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Discusses the five smallest planets of the solar system, describing their appearance, position, motions and physical properties. Illustrates with models, diagrams, charts, and photographs. Features James S. Pickering of the American Museum & Hayden Planetarium.
discusses the movements which comprise the whole sonata. Explains the sonata as : (1) an instrumental form; (2) variable in length; (3) comprising either three or four distinct movements, related tonally but contrasting in tempo and internal structure; and (4) having at least one movement in sonata form. Illustrates the character-sequence of the movements of a four-movement sonata. (WMSB-TV) Kinescope.
Dr. Gould briefly reviews the history of South Pole explorations prior to IGY and Mr. Benson explains the seasonal differences between the North and South Poles and the scientific reason for the six-month-long day and night phenomena. Together, Dr. Gould and Benson describe the building and supplying of the South Pole Stations and Dr. Gould explains the significance of the film of the South Pole Dedication Ceremony which he conducted in Antarctica in January 1957. Dr. Paul Siple (seen on film taken at the base) describes the actual operation of the South Pole Station and it various scientific explorations. In conclusion, Benson and Dr. Gould discuss the living conditions and the general reactions to the accomplishments of the South Pole Base.
From the early struggles of the settlers to get salt from “salt licks” and pack trains through the use of salt as money and for preserving food, Bash takes viewers on a tour of a place where salt is recovered from the sea and where it is mined in the earth. She sings “Henry Martin,” “Mr. Rabbit,” and “Night Herding Song.”
Defines a vortex and explains its structure. Shows several types of vortex including the ring, tip and thermal vortex. Uses the smoke box, water tank, and motion pictures of tornadoes to illustrate how a vortex behaves. (State University of Iowa) Kinescope.
Much of the history of our country followed the great rivers, the ocean bays and the small streams which brought water to plants and animals. Bash takes a film trip to show how rivers are formed and where the rain originates and drops. Song selections include “So Long, It’s Been Good to Know You” and “Lazy River.”
Plants need sunlight, and this story tells what happened when sunbeam lost interest in his work. Dora Velleman tells the story and Fignewton Frog helps illustrate it at the felt boards.
The controlling body of the solar system is the Sun – an average star and the only star whose surface we can see. James S. Pickering, in this program, treats the Sun as a star, studying its surface and composition and the manner in which its energy is produced.
Uses underwater photography to show how fish and other marine animals are adapted to move in varying environments. Illustrates how body shapes and fin types vary. Includes scenes of the giant tuna, hound fish, nurse shark, porpoise, sea turtle, Portuguese man-o'-war, angel fish and others.
Tells the Japanese legend about a cedar tree which stands in front of the temple in Nara, Japan. The tree is said to be the spot where an old and grieving mother found her grow son who had been carried away by a hawk while he was still an infant. Illustrates the story using Japanese brush painting techniques. Shows how to paint a hawk.
Presents a question and answer session with three teen-age boys. Opinions are expressed concerning their education, ambitions, personal development, and hopes for the future.
Presents a question and answer session with three teenage girls. Opinions are expressed concerning their education, ambitions, marriage plans, and the problem of integration in their schools.
One of the most exciting figures in our history was the trapper and Bash tells of his life and visits some animals who were his forest companions. She sings “Three Jolly Huntsmen” and “Wooly Boogie Bee.”
Bash Kennett tells how the Indian boys practiced hunting and stalking the wild turkey and how thy used its feathers to fletch arrows, the spurs to tip them and the meat for feasts. She traces the development of the turkey and visits a modern turkey farm. Songs include “Three Crows” and “Three Ravens Sat on a Tree.”
Discusses the debates in the United States since World War I over the issues of isolation versus involvement in world affairs. Concludes that the U.S. is permanently involved in world affairs but the debate will continue as to the meaning and context of involvement.
Explains the research efforts of marine scientists in conserving the natural resources of the sea, increasing the productivity of the sea, and discovering new facts about the sea and the life within it. Visits Miami's Biscayne Bay to examine the waters and bottom to learn the effects of urban pollution on animal life; Boca Grande Pass to see marine biologists tagging and releasing huge game fish; and Everglades National Park where relatively primeval waters are examined to learn the kinds of animals now present.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today saves his money at this organization. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today uses the bank to finance home improvement. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today uses the bank's checking accounts to manage business transactions. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today uses the bank to keep his money safe. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today uses the bank to finance home improvement. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today uses the bank's checking accounts to manage business transactions. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
This program goes into the peculiar problem of weightlessness, which is typical of space flight, when the speed of the vehicle on an elliptical orbit around the earth counteracts the attraction of gravity and the occupants cease to have any weight. Maj. Stallings, who flies a jet plane in weightlessness experiments at the School of Aviation Medicine, explains the technique of performing this maneuver; the only way known to secure the effect of “zero gravity” within the earth’s atmosphere. Dr. Gerathewohl then describes some of the results of the flights on subjects in research which he has carried on at the School for several years.
