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Features high school band members performing during the Marquette vs. Indiana football game on October 10, 1959. Band Day is an annual event that brings high school bands from across the state of Indiana on the field during half time for a joint show with the IU Marching Band.
An advertisement for Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors ice cream in which a variety of animated characters try different flavors while a narrator describes the company's offerings.
An advertisement for Beatric Foods Meadow Gold ice cream in which a narrator drops scoops of three flavors of ice cream from the top of the Leaning Tower of Piza in order to determine the bounce quality of each variety, and a boy runs to the bottom and takes one of the scoops into a dish and eats it.
Begins with two older couples (realtives?) posing with Nelle and Lynn ; Bixler family visits Parrot Jungle in Miami where exotic birds perform.
Lynn playing on the swing set in the Bixler backyard ; Lynn and Nelle boarding a plane ; some dark footage of one of the couples from the beginning along with scenes of a backyard garden ; Lynn playing with the dog ; Nelle and Donald modeling a formal dress for the camera ; Nelle prepares a turkey for Thanksgiving ; scenes of what appears to be a big family gathering ; people out on a the water and the Bixler's boat with the confederate flag ; ends with more footage of Lynn and Nelle at the beach.
Film reel of various travels.
Visit to Abraham Lincoln Birthplace in Hodgenville, Kentucky ; footage of the yard and garden at Washington Boulevard house ; Lynn and Donald at the swimming pool ; Lynn and puppy ; very brief scenes at a zoo ; Bixler family playing in the yard ; "World Famous Pluto Spring" gazebo at French Lick Springs Hotel ; seals and dolphins performing at Miami Seaquarium ; footage from Africa USA safari and an Indian village attraction (possiblyl Miccosukee Indian Village) ; scenes of driving down Miami streets with special focus on motels. Ends with Lynn playing with the puppy back at home.
Begins with Ed shooting aerial footage of Cleveland in a small plane piloted by his friend, Charles Long. The film then shows Charles and Ed on their trip to Europe, with scenes from London and Capri, where Charles is joined by a girlfriend. Shares footage with other travelogues to Europe in 1959. Highlights include: people feeding pigeons at Trafalgar Square, passing Windsor Castle, views of Parliament, Big Ben, and crossing the Tower Bridge to see the Tower of London. In Capri, the group goes swimming in the ocean and sunbathes on the rocks.
An advertisement for Hood Ice Cream in which a narrator describes the product over scenes of fruits and other ingredients being prepared for processing.
An advertisement for Lawson's Butter Pecan ice cream in which a narrator tells a man that he should do one remarkable thing each day and eat the product.
An advertisement for Maple Lane Chocolate Milk in which a narrator discusses how the product is made over scenes of people reaching for various chocolates.
In this program, Criminologist Joseph D. Lohman charts the growth and increasing complexity of the crime problem which has accompanied the development of an urban, industrial culture in the U.S. He shows a corresponding inadequacy in the control and treatment of crime and criminals. An interviewed inmate points out these inadequacies and the need for individual treatment, which is pointed out by Harrison and Lohman, also. Harrison notes that differences in crimes and criminals indicate needs for individual treatment.
Observes six-, seven-, and eight-year old children at play and in school and emphasizes that children's play activities with their adherence to the rules, rituals, and regulations which have been established have changed little over the years. Points out the desire of this age group to have close identification with a peer group and its activities as they become less dependent on parents.
Describes the ways in which a newspaper brings information and service to a community and traces a news story and advertisement from their beginnings to their publication in the paper. Follows the reporting of the arrival of a baby elephant for the city zoo and shows the step-by-step process including the writing, editing, typesetting, proofing, printing, and delivery of the paper in which the story appears. Shows the variety of news sources, special features, and services the newspaper must use each day. | Shows how the daily newspaper is published and explains the work of each department.
Shows the techniques Forest Service researchers employ to produce hybrid pines through controlled pollination and through the selection of superior pines and use of their natural seed. Shows a pine cone opening and tree seeds germinating and growing through time-lapse photography.
Dozens of marine animals are shown in action in the natural habitats as Dr. John F. Storr explains the wonderful adaptations of sea creatures to their environment. With dramatic emphasis on devices for escaping physical damage by wily enemies or power of waves, Dr. Storr demonstrates the armor, camouflage, speed and agility of these animals.
