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Discusses imitative polyphony as a basic principle of musical structure. Illustrates two types of composition which use imitative polyphony as the structural principle, namely, the sixteenth century motet and the fugue as heard in Handel's Messiah. (WMSB-TV) Kinescope.
A public service announcement for the Illinois Department of Public Health in which a mother in the "old days" drags her son to a quarantined measles home so that he can catch the virus and "get it over with." An offscreen male narrator describes how the measles vaccination makes such practices unnecessary, and the boy is shown receiving his vaccine at a doctor's office. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Wilderness Society in which a scene of forest wildlife is overlaid with audio of developers clearing trees. An offscreen male narrator reminds the viewer that "man does not live by development alone," while onscreen text provides information on how to order a free booklet on "the American wilderness." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the University of Toronto featuring a silent scroll of text discussing the problem of noise pollution and urging the viewer to contact the university's Pollution Probe to learn more. White screens accompanied by a noisy siren bookend the text scroll. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
The delegates discuss Britain's reaction to "the United States' humiliation in its satellite rivalry with the USSR" and what America is famous for in each of the representatives' countries.
In this program Uncle Wonder uses a gram scale and weighs the air in a basketball. He also shows that air has weight by balancing two balloons, one at each end of a stick, and breaking one of them, the other naturally falls to the table.
An advertisement for Big Dip "ice milk" in which an animated man tells an ice cream scoop about the product and the scoop creates a sculpture of the Eifel Tower out of the ice milk.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a boy runs to the grocery store to buy the product quickly, and shows the carton to a line of people waiting for ice cream from a specialty parlor.
An advertisement for Kent cigarettes featuring Olympic gold medalist in high jump Walt Davis, who takes a drag of the cigarette and describes what he likes about it. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Parliament cigarettes in which a narrator describes the product's recessed filter and price. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
Bash Kennett shows some of the things which fascinated children of other times, taking a trip to see some dolls, stereopticons, books and bicycles of early periods which grandfather may have enjoyed as a boy. Songs include “The Devil’s Nine Questions” and “This A’Way.”
Outlines the scope of this series of programs and defines the nature and function of passing notes in music. Compares music in architecture. Outlines the formal or structural principals in music. (WMSB-TV) Kinescope.
Tells the story of changes which have taken place in home implements. Shows an early vacuum cleaner, phonograph, washing machine, butter churn, and candle mold.