This is the tale of the historical Japanese figure, Lord Nobunaga Oda, an impoverished Samurai. The Samurai’s clever wife finds a way to help her husband obtain a beautiful stallion. Mr. Mikami demonstrates the steps involved in drawing a horse.
A public service announcement from the Wilderness Society in which a scene of forest wildlife is overlaid with audio of developers clearing trees. An offscreen male narrator reminds the viewer that "man does not live by development alone," while onscreen text provides information on how to order a free booklet on "the American wilderness." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A trip to sea with professional marine scientists and a visit to their laboratories are highlighted in this program. Dr. John F. Storr is host for the visits. Showing realities of scientific research with precision instruments aboard the University of Miami Marine Laboratory vessel “Gerda,” the program takes the viewer on a voyage for basic oceanographic facts.
Eugene O'Neill, Robert Herridge, Karl Genus, Alfred Ryder, Larry Hagman, Ronald Radd, Tom Clancy, Donald Moffat, William Rayne, Michael Conrad, Josip Elic, Vincent Barbi, Tom Scott, Al Brenner, Hal Anderson, Ted Miller, Bob Myhrum, Ken Krausgill, Ann Eckert
An adaptation of the play, In the Zone by Eugene O'Neill.
Reviews the structure of binary form and begins the discussion of three part or ternary form. Explains the limitations of binary form and how ternary form offers possibilities of greater expansion. Illustrates how ternary form is based on the idea of statement, development, and re-statement. (WMSB-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the real and imagined fears of children. Tells why children invent imaginary dangers and how to deal with this problem. Also points out how to teach children respect for real danger. Answers questions from mothers and fathers concerning this aspect of child development. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Presents methods of determining and keeping time and the uses of time. Traces the development, adoption, and designation of time zones and demonstrates the need for an International Date Line. Contrasts the use of Daylight Savings Time and Standard Time in the winter and summer. Portrays the role of the U.S. Naval Observatory in determining the time of day and the role of the National Bureau of Standards stations WWV and WWVH in disseminating time signals. Presents specialized uses of time in determining rate and frequency.
Explores the Oriental concept of time, showing how Eastern philosophy views the future as the tomorrow that never comes. Discusses Western fallacies connected with living for the future, and illustrates how planning for the future is of use only to those who can live fully in the present.
Discusses punishment and its consequences. Compares and explains both sides of the spanking issue. Points out alternative means of discipline and shows that children do respect fair punishment. Stresses the importance of observation and imitation in learning right from wrong. Answers questions from parents concerning the child who bites, who won't take a nap, and the problem of consistency in punishment. (WTTW) Kinescope.
George Meany, President of the AFL-CIO, is interviewed on this program by Dr. John Schwarzwalder, general manager of KTCA-TV, St. Paul. Mr. Meany talks of the fight to make labor recognized by management as an entity, worthy of consideration. Once this was accomplished, two of the chief aims of trade unionism were to encourage and work for greater free public education, and to raise the standard of living in the United States. There is still much to be done in the area of family problems, but first and foremost, labor’s most important task is to get its workers and their children a fair share, Mr. Meany says. On automation, Mr. Meany states that the trade union movement wholeheartedly accepts the validity of the attempt to lighten the burden of human labor. Labor, however, claims it is necessary that the economy expand sufficiently to offset the resulting unemployment caused by automation. If the economy does not sufficiently expand, Mr. Meany says a shorter work week is the only answer to the labor problems posed by automation. He considers the most important piece of labor legislation in the past fifty years was the Wagner Act of 1935, which gave labor the right to organize. He adds that he considers the Taft-Hartley legislation the most damaging piece of labor legislation. Is American labor pricing itself out of the world market? Mr. Meany says labor must bring the rest of the world up to the standards of the United States rather than cut American standards down to those of the rest of the world.
Discusses the importance of the shape of signs; the proper placement of signals and roadway markings; the importance of traffic and pedestrian controls; radar and speed checks; the value and necessity of a traffic engineer; and plans for future traffic control. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Discusses the training of new personnel in the field of nuclear science. Reviews the history of nuclear science and points out the role of the university, industry, and governmental laboratories in providing educational opportunities in this field. Examines the question of pure research as opposed to applied research. (WQED) Film.