Uses film sequences of the second Byrd expedition, 1933-34, and recent film footage to show how technological advances have improved the work of the scientist. Explains how Antarctica scientists face problems and make adjustments unknown elsewhere in the world. Compares the two expeditions in transportation, building construction, living conditions, equipment, and food. Features Dr. Laurence M. Gould.
Shows the adventures of Nip and Tuck, two little goats. Presents brief scenes of various farm animals including billy and nanny goat. Identifies the little goats as kids and shows them drinking milk from their mother. Pictures their first adventure in the pasture and explains what goats prefer to eat.
Stresses recognizing adverse conditions as they appear in the traffic picture. Describes the safety factors involved for utmost driving efficiency in snow and ice. Discusses the special problems of rain as more fatalities occur on wet streets than on snowy or icy streets. Show the changes in traffic conditions in fog, on mountains and in deserts. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
The future of Africa, discussed by representatives from Ghana, Ethiopia, Ceylon and the Union of South Africa, raises questions such as: Why is foreign aid necessary? Where does it come from? How is it best administered? What can the smaller nations do to help one another? Does aid imply dependence? What are the prospects for African independence? What are prerequisites to independence? What effects does education have on a nation as a whole, and on the individuals in the nation who are more highly educated than the rest? Participants: P. Tissa Fernando, Ceylon; Bizuayehu Agonafir, Ethiopia; Nii Tetteh Quao, Ghana; Marita Wessels, Union of South Africa.
This program concentrates chiefly on racial prejudice as exhibited in South African and the United States. The panelists consider topics which include: How does race prejudice begin? Can it be justified? Are apartheid and other forms of racial segregation defensible? What role does education play in removing the causes of prejudice? What are the prospects for the end of prejudice, and how do individuals from different parts of the world view the current situations? Participants: Nii Tettah Quao, Ghana; Constantinos Fliakos, Greece; Marita Wessels, Union of South Africa; Cora Brooks, United States.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman explains that a major portion of the crime problem is a result of what society does about initial and relatively less serious crime. An interviewed inmate tells that he was less damaged by his prior criminal experience than by his prison experiences. Public sentiment has not kept pace with the progress of penological attitudes, say Lohman and Bates. This is a cause of prison experiences making an inmate more dangerous to the public. They emphasize that a prison must make offenders self-reliant, rather than dependent, and indicate methods by which this can be accomplished.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman explains that a major portion of the crime problem is a result of what society does about initial and relatively less serious crime. An interviewed inmate tells that he was less damaged by his prior criminal experience than by his prison experiences. Public sentiment has not kept pace with the progress of penological attitudes, say Lohman and Bates. This is a cause of prison experiences making an inmate more dangerous to the public. They emphasize that a prison must make offenders self-reliant, rather than dependent, and indicate methods by which this can be accomplished.
Bash tells of the new state’s mountains, tundra and the cities on the coast. She tells of the modern farmer, salmon fishing, mining and the Eskimos. Her songs include “Greenland Fishery,” “Sacramento” and “Jennie Jenkins.”
Explains the effect of alcohol and drugs on the driver. Points out the necessity of severe punishment for the driver who drinks and what can be done to improve the situation. Discusses the social drinker and teenagers and drinking. Describes the hazard of drugs, including doctors' prescriptions for various ailments as well as narcotics. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Rain does not always evaporate immediately after falling. Dora tells a story of some raindrops with the help of Mr. Robinson's illustrations of some raindrops who had a series of adventures on their way to a distant lake where they learned how to do the "dance of the happy spray."
An advertisement for Alpine cigarettes in which a narrator describes a man named Joe who is watching cigarette commercials and has trouble deciding which product he likes, until he sees an Alpine commercial and it is now his favorite. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
This is a legend about the sun goddess – on whom the world depends for light – who became angered and hid in a celestial cave and refused to shed her light on the world. A rooster’s crow, a fire and a big mirror were used to lure her from her cave. Mr. Mikami illustrates the story with a brush painting of a rooster.
