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In this episode, Dr. Smith, Jr., provides a definition of language and discusses the logic of language. He explains misconceptions about language and writing, and points out that language symbolizes experience and writing symbolizes language. Dr. Smith shows the relationship between written and spoken language using vowels, intonation patterns, and distribution patterns.
Uses laboratory experiments to explain catalytic actions. Demonstrates principles which govern catalysis. Explains the difference between organic and inorganic catalysis. Tells how man's conception of catalytic reactions has changed through the years. Features how man's conception of catalytic reactions has changed through the years. Features Dr. Leonard K. Nash, Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Dr. Conant and Shari Lewis gives a summary of the series, pointing out that man’s hands are the greatest tool of creative activity, that they have served to fulfill his basic needs and that these needs and this creativity are universal.
Describes the folklore connected with crime. Uses vignettes to show the absurdity of such superstitions as handedness, hair coloring, scars, blemishes, deformities, and glandular problems as causes of criminality. Points out that an indirect relationship may exist between physical characteristics and crime. (KQED) Kinescope.
Uses demonstrations to explain how levers work. Illustrates with a seesaw, hammer, and screw driver. Shows how levers make the lifting of heavy objects easier. (WCET) Kinescope.
Tells the story of sailing vessels and life aboard a clipper ship. Describes the various jobs performed by the sailors. Discusses the types of cargoes carried on trips to all parts of the world. (KQED) Kinescope.
Tells the story of the deserted city of Columbia, California, one of the key Gold Rush towns in the 1850's. Describes the life and profession of people who went there seeking gold. Shows the old buildings and objects the people used at that time.
Uses slides, the microscope, and graphic illustrations to explain plant and animal cells. Discusses the basic content and structure of cells. Shows how cells differentiate and function as members of larger units--tissues and organs. Illustrates growth by cell division and introduces the concept of meiosis. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Uses demonstrations to explain principles of light. Shows why there is daylight and darkness. Discusses speed and reflection of light. (WCET) Kinescope.
Watch a searchlight as it pierces heavy night clouds. Notice that you don’t see the beam of light, merely where it comes from: the face of the searchlight, reflections from the clouds or duct blocking the beam. In other words, the light beam itself is invisible. Beginning with a similar demonstration, Edwin C. Kemble shows the difficulty science has had in providing a wholly satisfactory theory of light. He uses a stroboscopically lighted tank to illustrate wave theory and high-voltage discharges to suggest the violence necessary to generate radiant energy with short wavelengths. The violent damage done by X-rays, gamma rays and ultra violet radiation leads Kemble to the corpuscular explanation of light. By an examination of cloud-chamber photographs, visibly recording action in the unseen world of atomic particles, Kemble reconciles the two theories. The yield of this revolutionary work is dramatic: no less than the discovery of a universal property of all forms of existence.
Explains lighting and its characteristics. Tells why lightning is first seen then followed by thunder. Demonstrates how lightning produces sound waves. (WCET) Kinescope.
In this episode, Dr. Smith, Jr., discusses the use of the linguistic approach as a means of improving reading ability. Analyzes the deficiencies and strong points of the phonics and word methods of teaching reading. Explains the purpose and nature of reading. Shows examples of patterning in the English spelling system. Suggests a remedy to the reading problem using language structure as a basis.
Continues the discussion of liquid air by explaining its physical and chemical properties. Points out the density and boiling point of the components of liquid air. Illustrates the effect of liquid air on lead and mercury. Demonstrates that liquid air is a rich source of oxygen. (KQED) Film.
Hand puppets make this a lively story for the children. Tom Tichenor has written a new version with the violence deleted. Little Red Riding Hood is a cute little bunny, and when she goes through the woods to her grandmother's house she meets the wolf. When he learns where Red Riding Hood is going he tells her a "short cut" and then runs ahead to the grandmother's house. There, he hides grandmother, dresses in her clothes and gets into bed to wait for Red Riding Hood. Red Riding Hood discovers the trick as grandmother frees herself and they kill the wolf and sit down to enjoy wolf stew.
