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Continues the discussion of how and in what respects man differs from other animals. Defines what is meant by difference in kind and degree giving the biologist's conception and the philosopher's definition. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Dr. Urey relates scientific thinking to philosophical, political and religious areas. He discusses the revolutionary change in the ideas of today due to radical discoveries by scientists. He speaks of the important role of the scientist today.
Dr. Urey describes the advancement of civilization as a result of scientific discoveries. He points out the impact of science on humanity, the importance of ethics in science, and the significance of seemingly "impractical" scientific investigation. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dr. Harold Urey discusses the responsibilities of the scientist to science, to the world, and to himself in relation to his discoveries. He is joined by guests and they speak of the moral responsibility of the scientist with regard to potentially dangerous work. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dr. Urey discusses the work of the twentieth century scientist and the problems which he meets and how he accomplishes his goals. In his talk, Dr. Urey draws from his own background in research on heavy hydrogen.
Discusses the use of western capital for the industrial development of the under-developed areas of the world. Presents an analysis of long range foreign aid policy to help secure peace. Features Dr. Harlan Cleveland, Dean, Syracuse University, John E. Hull, General, United States Army (retired), and host Dr. Huston Smith. (KETC) Kinescope.
Examines the potentiality of education on the sub-verbal level. Discusses the training of the special senses such as vision and the autonomic nervous system. Points out the need for research and application of training on the sub-verbal level in order for man to attain a higher capacity for thought. Features Aldous Huxley, author and lecturer. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents a look at world illiteracy. Suggests the use of an already proven method of combating illiteracy in order to help the people of underdeveloped areas. Emphasizes that people are on the move and must be helped. Features Dr. Frank Laubach, missionary, educator, and author. (KETC) Kinescope.
Herald Tribune Forum delegates from Lebanon, France, India, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Germany, and the Union of South Africa compare education in the U.S. with that of their countries. Includes comments on teaching methods, classroom procedures, and co-education. (WOR-TV) Kinescope. 1957
Discusses human action and its causes. Compares voluntary and involuntary response. Uses a slow motion film clip to demonstrate the startle response. Concludes with a demonstration to show that voluntary effort has its causes. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses briefly the scope of psychology. Uses charts, models, and demonstrations to explain how the eye function. Illustrates size constancy and distance in perceptions. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses finishing techniques in ceramic sculpture. Explains how the finish must make the sculptured work permanent and at the same time enhance its feeling and form. Shows the method of firing ceramic pieces in the kiln. Demonstrates different methods of finishing the pieces including staining, waxing, and the application of different types of glazes. Concludes with a discussion of ancient and modern polychrome sculpture. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Discusses and explains the zones of a candle flame. Shows the differences between a candle and a burner flame. Uses experiments to illustrate and define air density and convection currents. (KQED) Film.
Illustrates and discusses the chief causes of forgetting. Compares the theories of disuse and interference. Explains the part of retroactive inhibition and motivation in forgetting. Uses charts, diagrams, and examples to illustrate major points. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Reviews the penetration of later Latin Americans into the hinterlands of the several colonies. Points out that these frontier movements expanded the territory held and often set the boundaries of the future nations. (KETC) Kinescope.
Points out the purposes and procedures of the series of motion pictures, YESTERDAY'S WORLDS. Reviews objects shown and summarizes ideas discussed in the preceding 25 half-hour programs. Emphasizes the values of research into man's past. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses Guatemalan politics, relations with the U.S., the use of U.S. foreign aid. Describes the country itself and its customs and habits. Shows native clothing and handicrafts. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Hand puppets are used to tell the age-old story of the two children whose step mother takes them to the forest and leaves them. The trail they've left with bread crumbs, is eaten by the birds, so unable to find their way home, they say their prayers and go to sleep under a tree. They wake in the morning and discover a candy house.
Dr. Henry Steele Commager discusses the political thinking of today. Explains the desirability of the inductive or pragmatic approach to problems of politics and society. Discusses the concepts of majority and minority rule, loyalty, and security in terms of theoretical dangers, fundamental truths, and moral absolutes. Points out the importance of experience, reality, and actuality in judging political action. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dr. Henry Steele Commager and his guests discuss various aspects and problems of American higher education. Presents one viewpoint concerning the need for change in public thinking toward higher education, how students acquire attitudes, college and university methods, intellectual versus social training, educational leadership, and the problem of standards. Centers the discussion around the importance of society to the ultimate solving of these problems. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dr. Henry Steele Commager and his guests discuss freedom and security in today's society. Defines freedom as a natural right, a practical necessity, and a way of living. Considers the problem of freedom, security, and loyalty on a national as well as local level. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dr. Commager lectures on the subject of nationalism as something Americans take for granted but as something that is actually new in history. He also clarifies nationalism as a blessing rather than a curse to mankind. He discusses his theory that American nationalism differs in important ways from European or even Asiatic. He shows how nationalism came about as suggesting what the US can should do to mitigate the ravages of nationalism generally.
Dr. Henry Steele Commager discusses the place of America in history. Explains early European curiosity concerning the value of the discovery of America. Points out how America's contribution to technology, social democracy, federal politics, education, separation of church and state, and nationalism have influenced institutions elsewhere. (WQED) Kinescope.
Cameras are carried in rockets to get technical information about the flight. The resulting movies and stills provide interesting viewing in addition to their primary value. Other applications, such as meteorological predictions, beside the present usages, are suggested by some of the pictures.
Describes the art of stage make-up and its function in the theatre. Presents and discusses three main categories of make-up: character, stylized, and straight make-up. Examines the tools and materials used in stage make-up and demonstrates their use. Shows the functions of make-up in relation to characterization, lighting, distance, and color.
