" in Gallop, according to a title card, which includes ritual dancing, games (including tug-of-war and foot and horse races), and a rodeo with broncos and bulls. Footage consists of a combination of color and black and white film stock with title cards inserted for new locations and cities.