Teaches how to draw lobsters and crabs. Draws a special crab called a "Heike" which is found only in Japan. Tells a legend about how this unusual crustacean came into being. (KQED) Kinescope.
Tonality, the relationship of tones and chords to the keynotes, is further explored in this program. The mood or musical character as it has been affected by major and minor tonalities in western music from 1600 to 1900 come under study. Beethoven’s expressive use of major-minor interchanges receives emphasis here.
Discusses the power and limitations of symbols, especially words. Describes the significance of the communications network in which humans live. Defines words as "maps" giving directions to "territories" of human experience. Stresses the point that words can be manipulated independently of the experiences they represent. Explains other pitfalls of communication related to word usage.
Perhaps the original need for masks was for man to be able to disengage himself from his everyday life. He used them to symbolize that he was not “himself.” He was another being, human or superhuman, or even an abstract quality. He was able to satisfy two needs through the use of masks – the need for religion and the need for diversion. Miss Leadbeater and Shari Lewis concentrate on masks used for diversion and their counterparts in the modern United States – at Halloween and Mardi Gras.
Discusses and demonstrates matter in its various states: solid, liquid, and gas. Shows how matter is broken up into its smallest components. Explains how energy is obtained from matter. Defines the fission and fusion processes. Concludes with a demonstration of a chain reaction. (WQED) Film.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman describes maximum security as the single most important characteristic of the American prison. He relates the consequences of excess security on inmates. Filmed scenes provide the setting of maximum security and an inmate describes the routine in such institutions. Lohman and Alexander discuss the need for diversity in staff and security which would alleviate many of the pitfalls of an inflexible system.
Discusses the medical use of the isotope in understanding the chemistry of the body. Explores the advances in medicine made possible through nuclear energy. Explains radioisotopes and radioactive iodine. Demonstrates the cobalt machine at the Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh.
Lists the postulates developed and used by Robert Koch to prove that a specific disease is caused by a specific microorganism. Presents some of the methods developed for protection against disease and against undesirable decomposition of foods. Through animation, explains how bacteria produce enzymes and toxic waste products which may cause disease and decomposition. Discusses immunity to disease, shows the industrial proparation of vaccines and antitoxins, indicates many of the diseases against which such products afford protection, refers to the use of antibiotics and sulfa drugs in the treatment of infection, and illustrates methods of controlling the spread of disease-causing microorganisms by such safeguards as water purification, milk pasteurization, and the use of ultra-violet radiation and chemical antiseptics
Dr. Joel Hildebrand explains how the results of observation and experiment can be illustrated with models. Demonstrates with models of crystal and molecules. Tells how models help in understanding phenomena and suggest mathematical relationships. Points out popular but defective models and theories. (KQED) Film.
Tonal and rhythmic change of character develop from the manipulation of the basic “kernel” of motivation. Dr. Jones also analyzes the simple ternary form from Beethoven to illustrate thematic variation or development of themes.
The motive is the core, kernel or “single cell” of a piece of music, according to Dr. Jones. This basic musical symbol is made meaningful by reiteration, which is motivic repetition. Illustrations are presented from Bach, Beethoven, Debussy and Stravinsky.
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) tell a story about whales paying attention to the difference between whales with teeth and whales with baleen. The whales are portrayed with shadow puppets.
This film follows developments in music through human history supplemented by visuals of art and architecture of the period. Traces ancient civilization through to the 18th century with a heavy concentration on Europe.
Discusses the relationship of poetry to music during the Elizabethan period. Describes the manner in which Byrd and Dowland set poetry to music. Musical selections are performed by the Saturday Consort. Featured guest is Dr Frances Eldredge, Department of English, Chatham College, Pittsburgh. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses the form of the masque with samples of music and dances. Concentrates on the Lord Hayes' Masque by Thomas Campion. Musical compositions are performed by the Saturday Consort. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses music in the Catholic Church during the renaissance. Various examples of Music as it might have been played in private chapels is performed by the Saturday Consort. Featured guest is Father Thomas Jackson, Secretary to the Commission of Music of the Pittsburgh Diocese. (WQED) Kinescope.