Max Lerner and five Brandeis students consider the following: Who makes the decisions now in the United States? Is our foreign policy a rigid one? How can our foreign policy be changed so that we can get away from our estimate of the foreign policy that we have today, and if so what kind of policy should America adopt? Do we have to meet the illiterates of non-committed nations on the power-alliance level only? Should we accept a co-existence policy with Red China? Will economic aid be the answer to our foreign policy? Does America carry on ideological war fare?
A public service announcement for the American Cancer Society in which a doctor walks down a hospital corridor while addressing the camera about how money raised for cancer research is being spent. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the American Cancer Society in which a man buying cigarettes from a vending machine is juxtaposed with shots of casino games, rolling dice, and a horse race. The vending machine dispenses a carton of cigarettes as an offscreen male narrator states, "You lose." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the American Cancer Society in which a woman takes a shower while an offscreen female narrator urges viewers to give themselves a monthly breast self-examination. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in which the song "America the Beautiful" plays ironically over still images of trash, poverty, and destitution in an inner city ghetto. An offscreen male narrator says that if the viewer does not think the song and pictures go together, they need to "change the pictures." The narrator states that the AIA is "trying to" enact this change. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman outlines probation as a special alternative to the criminal-making influences of the prison system, stating that probation can effectively replace detention; although it is considered in the public mind as a form of leniency and improperly administered it becomes “beating the rap.” Two men with criminal experience are interviewed to illustrate this alternative. Meeker and Lohman delve into the necessary requirements to make probation an instrument for controlling criminal behavior and if its potentialities for reclaiming those who have strayed outside the social role are to be used to the fullest extent.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman outlines probation as a special alternative to the criminal-making influences of the prison system, stating that probation can effectively replace detention; although it is considered in the public mind as a form of leniency and improperly administered it becomes “beating the rap.” Two men with criminal experience are interviewed to illustrate this alternative. Meeker and Lohman delve into the necessary requirements to make probation an instrument for controlling criminal behavior and if its potentialities for reclaiming those who have strayed outside the social role are to be used to the fullest extent.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman addresses the untouched correctional frontier between pre-conviction detention, and imprisonment in state institutions. Films show the variety of activities that must be incorporated in a county system. Powers and Lohman delve into the elements necessary for an integrated county system and Lohman and Wright establish how such a system works.
Shows how different species of marine animals or animals and plants develop. Defines symbiosis and commensalism. Illustrates these phenomena with living specimens of crabs, sea cucumbers, and starfish. Demonstrates another marine animal association which involves escape reactions. Uses film clips to show a brittle star-hermit crab reaction and the activities of a sea anemone that swims when touched by a certain starfish. Points out the significance of these reactions and the research being directed toward better understanding of the behavior of seashore animals. (KCTS) Kinescope.
Bash spends a day with the animals of the zoo, visiting some zoo favorites and learning about the men who work in the zoo. Songs include “Animal Fair,” “Goat and the Train” and “Fooba Wooba John.”
Dr. Maria Piers answers the following question: Should children have pets? What do animals mean to children? She then leads into a discussion of bears, real and stuffed; friendly and fear-inspiring animals; and, pets neglected and over-protected.
Shows how marine animals are adapted for survival on the exposed sandy beach. Stresses the way in which the ability to burrow is essential for survival. Uses film sequences to show how the razor clam, olive shell snail, and the beach hopper cope with their environment. Explains and illustrates how ell grass provides shelter for many marine animals including the stalked jellyfish and shell-less snails. (KCTS) Kinescope.
Tells the story of the original pharmacy. Explains the development of medicines and use of beneficial plants. Describes the preparation of drugs from herbs and barks.
A public service announcement from the Atlantic Richfield oil company (ARCO) announcing their acquisition of Sinclair Oil and phasing out of Sinclair's dinosaur logo. The ad features an animation of a dinosaur telling an ARCO executive that he is retiring to live in Miami. As the dinosaur leaves, an offscreen male narrator states that the end of one era means the beginning of another. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Herald Tribune Youth Forum panelists discuss the relation between men and women in various parts of the world, as students from the Philippines, Japan, Finland, and Ceylon debate on: What has been the effect of “Americanization” on women in Asia, Africa, and Europe? Who should be the head of the family? Can polygamy be defended? What is the role of the wife? Might different kinds of family relationships be valid in different parts of the world? Should women have careers outside the home? Participants: Edgar Gimotes, Philippines; Yukiki Tamakami, Japan; Kaarina Honkapohja, Finland; P. Tissa Milroy Fernando, Ceylon.
