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Uses laboratory experiments to illustrate the application of chemistry for industrial purposes. Explains the electric arc process, flotation, smoke elimination, electroplating, and the recovery of iodine from water. (KQED) Film.
Uses laboratory experiments to illustrate the size of atoms and molecules. Demonstrates the smallness of these particles by means of oil film on water and the passage of hydrogen through a clay cup. Shows models to point out the arrangement of atoms in forming molecules. Defines and explains molecular action.
Uses laboratory experiments to survey the field of organic chemistry. Tells why a whole field study is devoted to carbon and its compounds. Shows how carbon compounds differ from other compounds. Demonstrates properties of various compounds. (KQED) Film.
An in-service business management film demonstrating the problems which develop when a supervisor fails to properly channel the initiative of a new worker thus creating resistance to new ideas.
Clarence L. Ver Steeg, Ph.D., Milan Herzog, Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc.
Dramatizes the story of a boy who came to Virginia as an indentured servant of the Virginia Company and was given to the Indians as a token of friendship by the Jamestown settlers. Depicts the boy's new life among the Indians and his learning of their town in its early growth.
Demonstrates the importance of rules in human relationships by dramatizing the fulfillment of a wishful dream of four children, of being able to live without rules or adult authority. Shows the children alone on an imaginary island, without rules, where they discover that it is impossible to play games or to do anything requiring group cooperations, and realize the advantages of having parents, doctors, and others in authoridy to help when problems or emergencies arise.
Dr. George W. Crouch, Professor of English and Chairman of the Departmental Committee, act as discussion moderator for Dr. John W. Dodds, Dr. Glenn A. Olds, Director of Religion, Cornell University; Andrew C. Ritchie, Director of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and Roger Sessions, Professor of Musicat Princeton University, discuss the place of the humanities in the new dimensions of learning of the twentieth century.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Walter A. Thurber, Ph.D., Cortland State Teachers College, William M. Harlow, Ph.D.
With time-lapse photography, animation, and close-ups, explains how leaves are important to plants, animals, and man; compares different kinds of leaves; shows how leaves are related to other parts of a plant; and illustrates the functions of green leaves, and the changes that take place during the different seasons.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Grace Storm, University of Illinois, James Sage, Paul Diehl, Herman Diehl, Ferdinand Diehl
Uses narration and animated puppets to present Charles Perrault's fairy tale, The Master's Cat, Puss in Boots. Shows how an ingenious cat contrives to win for his master a title, a fortune, and the hand of a beautiful princess in marriage.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Mason Wade, Director, Canadian Studies Program, University of Rochester, J. Lewis Robinson, Ph.D. University of British Columbia, Hal Kopel
An overview of the Provinces of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland. Emphasizes the growing industrialization of the region, including the development of iron ore deposits, steel production, and mining of gypsum; describes the continuing importance of fishing, logging, and agriculture.
Dora and Fignewton Frog teach about different types of plant seeds including a milkweed, dandelion and maple seed along with a burr and how they travel and get planted. They ride wind currents and travel on a fox's fur until they find a place to land together.
Explains the role of whole numbers in understanding the organization of the physical universe. Uses non-mathematical props, such as rock crystals, to point up the arithmetic nature of basic discoveries in science. Tells how whole numbers limit the knowable universe around us. Features Dr. Philippe LeCorbeiller, Professor of Applied Physics, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Uses charts, pictures, and specimens to explain how the geologist discovers what lies beneath the earth's surface. Shows how earthquakes provide information about the interior construction of the earth. Tells how examination of effects at the surface of the earth provides a picture of what lies below. Demonstrates and discusses the instruments used to provide knowledge upon which the geologist can theorize. Features Dr. Kirtley F. Mather, Professor of Geology, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Young opposums are carried in their mother's pouch and they learn to use their tails to hold on to things. While Fignewton runs the shadow puppets, he illustrates the store of little Pete Opposum, who helps to capture a bandit, because he cannot hold on to things with his tail.
Discusses the medical use of the isotope in understanding the chemistry of the body. Explores the advances in medicine made possible through nuclear energy. Explains radioisotopes and radioactive iodine. Demonstrates the cobalt machine at the Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh.
Discusses the history and development of the first commercial atomic power station at Shippingport, Pennsylvania. Explains its inception, selection of the site, how it was built, and its contribution to future power stations, Compares the advantages, disadvantages and potential of a nuclear power plant and a regular public power station.
Bash talks about the real pirates who operated in American waters in the early days. Stories of the exploits of Captain Kidd, Blackbeard, and others describe the kind of life the pirates led as they traveled on the high seas, and the various operations of pirates and privateers. The hazards of sailing with a fully lade ship, with pirates waiting off the coast to take the vessel were a very real and exciting part of the early-day sailing ships. The ballads of "Golden Vanity" and "Henry Martin" describe in song the activities of pirates.
