- Date:
- 1958
- Summary:
- This program will introduce volcanism and the rocks (igneous) which result from heat. Igneous rocks are formed from molten rock and can befound either beneath the earth’s surface or on the surface. Identification of them is made by texture. this dependson where they cooled, and how fast the cooling took place. You will examine the texture and characteristics of someof the common igneous rocks. Granite is one of these and has many different forms. Basalt is another, a dense rock with small crystals, but having a different chemical make-up from that of granite. You’ll find out too about the formations in which igneous rocks are frequently found; dikes, sheets, sills, and laccoliths. Finally you will see a miniature volcano erupt to introduce the most catastrophic form of volcanism, and the rocks formed from this kind of heat; obsidian, pumice, and scoria.