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Presents a high-school class studying god citizenship in the community and in the school. Dramatizes the manner in which the student committees organized projects for improving school elections, choosing proper representatives for student government, welcoming new students, and up-grading lunch room conditions. Emphasizes that good citizenship in the school produces good citizenship in the community.
In this program, film sequences illustrate the steps in the prison separation and analysis technique, and an inmate tells of his experience with the classification system. Criminologist Joseph D. Lohman outlines the basic and conflicting ideas which underlie imprisonment, punishment and rehabilitation. Powers and Lohman
emphasize the need for professional personnel to implement the classification of prisoners and the importance of setting up programs to meet their individual needs.
Brushy, Susie-Q and Linda leave so much litter when they play in the park that the clean-up man has to stay late to tidy up after them. When the children realize that they are keeping him from a party, they correct their mistake and help clean up.
Clever Elsie really isn't very clever at all. Marionettes tell the story of Clever Elsie who sweeps with the broom upside down to keep from wearing out the straw. One day, Clever Elsie goes to the cellar to get some cider and she notices a pick-ax stuck in a beam. She begins to think that if she should ever marry and have a child and send him to the cellar for cider, the pick-ax might fall on his head and kill him and Elsie begins to cry. Her parents come to the cellar with Hans, who is looking for a clever wife, and Elsie tells them her story. Soon everyone is crying and Hans decides to marry Elsie because she is so clever.
Dora shows the audience how to make a clam and a bird puppet. Dora and Fignewton put on a play about Clifford the Clam who gets a sore foot from jumping too high.
Bash tells us that there were no clocks or watches aboard the Mayflower and that the watch was invented after the first settlers in America had landed. The history of mechanical methods to tell time is told by Bash from the marking of shadows by the sundial through early water clocks, notched candles on to the developments of clocks. Songs include “Dillar A Dollar,” “Grandfather’s Clock” and “Dublin City.” The Lillian Patterson dance group performs in this program.
Teenagers from Pakistan, Vietnam, Germany, and Yugoslavia discuss socialism in Yugoslavia and Russian Communism. Questions the definition of the word "freedom." Analyzes the prospects of reunification for Germany and Vietnam. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
The neighborliness of people in the South gives rise to many stories of help to others living nearby. The assistance with plowing, picking of crops and helping “catch up on work” is told, then the custom of a logrolling is pictured, wherein the neighbors gather to clear the fields of trees and logs. After the logrolling came the brush burning, or “woods burning” to further clear the land. This life is described, followed by the good times they had at a feast, after the work was done. Songs include “In the Evening,” “Nicodemus” and “Liza Jane.”
Describes the various groups of settlers that came to this country and founded colonies. Tells of the first French, English, Dutch, Swedish, and Spanish settlers. Discusses their lives, homes, and food.
Uses laboratory experiments to demonstrate the process of combustion and the by-products produced. Explains how combustion depends on fuel, air, and heat. Illustrates combustion with liquid and solid fuels. Shows how and why various by-products are formed. Concludes with experiments showing the properties of carbon dioxide and its effect on combustion. (KQED) Film.
Visits the Brookfield Zoo to discover those animals which look and live alike but are unrelated. Explains that copy-cats occur in the plant, bird, and animal, worlds, and tells why. Uses film clips of the echidna, flying squirrel, flying phalanger, tenrec, hummingbirds, sunbirds, toucan, and hornbill. (WTTW) Kinescope.
How the clothes of people living in this country have changed is shown by Bash, in pictures and in living pictorial groups. From the early Spanish peaked helmet and bloomers, through the Cavaliers, with their plumed hats and high leather-jack boots, Bash travels, saying why and how the changes occurred. The Puritan simple dress, the colonial costume, complete with high powdered wigs, the hoop skirts and the bustles all are part of the description. Children’s costumes of the time are shown by actual children, and the dances done by the children of certain periods are demonstrated by the Lillian Patterson dance group.
Bash starts at the earliest meetings of groups of people, the church festival, and traces the development of gatherings on through the country fairs. The camp meetings of the Methodists give rise to the well-known rollicking song, “Methodist Pie.” The custom of bringing goods that were grown on the individual farm, and taking the family to the fair, to see new things, to buy things, and to meet with friends develops in to the country fair, with its gay decorations, its amusements, and its fund of knowledge. Contests are described, such as the athletic events of running and jumping and shooting, which the young men practiced, and the Patterson dance group dances to the song, “Camptown Races,” as they show how the sulkies sped around the track behind the trotting horses.
Bash tells the romance crossing streams and takes a film trip to see some historic covered bridges which are still in use. Covered bridges had many unusual features including the special toll charge for shoveling snow into the inside for the sleighs to pass on in winter. Bash tells how, fitted together with wooden pins, often they floated downstream intact in floods. Songs include “London Bridge" and "Red River Valley".
Tells the story of an imaginary cross-country trip in a covered wagon. Explains the preparation for the trip. Describes the difficulties encountered on such a journey. (KQED) Kinescope.
