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An advertisement for Cutex ultra-smooth lipsticks and anti-chip nail polishes in which a male narrator, accompanied by a female singer and music, describes the products over images of fashion designer Oleg Cassini and close-ups of a woman displaying the various lipsticks and polishes. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Tussy in which a female narrator describes different cosmetic products. The scene depicts a statue of a female head as a pair of hands exhibit Tussy's compact, lipstick, Flipstick (lipstick and complimentary eye shadow in one stick), and Enchante perfume. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Gloria Kaufman lectures on goddess worship. Date and location unknown. Kaufman's lecture begins two minutes into first side, following a fragment of a lecture by Madeline Pabis on the fear of lesbianism.
Radio program includes folk songs, instrumental pieces, and court music. Original tape came from Yun Hong Sik (a Korean student at IU) who got it from Korean Broadcasting Company in Seoul, South Korea.
An advertisement for the Lady Gillette razor in which a female narrator describes the product over scenes of women's legs walking down a street, two women in a salon, and a woman shaving in the bath. A female chorus sings a jingle over a shot of a man helping a woman onto a horse. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Bourjois Christmas beauty gifts in which a male narrator describes different Bourjois products for women and girls. A couple watches a mime in a shop window as he exhibits Bourjois products. The couple walks away smiling at one another. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Prophecy perfume by Prince Matchabelli in which a male narrator, accompanied by a chorus and music, describes how "unexpectedly nice things happen" when one wears the product. An animation depicts a Prophecy crown bottle floating around in space, interspersed with images of a crown, jewelry, fur coat, and other luxury items. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Deep Magic Dry Skin Conditioner by Toni in which singer Jane Morgan extols the product on the set of a musical advertisement rehearsal. Morgan addresses the camera and speaks about how the product helps "prevent aging dry skin lines," and a male narrator describes the qualities of the product as she applies it to herself. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Jergens moisture cream in which a male narrator, accompanied by music, describes the moisturizing qualities of the product and when to use it. A woman applies the cream and begins swimming in a lagoon. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Helena Rubinstein cosmetic products Fashion Stick and Coverfluid makeup in which a female narrator extols the products in a mock newsreel format. Scenes of women applying the product to themselves play as the narrator describes Fashion Stick, a long, slender stick with lipstick at one end and lip liner at the other, and Coverfluid matte makeup. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
An advertisement for Nationwide auto insurance in which a car travels across desert, country, and city environments while an offscreen male narrator describes the benefits of Nationwide policies. The car receives directions from a Native American man on a horse as the narrator explains how Nationwide helps policy holders "find their way" when they are lost. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Liberty Mutual's "Protection in Depth" worker's compensation policies, in which a welder in Houston, Texas describes receiving benefits from his employer after losing his hand in an accident on the job. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in which a child draws pictures while his father describes in voiceover how a Metropolitan agent helped the family take stock of their financial assets. An offscreen narrator touts Metropolitan's "family security check-up" offerings. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Nationwide life insurance in which a small boy pretends to shave using his father's shaving cream and lotion. A narrator describes the benefits of life insurance policies for providing family protection so that "little shavers" can become grown men. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for the Institute of Life Insurance in which an insurance agent congratulates a new college graduate named Bill and his mother. A flashback shows Bill's parents deciding with the agent whether to begin the life insurance policy that ultimately ended up paying for Bill's college education. Submitted for the Clio Awards.