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An advertisement for Liberty Mutual's "Protection in Depth" worker's compensation policies, in which a welder in Houston, Texas describes receiving benefits from his employer after losing his hand in an accident on the job. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Liberty National Bank in which the viewer is guided through the bank's spaces and services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
Highlight reel of activities surrounding the 1963 Little 500 bicycle race. Activities include practice for the men and women, qualifications, the golf jamboree, concert by Joey D and his Starliters, the Mini 500 (women's tricycle race) the Little 500 race.
No audio.
An advertisement for Lubbock Savings and Loan Association in which a narrator compares two women who spend and save money differently. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Lucky Strike cigarettes in which a radio DJ smokes the product while describing it to listeners and then plays a jingle. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
In a commercial for Lux soap a narrator voices the thoughts of a couple as they embrace. The narrator states how the woman eased her worries about her appearance by using Lux soap. The commercial concludes with the couple kissing.
Reviews Eric Hoffer's views on man as a truly free being. Describes check of absolute power and struggle away from the animal in man as prerequisites to freedom. Reveals play as one of the best times for man to receive insight.
An advertisement for Manufacturer's Trust Bank in which an animated girl rides a pogo stick that she saved money for using the bank, and the narrator instructs the viewer about the organization's services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Manufacturer's Trust Bank in which an animated girl learns about the bank's policy on savings account interest. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Max Factor Sheer Genius in which a male narrator, accompanied by music, describes how the makeup acts as "foundation, liquid, moisturizer, and powder." The narrator lists five reasons for choosing Sheer Genius over close-ups of a woman's face and animated images of the product. The advertisement ends with a woman tossing her hair. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Max Factor Fine Line lipsticks in which a female narrator describes the "slim new fluted case" and wedge tip as a woman showcases the products through various split screens and animated graphic effects. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Max Factor in which a female narrator, accompanied by music, describes Ooh La California lipsticks and nail polishes with matte finishes while another woman displays the products. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.