Uses laboratory experiments to explain catalytic actions. Demonstrates principles which govern catalysis. Explains the difference between organic and inorganic catalysis. Tells how man's conception of catalytic reactions has changed through the years. Features how man's conception of catalytic reactions has changed through the years. Features Dr. Leonard K. Nash, Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Explains contrast as opposed to repetition or variation. Defines tonal contrast as modulation or change of tonality and harmonic contrast, or the off-setting of plain harmony by color-harmony. Illustrates with a selection from a Bach cantata. (WMSB-TV) Kinescope.
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) make rainbows, raindrops, and puppets out of household materials to perform a play called "The Little Rainbow" in the "Make-Do Theater." The play tells the story of why people think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. They then recommend books about weather that children can find at the library.
The home and habits of the koala bear are illustrated in this tale of the bear who leaves home to seek his fortune at sea. Dora tells the story to Fignewton Frog who manages the shadow puppets.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray male adolescent rituals as a means of passing boys to manhood. Emphasizes the differences in methods of promotion and resulting personality types. Compares Americans, the pokot of Kenya, and the Nupe of Northern Nigeria. (KUHT) Film.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray reactions to human illness. Emphasizes detection, treatment, and acceptance of treatment methods of illness. Compares Americans, the Ojibwa Indians of Canada, and the Djuka Bush Negroes of Dutch Guiana. (KUHT) Film.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray female adolescent rituals as a means of passing girls to womanhood. Points out how the passage from childhood to womanhood is made and the type of womanhood that emerges. Compares the rituals of Americans, Apache Indians, and the Andaman Islanders. (KUHT) Film.
Uses dance routines and originally scored music to demonstrate cultural differences in early training of infants. Compares families of southern urban Negroes, the Manus of the Admiralty Islands, and the Hopi Indians of northern Arizona. Describes group objectives of early training, its impact upon the child's personality, and the end result of childhood training.
Watch a searchlight as it pierces heavy night clouds. Notice that you don’t see the beam of light, merely where it comes from: the face of the searchlight, reflections from the clouds or duct blocking the beam. In other words, the light beam itself is invisible. Beginning with a similar demonstration, Edwin C. Kemble shows the difficulty science has had in providing a wholly satisfactory theory of light. He uses a stroboscopically lighted tank to illustrate wave theory and high-voltage discharges to suggest the violence necessary to generate radiant energy with short wavelengths. The violent damage done by X-rays, gamma rays and ultra violet radiation leads Kemble to the corpuscular explanation of light. By an examination of cloud-chamber photographs, visibly recording action in the unseen world of atomic particles, Kemble reconciles the two theories. The yield of this revolutionary work is dramatic: no less than the discovery of a universal property of all forms of existence.
Continues the discussion of hypnosis from the preceding program, "HYPNOSIS." Explains hypnotism as an interpersonal reaction between the hypnotist and the subject. Points out how hypnotism functions in relation to sensitivity, anesthesia, action, rigidity, amnesia, hypermnesia, contradiction, and post-hypnotic suggestion. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Presents optical illusions and demonstrations to show how people see what they see. Discusses the effect of projection, relativity, association, and optical illusions in seeing. Explains the relationship of the eyes to the brain in organizing experience.
Demonstrates that intelligence is the most significant criterion of differences between people. Points out how I.Q. varies with socio-economic status and education. Cites research on man's productivity. Describes the relationship of personality to body-build. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Compares the reactions of Americans, the Manus of the Admiralty Islands, and the Kiriwina if the Trobriand Islands when exposed to the crisis of human birth. Uses dance routines and originally scored music to portray cultural differences in the selection of the birth place, the reactions of husband and wife, and the way a child is delivered. (KUHT) Film.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray differences in marriage rituals of three societies. Emphasizes the basic motive behind the selection of marriage partners, the rituals that join them, and the values that guide their relationships. Compares Americans, the Bantu of Africa, and the Muria of India.
Explains how an understanding of pure science can lead to applied science. Demonstrates this relationship by reviewing a theory of heath and how it led to a number of inventions: smokeless fireplaces, new types of stoves, pressure cookers, and drip-style coffee pots. Features Dr. Sanborn C. Brown, Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses imitative polyphony as a basic principle of musical structure. Illustrates two types of composition which use imitative polyphony as the structural principle, namely, the sixteenth century motet and the fugue as heard in Handel's Messiah. (WMSB-TV) Kinescope.