Demonstrates through slow motion and natural photography the positions and movements of the "Hoosier Promenade." Opens with a group of eight dancers performing the introduction to the dance. Shows each pair of dancers, identified by a number, demonstrating the different parts of the dance and how each step flows smoothly into the next. Concludes with the performance of the dance to a record.
Discusses the use of scientific method in psychology. Uses the moon illusion to explain the development of a scientific hypothesis. Shows how psychological experiments are solving the problem of the moon illusion. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Prof. Boring shows how human beings can be “set” or “tuned in” to a special response just as a radio can be tuned to a particular station. The brain can be directed along a certain channel, which it will follow until that channel or “station” is changed. Once told to think of rhyming words for example the voluntary subject concentrates on the sound of words almost exclusively, until she comes to “month,” for which there is only one unfamiliar rhyme. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Show how philosophy differs from science and religion in its methods and objectives, and states that each is independent of the other. Points out that as historians, chemists, and astronomers differ in their methods of inquiry, so also do scientists, philosophers, and theologians. Insists that there need not be conflicts among the three if each group stayed within their own field. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Illustrates and explains the many different ways in which seeds are dispersed--by animals, by the wind, and by water. Points out that only a very few live to grow into plants.
Delinquent behavior is not directly related to IQ. Sheriff Lohman reviews this point with Dr. A. Arthur Hartman of the Psychiatric Bureau of Chicago’s Municipal Court. Case studies of two delinquent boys are presented, one with a low IQ and the other with a high one.
Discusses the dynamics of ideas and ideologies. Suggests a cultural exchange with Russia in an effort to lessen world tensions. Features Dr. Harold Fisher, Professor of International Relations, San Francisco State College and host Dr. Huston Smith. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the relationship of actions to "set" and unconscious motivation. Demonstrates ideomotor action. Explains visual and tactile muscle reading. Illustrates social motivation through film clips of experiments with pigeons. Concludes with a psychological test showing unconscious perception and immediate forgetting. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the organization of the colonial empires by the mother countries. Explains how these early patterns have affected the development of South America, including even the independent nations. (KETC) Kinescope.
Describes the main characteristics of impressionism and contrasts it with the art that prevailed in the era which preceded it. Stress is placed upon impressionism's major characteristics including elimination of details and use of color to produce optical effects in which colors are mixed by the eye. Special attention is given to coloring techniques used in painting such as use of colored dots rather than solid color areas.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick relays that real understanding and appreciation is discovered and developed through frequent visits to the art gallery and museum. We enter an exhibition of painting and sculpture, move from one work of art to the other, at the same time discussing the particular aspects of each as they relate to various contemporary movements in the arts. With illustrative drawings done with chalk at a large easel, the points previously observed and discussed are clarified. The program's guest is Miss Stella Nardozza, Teaching Supervisor, Pittsburgh Television Teaching Demonstration.
This discussion centers around the political organization of the ancient Incas in Peru in relation to the work of their craftsmen in pottery and gold. Guests are Dudley T. Easby, Jr., secretary of the Metropolitan, and Julius Bird, department of anthropology at the American Museum of Natural History.
Tells of the importance of corn to the settlers. Explains how the Indians helped the settlers plant corn and their methods of cultivation. Shows the participation of Indian children in planting, grinding, and keeping birds away from the corn fields.
Prof. Boring presents examples of instinctive behavior: Iron filings line up in a magnetic field; a cat rights itself when dropped; plants turn toward light; a person’s eyes blink, when an object suddenly passes close to the eye.
Discusses the geography of Latin America, including information on area and population. Designed for the average North American viewer. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents an introduction of the series OF SCIENTISTS AND SCIENTISTS. Discusses the subject of science and shows excerpts from other programs in the series. Illustrates with experiments and mathematical problems the kind of thinking essential to the study of science. Features Dr. Philippe LeCorbeiller and Dr. Gerald Holton, Physics Department, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Introduces as artist who begins the painting, "The Man of Sorrows," portraying Christ on the Cross. Shows the rough sketch which serves as a guide for the painting and discusses philosophic and artistic considerations involved in its execution. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents the story of the decipherment of ancient cuneiform and hieroglyphic writing. Explains how the Rosetta stone in Egypt became the key to unlock the mystery of hieroglyphics. Discusses the work of Grotefend, Rawlinson, and Champollion in achieving an understanding of ancient writing. (UCS)
Discusses the correspondence between ancient kings of the Middle Eastern countries. The letters were recently discovered in the Egyptian village of El-Amarna, and they deal with problems of money, with intrigues, and with marriage settlements. (NU) Kinescope.
In this program, Mr. Goldovsky clearly demonstrates the need for close attention to the language of the written musical score. Through musical example he aptly demonstrates the use of the musical passage as a guide to stage production and direction. He gives a more complete understanding of the opera through recognition of the language of music.
Relates to rocket development the problem of getting a man out of a fast-moving aircraft with a minimum of personal injury. Illustrates this phase of rocketry with pictures of the rocket sled at Holloman Air Force Base.
Explains the classical principles of learning by association. Discusses the work of Ebbinghaus and Pavlov. Presents the laws of frequency of contiguity and reinforcement by satisfaction. Illustrates contiguity, exercise, and effect. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses and demonstrates through film clips the concept of learning by reinforcement. Describes the shaping of behavior by rewarding of a correct action when it occurs by chance. Illustrates the nature of reinforcement by reward, the disappearance of a learned response when reward is discontinued, and the learning of discriminative and cooperative behavior. Uses filmed sequences of Skinner's experimental work with pigeons. (WGBH-TV)
States that people read for pleasure, information, and enlightenment. Explains what enlightenment means and how to read for this type of learning. Points out that to gain enlightenment, a person should actively read books that are challenging. Gives suggestions for active reading. (Palmer Films) Films.