Presents the means for acquiring an understanding of art and the artist. Examines modern art as an expression of the world today. Points out how the artist is involved in an age of discovery; how his work must be looked at as something new, now something to be recognized from past experiences, and how art looks to the future, forecasting the unknown. Illustrates with art objects from the collections in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
Explains how art is identified with its environment, showing that a changing environment forces art through a revolution if it is to retain vitality. Uses art objects to show how the rococo style of the French court gave way to the classical expression of Napoleonic pomp, which in turn gave way to romanticism. Discusses the great revolution in art in Europe during the 19th century. Points out the impact of technical developments and democratic ideas on art.
Discusses religious and secular art as an expression of and a directing force in society. Explains how Chinese and Christian arts helped maintain social order and established images of faith. Contrasts art as individual expression in a free society with art as a propaganda tool under dictatorship. Illustrates with the art objects from the collections in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
Presents the utilitarian function and underlying ideas of varied works of art, and tells how many objects now treasured in museums were originally created for practical, utilitarian purposes. Explains how changes in ideas bring changes in art expression, illustrating with works of art from the collection of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
Edward R. Feil, Harold S. Feil, Nellie Feil, Herman Hellerstein, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Maren Mansberger Feil, George Feil, Kathryn Hellerstein, David Hellerstein, Jonathan Hellerstein, Daniel Hellerstein, Leslie Feil, Betsy Feil, Ellen Feil
Home movie of the Feil and Hellerstein children playing on a swingset at the George Feil home. The children then eat ice cream cones on the patio.
Shows and explains how a variety of marine animals are adapted to live on the open sandy, muddy, and grassy bottom of the sea. Points out their habits, habitats, and means of survival. Features underwater scenes of tube worms, starfish, crabs, clams, choral, the sting ray, turtle, sea hare, pygmy octopus, and others. Discusses briefly the part these creatures play in the "chain of life" in the sea.
Explains what marine biologists do and the procedures used in solving the problems they choose to investigate. Illustrates questions that marine biologists are investigating including cellular biology. Presents film sequences showing research scientists at work determining the functions of various organs and systems of marine animals. Concludes with a discussion of the importance of research in teaching and training young scientists. (KCTS)
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) tell a story about a bat named Beatrice who buys a beautiful necklace but gets sick due to trying to sleep right-side-up so as to keep the necklace on. Gives basic information about bats and enforces the idea that sleep is important.
Tells and illustrates the Japanese legend of a man who roamed the streets of Kyoto at night and took men's swords. He meets his match, however, and ends up the servant of another man. Demonstrates the brush painting techPiques used in painting Benkei and the man who defeats him.
Max Lerner and five Brandeis students air the questions: Has the big media in America been cheapened by its manipulation to the lowest common denominator? Is the media limited to the sensational and the exploited? Have the people be molded by publishers into holding these values? Is there a difference between the big media and how that media is used? How can we be sure that the potential of the media will be realized?
Discusses Garrod's work on inborn errors in the metabolism of alcapton and melanin. Shows how chemical pathways in metabolism can be worked out using genetic defects as tools. Discusses the metabolic diseases phenylketonuria and galactosemia and points out that medical treatment causes the retention, and therefore the build-up of defective genes in the population. Presents the one geneone enzyme hypothesis and describes the procedure for testing the hypothesis in question with mutants of Neurospora requiring Vitamin B1 (thiamin). Lecture given by Dr. G. W. Beadle.
Dr. Gould introduces Oscar, his stuffed Emperor penguin, which he brought home from the first Byrd Expedition in 1930. Using Oscar as an example, Eklund discusses Antarctic penguins. Eklund, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the Skua, a special type of Antarctic bird, narrates films of his work with this bird. Lastly, the two men discuss seals and show films of seal branding in Antarctica. It is noted that a biology program has been added to the sciences to be explored under the scientific program USARP (US Antarctic Research Project), which is, on a limited scale, continuing the scientific exploration of Antarctica, following the completion of IGY.