A public service announcement for the Illinois Department of Public Health in which a mother in the "old days" drags her son to a quarantined measles home so that he can catch the virus and "get it over with." An offscreen male narrator describes how the measles vaccination makes such practices unnecessary, and the boy is shown receiving his vaccine at a doctor's office. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Wilderness Society in which a scene of forest wildlife is overlaid with audio of developers clearing trees. An offscreen male narrator reminds the viewer that "man does not live by development alone," while onscreen text provides information on how to order a free booklet on "the American wilderness." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the University of Toronto featuring a silent scroll of text discussing the problem of noise pollution and urging the viewer to contact the university's Pollution Probe to learn more. White screens accompanied by a noisy siren bookend the text scroll. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
The delegates discuss Britain's reaction to "the United States' humiliation in its satellite rivalry with the USSR" and what America is famous for in each of the representatives' countries.
In this program Uncle Wonder uses a gram scale and weighs the air in a basketball. He also shows that air has weight by balancing two balloons, one at each end of a stick, and breaking one of them, the other naturally falls to the table.
An advertisement for Big Dip "ice milk" in which an animated man tells an ice cream scoop about the product and the scoop creates a sculpture of the Eifel Tower out of the ice milk.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a boy runs to the grocery store to buy the product quickly, and shows the carton to a line of people waiting for ice cream from a specialty parlor.
An advertisement for Kent cigarettes featuring Olympic gold medalist in high jump Walt Davis, who takes a drag of the cigarette and describes what he likes about it. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Parliament cigarettes in which a narrator describes the product's recessed filter and price. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
Bash Kennett shows some of the things which fascinated children of other times, taking a trip to see some dolls, stereopticons, books and bicycles of early periods which grandfather may have enjoyed as a boy. Songs include “The Devil’s Nine Questions” and “This A’Way.”
Outlines the scope of this series of programs and defines the nature and function of passing notes in music. Compares music in architecture. Outlines the formal or structural principals in music. (WMSB-TV) Kinescope.
Presents a high-school class studying god citizenship in the community and in the school. Dramatizes the manner in which the student committees organized projects for improving school elections, choosing proper representatives for student government, welcoming new students, and up-grading lunch room conditions. Emphasizes that good citizenship in the school produces good citizenship in the community.
Tells the story of changes which have taken place in home implements. Shows an early vacuum cleaner, phonograph, washing machine, butter churn, and candle mold.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a Monkees-esque teen idol runs from a group of fans and travels to the Dairy Queen and feels refreshed.
An advertisement for Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors ice cream in which a variety of animated characters try different flavors while a narrator describes the company's offerings.
Discusses the political history of Brazil and her relations with the U.S. Considers Brazilian art, economic problems and potentialities, and the role of U.S. business in Brazil. A photo series presents the land and the people. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Uses laboratory experiments to explain solubility. Demonstrates the solubility of a solid in a liquid by dissolving salts in water, a gas in a liquid with carbonated beverages and an ammonia fountain, and a gas in a liquid using charcoal. (KQED) Film.
While most chemical reactions take place almost immediately, there are some which can be made to occur after a timed delay. These are the so-called clock reactions. By varying the temperature or concentration of reactants, the delay can be shortened or lengthened in a striking manner.
Uses laboratory experiments to explain the properties of carbon and its compounds. Discusses the three natural forms of carbon: amorphous, graphite, and diamond. Demonstrates the properties of carbon compounds using calcium carbide, acetylene, carbon disulfide, and ethyl alcohol. (KQED) Film.
Uses laboratory experiments to explain properties of crystals and glass. Tell how crystals are formed and demonstrates crystallization taking place. Discusses glass, its formation, and how it differs from crystals. (KQED) Film.
Explains the difference between scientific and non-scientific endeavor. Examines various areas such as flying saucers, astrology, and weather predictions to point out how these problems are approached from a scientific and non-scientific point of view. Features Dr. Harlow Shapley, Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
An advertisement for Winston cigarettes in which a jingle plays over an animation describing the product's filter and taste. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
Uses demonstrations to explain shadows. Illustrates materials that cast shadows and others that do not. Shows how to make a sun clock. (WCET) Kinescope.
Continues the discussion of nationalism as a constructive force in world affairs. Teenagers from Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, and the United Kingdom present their views on colonialism and Western foreign policy in the Middle East. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
The panelists discuss what the word "American," in reference to a citizen of the United States, means in different parts of the world. Race problems and prejudices as viewed in different parts of the world also are dealt with by these four high school delegates.
Teenage delegates to the New York Herald Tribune Forum discuss their visit to America. Presents their views on what they have seen, learned, and experienced. 1958 (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenagers from Greece, Malaya, Egypt, and Thailand tell why they prefer not to be Americans. Discusses relations between children and parents. Presents first impressions and reactions to life in the United States. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenage delegates to the New York Herald Tribune Forum tell how their prejudices toward each other were conquered during their stay in America. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenage delegates to the New York Herald Tribune Forum discuss the objectives and faults of American education. Comments are made on the place of the bright student, freedom of choice, size of schools, emphasis applied to subject matter, and how well education challenges the student.