In this program, a youthful prisoner relates his experiences in a training school. Following a description by host Lohman of standard roles attributed to these schools, filmed scenes are shown to examine activities designed for younger inmates. Boone and Lohman explore the misconceptions inherent in the term “training school.” They examine the actual function and operation of this type of institution.
Discusses the binary form of musical composition. Illustrates that the under-lying principle of this form is thesis and antithess. Distinguishes between the balance of phrases in a two-phrase sentence and the balance of parts (sections, paragraphs) in two-part form. Explains the modulatory scheme of the more developed types of binary form, and the means of integrating the whole composition.
A public service announcement from the U.S. Department of the Interior in which audio of children singing about going to the beach overlays a scene of a deserted beach covered with trash, dead fish, and rats. An offscreen male narrator warns that "beaches should be for people," not rats. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the University of Toronto featuring a silent scroll of text discussing the problem of noise pollution and urging the viewer to contact the university's Pollution Probe to learn more. White screens accompanied by a noisy siren bookend the text scroll. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for an unknown bank in which a narrator instructs the viewer on the organization's Christmas savings club. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
Dr. Gould notes that today man’s eyes and mind must be lifted to encompass outer space. Dr. Roberts discusses the earth and the Sun and explains why the year 1957-58 was selected IGY Year. Films of explosions on the Sun are shown and the Aurora is explained. A discussion of the Ionosphere ensues. Drs. Gould and Roberts indicate the scope and importance of the Upper Atmosphere studies of the IGY and the vital role of the Antarctic studies in the total IGY program.
Source material used for the Agency for Instructional Technology series Geography in U.S. history : illuminating the geographic dimensions of our nation's development.
Discusses musical form known as theme and variations in which attention is directed exclusively to the process of varying a simple theme. Illustrates with an example from a Mozart sonata. Points out the various kinds of· elaboration of the theme: (1) melodic embellishment; (2) change of tonality; (3) change of tempo; (4) change of basic meter; and (5) a coda at the end.
Discusses the type of variation form known as passacaglia in ·which the theme is a short pattern in the bass. Repeating this theme over and over again, more or less exactly, provides a ground for the variations above it. Illustrates with Purcell's Lament of Dido and Bach's Passacaglia in C Minor, both played in full.
McRobbie-Gair Family Home Movies Collection: This home movie contains mainly footage of a large military parade in Melbourne, Australia. It is most likely of an ANZAC day parade. ANZAC day is one of the major public holidays in Australia and is held annually on April 25. It commemorates the first landings of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) at Gallipoli, Turkey, on April 25, 1915. The year of this particular parade is not yet clear though it is probably in the early 40s. But the footage of the event is particularly important as it features shots of numerous senior Australian politicians and military officers, including former Australian Prime Ministers, William Hughes and John Curtin. There is additional footage of other military parades and school sporting events very typical of the time.
Tells the story of George Rogers Clark and his defeat of the British at Vincennes in 1778. Uses cartoons, maps, and photographs to illustrate conditions, fort locations, and how the British were conquered.
Explains that Wellmet House attempts to rehabilitate the mentally ill not by gaining conforming behavior but by helping them relate to other people in natural and unstructured ways. Points out that half of the residents are mentally ill and the other half are college students from nearby universities who staff Wellmet House. Emphasizes the need for each patient to find individual expression. Shows patients and staff at dinner, parties, the local pub, and a house meeting.
The Lewis and Clark exploration of the unknown territory acquired by the Louisiana Purchase not only revealed the rich resources of the lands adjourning the Missouri River, but also helped to establish American title to the Pacific Northwest.
Host Bash Kennett tells the story of whales and whaling, describes the harpooning of this mammal, and explains the uses of whale oil. Songs performed include "The Whale" by Burl Ives, and"The Greenland Fishery" (Roud 347).
Discusses and reviews the basic elements that are combined to produce design. Explains the importance of individual interpretation. Concentrates on the place of shape in designing a picture.
There are many familiar expressions which we use. Bash traces the story behind some of these back to pioneer life. After showing how the phrases developed, Bash sings “Goin Down the Road,” “Lo Backed Car,” “Old MacDonald,” “How Old Are You?” “One Morning in May,” and “Caribou Headstone.”
Students from Yugoslavia, France, Germany and the Sudan discuss the problems of communism by examining questions such as: How can a nation choose between “Washington and Moscow”? What do the different systems of government -socialist and capitalist -imply? What becomes of the individual in either system of government? Can there be socialism and democracy in the same system? What becomes of the freedoms of opinion and expression in a communist country. Do the people really have a chance to govern themselves in a communistic country? How efficient is a democracy? What is the role of the political party, and how representative of the people is a one-party system? Participants: Gojko Tanic, Yugoslavia; Catherine Marin, France; Jord-Ingo Weber, Germany; and Mohamed Abdulla Hamadien, Sudan.
