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Uses the cross section of a tree stump to explain the events in the life of a tree. Tells how insects, weather, hurricanes, and urbanization effect the life of a tree. Describes the function of the parts of a tree trunk. Illustrates, through experiments, how a tree lifts great quantities of water high in the air. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Animal marionettes portray the characters in the story of a Little Rabbit who is always wishing. His mother sends him to Professor Groundhog, the wisest animal in the forest because she knows the Professor will advise the Little Rabbit not to wish all the time. Prof. Groundhog sends the Little Rabbit to find Pinkney Green, an elf, who can grant one wish. Pinkney Green shows Little Rabbit the magic wishing pond and gives him magic instructions which he must follow before he makes his wish. Little Rabbit wishes for little red wings and home he goes to show his mother. She doesn't recognize him and sends him away. Only Prof. Groundhog knows him and lets him sleep in his home but Little Rabbit finds the wings are most uncomfortable and he can't sleep.
Presents two excerpts from Maxim Gorki's play The Lower Depths, as played by the Moscow Art Theater. One scene shows a group of social outcasts telling stories of former wealth and grandeur and an actor soliloquizing on "What is Man?" The second scene, taking place at a drinking party, shows the group's reaction to the actor's suicide.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick discusses the place of "The Madonna" in painting and sculpture. Uses prints to explain the many ways of representing this theme. Illustrates important points with sculptured madonnas and other religious works. Demonstrates various approaches to this subject with sketches.
Explains the need for law, and discusses the kinds of law which men provide over and above natural or divine law. Compares the various kinds of law with the enforcement necessary to make them binding. Shows how penal codes and civil law define various types of offenses, and describes different law-making authorities. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions). Kinescope.
Reports on excavations concluded at Nimrud, Iraq. Emphasizes the bronze gates, now in the British Museum, that were originally located in Balavat, near Nimrud. Points out that recent discoveries have shed light on various facets of ancient Assyrian civilization. (NYU) Kinescope.
Distinguishes between morality and virtue, and discusses good and bad love. Points out that the three bad loves are love of money, pride, and romantic love, and explains both that Adler's and Freud's views of love. Presents and defines the commands of love--love God, love thyself, and love others--and illustrates how bad love can defeat good love. (Palmer Films) Film.
Considers the kinds of human love, the various meanings of the word "love" as it is used in ordinary speech, and the different attitudes that people take toward love. Focuses on the problem of the distinction between love and desire and their relation to one another. (Palmer Films) Film.
Two artists demonstrate the creative process by reacting to a stimulus presented by a psychologist. Defines creativity and outlines the elements composing it; stresses the influence of environment on the creative impulse.
Discusses the process of revision through which a painting is developed, revealing how the artist uses his skill, knowledge, and experience to shape his ideas into a finished work of art. Compares many drawings and sketches with the paintings based upon them.