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An advertisement for Broadview Savings in which a puppet tells the viewer they will be able to visit Echo Valley if they save money at the organization. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Broadview Savings in which a puppet attempts to make a dog tell the viewer they will save money using the organization's services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
A woman bathes in a pool with Calgon Bath Oil Beads before leaving to go on a date with a man. During the commercial a jingle is sung about how Calgon Bath Oil Beads will make a person skin as smooth as satin.
A narrator talks about how Tahitian woman have obtain their beauty through bathing in Polynesian waters. The narrator then states how the viewers can have a Tahitian experience when they purchase Calgon Bouquet. As the narrator talks a woman walks through a Tahitian forest before taking a bath at the bottom of a waterfall.
A commercial for Camay soaps. A man pesters his wife to hurry up, so they won’t be late for their first anniversary date. The wife responds by stating she wish to look her best which is why she need to use Camay soap to wash her face before leaving.
An advertisement for Camay soap in which a woman washes her face in the mirror while asking her offscreen husband what he notices about other women. The woman describes how washing with Camay is her secret to keeping her skin soft and clean. Submitted for the Clio Awards.