Breezes can move boats across water, lift kits to the sky and dry clothes. Dora tells a story, illustrated by shadow puppets of a little breeze called Blower who didn't want to play with his bigger rough friends. Instead, he sets out to make friends of his own, by drying clothes, taking a boy's kite into the air and by sailing some boats across a pond.
Branch Rickey discusses one of the most famous highlights of his career: placing skill above racial and religious consideration and naming Jackie Robinson to the Brooklyn Dodgers. He discusses the problems faced by Robinson during the early part of his career with the Brooklyn team and indicates how this talented sportsman handled the situations which arose.
Branch Rickey discusses aspects of baseball which are in line with democratic theory. He cites examples where the democratic ideal has been exemplified.
Branch Rickey discusses the development of baseball during his lifetime. He explains his viewpoint toward amateur and professional status in sports, and eligibility rules in college athletics; traces the development of the farm system and his role in its development; and reviews his education, ideals, family, and recalls personalities during his career.
Branch Rickey discusses some of the men he has known as a result of his career in baseball. With him during this discussion are sportswriter Arthur Mann, Rickey's biographer, and Kenneth Blackburn, his secretary.
Tells the story of Fort Mackinac on Mackinac Island, Michigan and its role in the War of 1812. Explains how the island got its name. Outlines the events which led to the War of 1812 and its mutually unprofitable consequences.
An advertisement for Broadview Savings in which a puppet tells the viewer they will be able to visit Echo Valley if they save money at the organization. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Broadview Savings in which a puppet attempts to make a dog tell the viewer they will save money using the organization's services. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
Tells the early history of the lead industry in what is now Dubuque, Iowa. Talks about location and distribution of other mineral resources in the Old Northwest Territory. Explains how Julien Dubuque established contracts with the Indians and Spanish government to start the lead industry along the Mississippi.
An advertisement for Camel cigarettes in which an animated man's head is shown to be frowning before smoking Camels and then smiling after smoking them. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
Presents a case history of Nazi Germany as an example of totalitarian nationalism. Explains how liberal nationalism can become totalitarian nationalism.
Bash Kennett visits a mountain roundup and tells the story of cattle from the few which the early settlers had to the great herds which roamed the Great Plains. The importance of cattle in the history of our country is combined with a talk about problems of raising cattle. Songs include “Cowboy’s Lullaby” “Donney Gal” and “The Night Herding Song.”
Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should note that this film may contain images of deceased persons.
This home movie contains material mainly from three visits the Gair family made in Australia to Mildura and the Murray Valley in the State of Victoria in 1940, and central Australia in 1950 and possibly 1957 to the State of South Australia and the Northern Territory, especially central Australia. It contains sequences of travel with a prominent Australian tour company, Bonds Tours, utilizing an elongated, rugged car for travel.
There is significant footage from Mt. Buffalo National Park in Victoria and Alice Springs and the West MacDonnell National Park in the Northern Territory. Notable locations within Mt. Buffalo National Park include wonderful shots of Pulpit Rock and Wilkinson’s Lookout, Lake Catani, the Leviathan, Manfield’s Lookout, Bent’s Lookout, and Reed’s Lookout. Shots in South Australia include Parachilna Gorge and the Flinders Ranges, with a stop at the Ancorichina Hostel nearby, as well as William Creek.
A wonderful sequence of camera tilts reveals the various Kodak posters for Mt. Buffalo National Park. In the Northern Territory locations include Alice Springs (known locally as “The Alice”), the Fink Gorge National Park and West MacDonnell National Park, and the Hermannsberg Lutheran mission, an Aboriginal mission in the Ljirapinta Ward of the MacDonnell Shire. A majority of the final segment includes many profile and group shots of Aboriginal people at a mission possibly sponsored by the “Australian Board of Missions, Church of England, Alice Springs,” which was printed on a nearby car. Footage consists of color film stock with particularly beautiful title cards inserted for many new locations and sites.
Through free expression art activities, a teacher shows how children think, feel, and develop in a year at a Japanese school. Selects pupils from a first-grade class and traces their personality growth and development as it relates to their home life and social-school environment. Indicates that personal problems and predispositions influence the types and variety of children's artistic creations. Illustrates how children can be encouraged to remove deeply rooted fears through art activity and social participation.