Teenagers from Pakistan, Vietnam, Germany, and Yugoslavia discuss socialism in Yugoslavia and Russian Communism. Questions the definition of the word "freedom." Analyzes the prospects of reunification for Germany and Vietnam. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenagers from Malaya, Philippines, Greece, Iceland, Thailand, and Turkey discuss prejudices within their own countries and toward others. Criticism is made of the American soldier and tourist as representatives of the United States. Presents comments on Russia as a current problem source and the effect of tradition and war in stimulating prejudice. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Uses experiments to explain the principle of kinetic energy. Shows how springs have stored energy that do work for us. Illustrates with a jack-in-the-box, bow and arrow, clocks, screen door, and window shade. (WCET) Kinescope.
Uses demonstrations to explain the principle of light refraction. Illustrates with a penicle in water and a magnifying glass. Shows an optical illusion and tells how it happens. (WCET) Kinescope.
Uses experiments to explain the theory of density. Shows that some objects will float while other sink. Illustrates with objects made of cork, brick, wood, and steel. (WCET) Kinescope.
Explains lighting and its characteristics. Tells why lightning is first seen then followed by thunder. Demonstrates how lightning produces sound waves. (WCET) Kinescope.
Uses experiments to explain capillary action in plants. Shows how water gets from the roots up to the leaves. Demonstrates capillary action with thistle tubes. (WCET) Kinescope.
Continues the explanations of capillary action and presents the results of experiments started in HOW PLANTS GROW: PART 1. Demonstrates again the capillary action in thistle tubes. Shows how the capillary action between water and blotter paper can raise heavy objects. (WCET) Kinescope.
Uses demonstrations to explain how wheels function to reduce friction. Summarizes the principles of the inclined plane, lever, and wheel. (WCET) Kinescope.
Here, Dr. Jones defines the episodic principle as the simple rondo-form combining the two principles of repetition and contrast and illustrates the principle with a selection from Haydn. Concluding the series, he presents a selection from Beethoven’s “Quintet for Winds and Piano,” in which the repetitions between the contrasting episodes are varied.
Illustrates tempo and character contrast between movements of cyclic forms like the sonata and suite with Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and C-Sharp Minor Piano Sonata. Examples of the episodic principle are from Mozart and Chopin.
A public service announcement from the U.S. Department of the Interior in which audio of children singing about going to the beach overlays a scene of a deserted beach covered with trash, dead fish, and rats. An offscreen male narrator warns that "beaches should be for people," not rats. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Citizens for Clean Air in which the close-up and audio of a man breathing overlays shots of cars, planes, factory chimneys, and other sources of air pollution. An offscreen male narrator describes the many kinds of pollutants in the air we breathe and urges the viewer to write to the organization's address. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Electric garbage disposals in which an offscreen male narrator describes the disease risk from common houseflies and how the town of Jasper, Indiana eradicated most of their flies through reforming garbage collection and installing GE kitchen disposals. Close-ups of flies and footage of Jasper accompany the narration. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Motors in which a male narrator describes the company's initiative in designing a windshield that can withstand the impact of stones. Two test drives, first with a regular windshield and the second with GM's more damage-resistant windshield, are demonstrated, and the narrator argues that the new windshields are further proof that GM cares about keeping consumer repair costs down. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Glass Container Manufacturers Institute in which a young man and woman leave various forms of litter around a city as they have fun on a date. An offscreen male narrator implores the viewer on behalf of glass manufacturers to "make love, not litter" and "keep America beautiful." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from Stag beer in which a group of elderly women collect and crush aluminum cans, while an offscreen male narrator describes how the company will pay one-half cent per can dropped off at Stag recycling centers. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company featuring a blind man who describes his experience working as an administrative director at the company. An offscreen male narrator discusses how the John Hancock company employs over 500 employees with some form of disability. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Shell Oil in which a researcher stands in a body of water and demonstrates some of the company's methods for oil spill containment and clean-up. The researcher and an offscreen male narrator claim that Shell prioritizes preventing spills so that such containment methods never need to be used. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement for the Opportunities Industrialization Center's (OIC) adult education programs in which a Black man from New York recounts his difficulties finding and sustaining a job until OIC taught him a useful trade. The man addresses the camera about the importance of learning a skill to make it in the world. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Glass Container Manufacturers Institute in which an offscreen narrator describes the steps for how recycled glass is processed and formed into new products over shots from a recycling plant and an automated bottling assembly line. The narrator tells the viewer that the bottle they used last week may form part of the future bottle they will use next week. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Again Dr. Jones uses Beethoven’s music as an illustration, explaining the composer’s humorous interplay of major and minor tonalities more fully. He also treats briefly the traditional tonal systems from the time of Wagner to the emergence of new tonal arrangements.
The psychological effects of various tonal patterns are demonstrated in the discussion of this topic. Professor Jones illustrates the varying characters or “atmosphere” of melodies based on scales and modes of different character.