Concentrates on criminal behavior committed by teenagers. Points out that juvenile delinquency may be over-exaggerated. Shows how improvements in statistics, reporting, and apprehension influence the total picture of teenage crime. Presents a group of young people discussing themselves and their problems. (KQED) Kinescope.
Minerals are combinations of the elements of the earth. They can be identified by luster, color, hardness, specific gravity, density and cleavage, and by their crystal form. This program will deal with these forms. When the minerals solidify in cavities without interference with solid substances, they usually assume shapes which are characteristics of each particular mineral. To a physicist the crystal arrangement describes the internal arrangement of atoms. To the amateur observer the large well-formed crystals are beautiful examples of symmetry in nature. Some crystals are angular, others are then and needle-like; some dendritic or branching like limbs of a tree; others botryoidally or grapelike. You will see some common crystal forms: quartz, feldspar, mica, obsidian, garnet, magnetite, hematite, fluorite, calcite, dolomite, pyrite, gypsum, sugar, and salt.
Uses laboratory experiments to explain properties of crystals and glass. Tell how crystals are formed and demonstrates crystallization taking place. Discusses glass, its formation, and how it differs from crystals. (KQED) Film.
Uses dance routines and originally scored music to demonstrate cultural differences in early training of infants. Compares families of southern urban Negroes, the Manus of the Admiralty Islands, and the Hopi Indians of northern Arizona. Describes group objectives of early training, its impact upon the child's personality, and the end result of childhood training.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray differences in marriage rituals of three societies. Emphasizes the basic motive behind the selection of marriage partners, the rituals that join them, and the values that guide their relationships. Compares Americans, the Bantu of Africa, and the Muria of India.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray differences in marriage rituals of three societies. Emphasizes the basic motive behind the selection of marriage partners, the rituals that join them, and the values that guide their relationships. Compares Americans, the Bantu of Africa, and the Muria of India.
Analyzes patterns of culture and their influence on the rise of criminality, using the Nazi regime in Germany as an example. Points out how accepted behavior in one culture may be a crime in another. Discusses the impact of cultures meeting head-on, thus giving rise to criminal behavior.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a family takes a road trip and the parents forget their son at the Dairy Queen, and they travel back to find him enjoying a sundae.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a mailman takes a break to eat a banana split and laughs as a dog tries to perform tricks in order to eat some of the ice cream.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a Monkees-esque teen idol runs from a group of fans and travels to the Dairy Queen and feels refreshed.
David Baker’s Concert Piece was commissioned by Lenore Hatfield and The Camerata for M. Dee Stewart. Conducted by Keith Brown, it was premiered with that orchestra in 1997. It is a major three movement concerto with strings “informed by jazz” as Baker said. Since the piece begins muted, Stewart chose to use a SoloTone mute ala Tommy Dorsey. Baker was asked to transcribe it for piano to give it more performance opportunities. After giving the premier performance of the piano version, Ashley Toms and Stewart recorded it in Auer Hall, Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University. This exciting work was edited under the supervision of Konrad Strauss, Professor of Music (Audio Engineering and Sound Production); Chair, Department of Audio Engineering and Sound Production.
Professor Nathaniel H. Frank discussed the nature of forces which produce curved paths, brings out the concept of centripetal vector acceleration, and shows how knowledge of the path and mass of an object gives information on the force involved.
WQED, Tom Coleman, Sam Silberman, Frank Stuckman, Albert B. Martin, Dr. Peter H. Odegard
Dr. Peter H. Odegard, head of the political science department at the University of California at Berkeley, delivers the paper he prepared at the time of the inauguration of Edward H. Litchfield as the twelfth chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh. He discusses the role that the universities of the United States must play in the country’s role in the world. He places particular emphasis on the social sciences.
Uses experiments to explain the theory of density. Shows that some objects will float while other sink. Illustrates with objects made of cork, brick, wood, and steel. (WCET) Kinescope.
In this episode, Dr. Smith, Jr.,explains and demonstrates dialect differences in standard English. He calls upon five guests from different geographical areas in the United States who illustrate pronunciation differences. The film illustrates how language variations are divided into geographical areas.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray reactions to human illness. Emphasizes detection, treatment, and acceptance of treatment methods of illness. Compares Americans, the Ojibwa Indians of Canada, and the Djuka Bush Negroes of Dutch Guiana. (KUHT) Film.
Discusses the problem of meteorite damage during space travel. Demonstrates the Navy's full-pressure space suit for emergency exit. Explains the difficulties of escape and survival in space. Features Captain Charles F. Gell of the Naval Air Material Center in Philadelphia, and Dr. Fritz Haber of Avco Manufacturing Corporation.
Discusses protective devices for flyers in space. Demonstrates the Air Force partial pressure suit. Explains the effects of "explosive decompression." Presents a design for a three-stage rocket vehicle, and points out special features of the cabin unit. Features Colonel Henry M. Sweeney, former director of research at the School of Aviation Medicine at Randolph Air Force Base, and Mr. Krafft A. Ehricke of General Dynamics Corporation.