Compares the music of the reign of Elizabeth I with the social and economic conditions prevalent at the time. Various musical selections of this era in English history are performed by the Saturday consort. Featured guest is Dr. George F. Dowler, Professor of History, University of Pittsburgh. (WQED) Kinescope.
Compares the music during the reign of Maximilian I with the social, economic and political life prevalent at the time. Music, including Ode On the Death of Maximilian, by Ludwig Senfl, is performed by the Saturday Consort. Featured guest is Dr. George Fowler, Professor of History, University of Pittsburgh. (WQED) Kinescope.
Fignewton’s second contest deals with music and the first half of this contest find the children guessing the types of musical instruments and later identifying the instruments by the sounds they hear.
Mademoiselle Boulanger and her guests discuss musical training. Points out when musical and instrumental training should begin, and differences in American and French musical education. Reviews Mademoiselle Boulanger's early years. (WQED) Film.
Mademoiselle Boulanger and her guests discuss enthusiasm and discipline in the education of a musical. Tells how individuality is determined. Explains the curriculum at Fontainebleau's American Conservatory. (WQED) Film.
Mademoiselle Boulanger and her guests discuss music in the 20th century. Points out the importance of originality, tradition, freedom, and curiosity. Stresses integration in music and the twelve tone technique. (WQED) Film.
In this program Mlle. Boulanger and her guests reminisce about her Wednesday afternoon teas in Paris, the responsibility of the composer, the musician and the listener, musical recordings, whether or not we succeed in translating to the student the value of the present and the past, the creation and responsibility of music itself and the pleasure one can derive from composing music and not necessarily the result of the effort.
Presents an analysis of two potentially dangerous stages of psychosexual development. Uses filmed sequences to point out influences which result in fixations at these two stages. Projects their effects upon crime emphasizing the development of the psychopath and sociopath. (KQED) Kinescope.
Linda doesn’t like being the “new girl at school” until she helps Brushy and Susie-Q, and finds she doesn’t feel like a new girl at all. Thus she learns to feel at home in a new environment.
Presents a simple, scientific way of helping young people grasp the basic concepts of reproduction. Shows the event of sperm and egg of the sea urchin uniting and dividing. Illustrates, with the birth of a bat, how the early development of the young goes on inside the female. Contrasts mammalian reproduction with the lower animals which lay eggs. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Dr. Joel Hildebrand discusses the scientific method and how it is used. Points out that science is based on observable facts. Illustrates how complete reliance on the physical senses can be deceiving. Explains the development and use of instruments to measure impressions and quantities man cannot see, hear, or feel. (KQED) film.
Tells the story of changes which have taken place in home implements. Shows an early vacuum cleaner, phonograph, washing machine, butter churn, and candle mold.
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) tell a story about "Oliver and his Dignity." Oliver is an otter, and this episode features shadow puppet theater.
Why special treatment for the American farmer? This is the questioned posed in this opening program and, using a story line built around the average family of Ed Harvey, the film seeks a more intelligent handling of agricultural policy on the national level. The program presents a definitive history of agriculture economics in an effort to explain the farmer’s vulnerable position in the constantly changing business cycle of a capitalistic society. Although the program does not advocate any definite policy, it does ask intelligent questions which tend to stimulate thinking on the farm problem.
Uses laboratory experiments to survey the field of organic chemistry. Tells why a whole field study is devoted to carbon and its compounds. Shows how carbon compounds differ from other compounds. Demonstrates properties of various compounds. (KQED) Film.
Once man had created the articles he needed for survival and comfort, he launched himself on a campaign to make himself more attractive physically. It is conceivable that, in his vanity, he turned his hand to beautifying himself even before considering some of his more fundamental needs. With Miss Brynner, Shari Lewis examines some ornaments created from materials at hand which help satisfy man’s universal desire to be attractive.
Uses laboratory experiments to illustrate the properties of oxygen. Tells how oxygen was discovered and how it was named. Presents demonstrations of oxidation. Shows how oxygen is obtained from water by electrolysis. (KQED) Film.