Discusses the special problems confronting the child with a chronic disorder such as hemophilia. Explains various types of chronic disorders and points out how social and emotional growth is complicated by a chronic illness. Tells how separation from parents and school, plus the medical treatment used, can bring on serious psychological problems. Stresses the importance of a wholesome relationship between the chronically ill child and his parents. Shows how educational training is provided for some children with chronic disorders. Features Dr. William Cruickshank of Syracuse University.
A public service announcement from the Citizens for Clean Air in which the close-up and audio of a man breathing overlays shots of cars, planes, factory chimneys, and other sources of air pollution. An offscreen male narrator describes the many kinds of pollutants in the air we breathe and urges the viewer to write to the organization's address. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Why do children form clubs? Is this a step toward delinquency? Dr. Maria Piers describes children's needs to belong to group and how they learn about democracy from belonging to these smaller groups. She also describes the difference between a club and a gang.
What happens when a rocket ship in space is struck and damaged by a meteor? Capt. Gell, a Navy expert on crew equipment, demonstrates the Navy’s full-pressure space suit for emergency escape from a shattered craft. Dr. Haber, an aerodynamic engineer who has made a thorough study of the theoretical problems of escape and survival far out in pace, explains the difficulty of making an individual descent into the atmosphere, on one hand, and of rescuing the stranded flyer in space, on the other. Dr. Herbert’s recommendation: the crew should ride the damaged vehicle back to earth --if anything remains of it.
An advertisement for Commerce Union Bank in which a boy who is being chauffeured to the bank trades vehicles with a boy who rode on his bike. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
Presents a discussion of the 85th congress and the issues to come before it. Examines the political make-up of Congress. Outlines the criteria by which to judge what's happening in politics. Uses charts and maps to review and analyze the results of the 1958 Congressional election. Features interviews with senators Paul H. Douglas and John S. Cooper concerning the major problems confronting the 86th congress. Featured hosts are Dr. Harold Laswell, Professor at Yale Law School, and Mr. Richard Scammon, Director of Elections Research of the Governmental Affairs Institute, Washington D.C. (Michael Armine and Potomac Film Producers) Film.
Pan American Airways promotional tourism film for South America. Highlights include Panama Canal, European influence in Ecuador, Inca history of Peru, Machu Pichu, Bolivian farmland, Chilean vineyards, Argentinian ranches, beaches of Uruguay, and Brazilian carnival.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Demonstrates the three basic considerations in controlled photographic lighting--placement of lights, quality of light, and lighting ratio. Uses a mannequin as a model to show the functions of main, fill, background, and accent lights in addition to the effects achieved when the lights are moved to different angles. Generalizes this studio set-up to apply to lighting in television, outdoor pictures, and when using flashbulbs. The effects of diffuse floodlights and spots are illustrated, and the changes produced by varying the lighting ratio is seen.
Huston Smith interviews Dr. Bertram Beck and Dr. Margaret Mead at the American Museum of Natural History, on the subject of our country’s alarming rise in violence and deviant behavior. Are other countries witnessing comparable increases in crime? What are the causes of the rise in America, and what can be done about the situation? Special attention is given to the new problem of suburban delinquency.
An advertisement for Crocker-Anglo National Bank in which a man tells his co-worker that a bank teller is interested in him and the other man says that all of the bank's representatives treat customers the same way. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
Presents the hypothesis that chiasmata represent physical evidence of crossingover. This would mean that crossingover takes place at a four-strand rather than a two-strand stage. Genetic proof for this is presented from studies with Neurospora, described in detail, and prefaced by a description of the life cycle and meiotic divisions of this organism. Discusses the normality of chiasmata, and hence crossingover, and pictures cytological evidence of crossingover. Lecture by Dr. G. W. Beadle.
Host Lee Wilcox discusses the phenomenon of crying with University of Chicago childhood development expert Maria Piers. Examines motivations for crying, including physical discomfort, a need for attention, hunger, fear, and anger. Discusses approaches to calming crying that can either comfort or build independence in a child. A project of the Harris Foundation. Presented by the Childcare Program of the Institute for Psychoanalysis and the University of Chicago.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a family takes a road trip and the parents forget their son at the Dairy Queen, and they travel back to find him enjoying a sundae.