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Discusses the fundamental ideas of government, and points out that a government to be just must be for, of, and by the people. Explains why a government must have power and authority in order to function. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses intellectual learning and the role of the teacher. Shows how learning is only a small part of education, and mentions briefly some theories of learning. Points out that the learner must act if learning is to take place and that the teacher us only a guide and an aid to the learner. (Palmer Films) Film.
Explains the difference in the use of the word "law" in natural science, and the word "law" as used in art, politics, and conduct. Shows pictures to illustrate various concepts of law, and points out that criminal law makes up only a small portion of the laws of daily life. Discusses opposing views on what constitutes "the law." (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses the nature of opinion as contrasted with knowledge. Points out that where opinion can be right or wrong, knowledge can not be wrong. States that opinions are subject to conflict, and gives various examples of opinion such as majority rule, opinion polls, and controversy. (Palmer Films) Film.
Recounts the slow movement of the Spanish into the area of the Paraguay-Parana river system and across the Andes into Chile. Describes their difficulties with the Chilean Indians, and the Aracanians.
Describes the organization of American states and appraises its effectiveness. Discusses U.S.-Latin American relations and considers how they can be improved.
Discusses Christian dogma versus the Darwinian theory. Stresses the impact of modern psychology and biology upon man's concept of man. Discusses some sociological and legal distinctions between man and animals. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Continues the painting shown in UNDERPAINTING. More area is covered with underpaint, the head and face are developed through the use of brushes, and additional work is done on the chest area.
Describes the nature of work, and discusses work in relation to other life activities. Compares the time spent in labor by the average working man today with that of the pre-industrial man, and illustrates the change in his available free time. States that rest has a religious significance as referred to in the Old Testament and does not mean sleep. (Mortimer-Adler San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Explains that the personality of music is determined by the composer's style and by the use of various musical effects. Demonstrates and contrasts styles through selections played at the piano. Includes music by Bach, Schumann, Debussy, Liszt, and Chopin.