Bash sings the “Nonsense Song,” “Wooly Boogie Bee,” “Old Dan Tucker” and “Jolly Old” in this program which tells of the specialized work of the wheelwright, cooper, smith and the ladder maker.
Teenagers attending the New York Herald Tribune World Forum from Pakistan, India, Brazil, and England discuss their religious beliefs. Questions are raised concerning the origins of religion, the place of personal conviction, family influence, commonality of the major religions, and religion's role in preserving society.
In this final program, all twenty-five previous participants in the Herald Tribune Youth Forum meet with Mrs. Waller to sum up their experiences in the United States, and their thoughts and hopes as they prepare to return to their homes. The difficulties of reconciling new American ideas and techniques with older, or different traditions, the ways in which this new information can be used to help the home country, the hopes for future and continuing communication and understanding between people of various countries and cultures form the subject of this conclusion to the series.
Discusses and shows the wide variety of creatures who inhabit the seashore. Explains how they are adapted to the environment in which they make their homes. Presents filmed sequences of the sand flea, clam, sea hare, snail, many kinds of crabs, and other seashore creatures.
Brotherhood Week provides the Youth Forum programs numbers 6 and 7 with an opportunity to discuss the question of prejudice. Program number 6 brings together students from Norway, England, Ethiopia and Pakistan, who ask each other such questions as: What is the origin of prejudice? What are some of the more common prejudices? Is there any cure for prejudice? What is being done about education and the eradication of Prejudice in Kenya, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Norway, the United States? The panelists draw on their experiences at home and in America to analyze various aspects of this topic. Participants: Peter Goulden, England; Nils Harboe, Norway; Nalini Nail, India; and Bizuayenu Agonafir, Ethiopia.
An advertisement for Winston cigarettes in which a jingle describes the product's taste over an animation of the box and a cartoon xylophone. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Winston cigarettes in which a jingle plays over an animation describing the product's filter and taste. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman points out that women prisoners do not present the same problems as men do. However, the situation is serious and approximately 10,000 women are in prison today. Lohman describes the problems which arise when these women are removed from a conventional social life. Filmed scenes illustrate the activities of women in prison and a female inmate is interviewed. Miss Kinsella and Lohman discuss her experiences in working with imprisoned women and their parallels with the male offender problem.
Bash tells of woodcarving in early American life and explains how carving was done, what tools were used and exhibits some early chests, utensils, signs and Indian figures. Songs include “There’s a Hole in My Bucket,” “Bonnie Wee Lassie” and “Raisins and Almonds” and the Lillian Patterson Dancers pantomime one of the songs.
Tells the story of the lumber frontier of the Midwest in the region west and south of Lake Superior. Describes the living conditions of the lumberjacks. Explains how the indiscriminate cutting of the forests led to the demise of lumbering in the Midwest.
Discusses the use of pre-symbolic language in furthering communication. Defines and illustrates the function of social language. Shows how social conversation enlarges the possibility of friendship and communication.
Bash Kennett tells some unusual anecdotes about dogs in our history and then visits various places to watch today’s sheep herding dog, a retriever and a pointer. She visits a dog who can spell. Songs include “Old Blue” and “Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone."
Walter Kerr, drama critic for the New York Herald Tribune, interviews noted Irish author Frank O'Connor. Mr. O'Connor contrasts the novel and the short story in relation to characterization, plot, and the time element. He discusses styles of the short story and appraises past and present psychological and subject matter trends in prose fiction.
Director of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Robert Richman interviews the famous Danish author of Seven Gothic Tales and Out of Africa. Features her comments on the similarities and differences between poetry and story-telling. Surveys her writing techniques and closes as she relates one of her tales.
Dr. Maria Piers delves into the question of how children learn to talk and think logically. Some of the topics she covers are: What do the “no’s” mean? When does “no-ism” begin? Is there too much or too little cooperative behavior?
Dr. Maria Piers discusses different ways parents can keep a child's fears of hospitals, doctors and nurses to a minimum. She talks about different coping methods for parents and children while a child goes through hospitalization.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated father contemplates taking out a loan to purchase a new television after being crowded by his children. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement or Your National Bank in which an animated boy takes his piggy bank to the bank teller and it winks at him. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated couple stands near an art sculpture and wonders what the figure thinks is the greatest time saver in history, to which the narrator replies that it is one of the bank's checking accounts. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated woman asks her husband why they don't have a car like the neighbors and he considers a loan for a new vehicle. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated couple sits in a freezing car they consider a loan for a new vehicle. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Zuban Auslese cigarettes depicting an animated train that spells the brand name. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.