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Dr. Maria Piers names some of the reasons children should read. She explores what books are best for different age groups and delves into reasons children do not read..
Dr. Albright and his guests discuss the emergence of Christianity out of Jewish History and the influence of the Hellenic (or Western World) to Christianity. They are also concerned with the cultural influences on the gradual development of logical stages in human thinking. Dr. Albright outlines these various stages in their relationships to religion.
Dr. Albright and his guests discuss the essential features of archaeology, and the means of translating the values of these different features to determine the patterns of human history. They speak of mounds, layers, pottery, scripts, etc. They analyze the scope of archaeological study in today’s world.
Why is the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls the greatest manuscript discovery in modern time? What are scholars learning from the scrolls that applies to already accepted ideas that appear in the New Testament? Dr. Albright and his guests answer these two important questions. They give example of the effect of the scrolls as well as of their meaning to the Old and New Testaments.
An advertisement for Winston cigarettes in which a jingle describes the product's taste over an animation of the box and a cartoon xylophone. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Winston cigarettes in which a jingle plays over an animation describing the product's filter and taste. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
There is in the heart of every man the desire to express himself through the creation of something beautiful, says Shari Lewis. Whatever the motivation for making the object, the result is, in many cases, beauty. Woodcarving from many parts of the world is examined and provides an opportunity to explore its beauty.
Teenagers from Greece, Malaya, Egypt, and Thailand tell why they prefer not to be Americans. Discusses relations between children and parents. Presents first impressions and reactions to life in the United States. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Walter Kerr, drama critic for the New York Herald Tribune, interviews noted Irish author Frank O'Connor. Mr. O'Connor contrasts the novel and the short story in relation to characterization, plot, and the time element. He discusses styles of the short story and appraises past and present psychological and subject matter trends in prose fiction.
Describes and compares the extent and variety of American business with other countries. Appraises the importance of imports to the American economy and of our exports to the economies of other countries. Explains the trade story through the use of blocks.