In all societies, children have a need to play. The doll, made in the human image is a universal toy. The puppet, made in the human or animal form, is another means of diversion for children, as well as adults. In some non-technological societies, puppetry has been developed into a high art. Shari Lewis examines the variety of ways in which man, using materials at hand, has created replicas of himself for fun and amusement.
This is the eighth in the series of “Heritage” series, featuring Dr. T.V. Smith, Maxwell Professor of Poetry, Politics and Philosophy at Syracuse University. In this program Dr. Smith discusses Life’s High Trinity: Truth, Goodness and Beauty.
This is the eighth in the series of “Heritage” series. Featuring Dr. T.V. Smith, Maxwell Professor of Poetry, Politics and Philosophy at Syracuse University. Dr. Smith is host to Dr. M. Graham Netting, director of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, and
Robert Taylor, chief editorial writer for the Pittsburgh Press. The three of them discuss “Science: The Discipline of Truth,” with attention to historical concepts of science and the implications of science and science education in the world today.
Discusses politics as the discipline of goodness. Emphasizes the principles, interests, and discipline of politicians and politics. Featured host is T.V. Snith, Maxwell Professor of Poetry, Politics, Philosophy, Syracuse University, who relates his experiences to the subject of "goodness." (WQED) Film.
Discusses the early beginnings of the theater. Explains the techniques of the Greek theater and how playwriting developed. Illustrates the chorus technique with a scene from Oedipus the King.
Discusses the Shakespearean theater and neo-classic drama. Tells of realism, not only in plays, but in the theater itself. Demonstrates early realism with a scene from Hedda Gabler.
The program describes the kinds of housing the early settlers built, from the earliest lean-to type, hastily thrown together to protest the people as soon as they landed on these shores, on through the way they learned to make thatched roofs, then later cut logs for building. The use of handmade bricks, and the change of ways in making fireplaces from the original stick-covered-with-mud ones to brick ones follows in the story. The various ways of building sturdy walls by notching of logs in various patterns and cuts is shown. Songs include “The Tailor and the Mouse,” “Little Mohee,” and “Cockels and Mussels.”
The story of money is one of a way of life, says Bash in this program. Money was not always coin or paper notes. There were many things which early pioneers could use to buy things. In Virginia, they used tobacco; in South Carolina, rice; Indians used shells and beads; trappers of the North could buy a gun with furs, and the man of New England used fish or timber for payment. Songs include “Sixpence,” “When I Was Single” and “Ribbon Bow.”
The program begins with the days following the Civil War, when men first drove cattle westward to the range lands of the southwest, where only the buffalo had grazed before. The importance of meat to the country is shown, and the development of great herds, which roamed the open unfenced country until it was later settled and fenced. The life of the cowboy, the reason for his wearing his particular costume, chaps, kerchief, sombrero, is explained. Bash tells tales of the cowboy’s job herding, branding, and also driving the cattle on the long trek up the trails to market and shipping centers. Songs include “Cowboy’s Dreams,” “The Chisholm Trail,” and a lively dance is done to “Cindy” when the cowboys reach town.
Uses Demonstrations to explain echoes and how the ear functions. Tells how sound can bounce to produce an echo. Stresses ear care. Discusses how and why animals ears are shaped as they are. Shows how to make a harp out of rubber bands. (WCET) Kinescope.
Teenagers from Korea, Norway, Sudan, and the United Kingdom explain their views on American high school students after visiting American school rooms. Compares education in the United States with that of other countries. (WOR-TV) Kinescope. 1958
Teenagers from France, Ghana, India, and Israel discuss the pros and cons of Americans education. Questions whether or not American education is challenging. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenage delegates to the New York Herald Tribune Forum discuss the objectives and faults of American education. Comments are made on the place of the bright student, freedom of choice, size of schools, emphasis applied to subject matter, and how well education challenges the student.
In this program Mrs. Roosevelt tells of her first meeting with FDR, his personality as a young man, their wedding, FDR’s political beginnings, his mother and Louis Howe. She then tells of his illness and his recovery. She talks of his outstanding personality and his friends, his enemies, and his confidence in the people who worked with him.
Mrs. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt discusses her life after the death of her husband. She tells of her transition to the official duties at the United Nations, answers questions about Senator Mccarthy, the racial situation, current trends to re-evaluate American education and her relationship with the Russians. (WQED) Film.
In this program, Mrs. Roosevelt talks of her husband and his philosophy, religion, friendships and courage. She tells of D-Day in the White House, Pearl Harbor Day, and FDR’s moments of relaxation. She talks about Communism, war, leadership in the world today, and about the future.
Discusses problems arising when children become curious about sex and birth. Explains how parents can prepare themselves for this time, why questions must be answered, and how to proceed for mutual benefit of child and parent. (WTTW) Kinescope.