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Explains and demonstrates how sculpture in relief developed from the cave man to the present. Illustrates with ancient and modern examples. Discusses the composition and carving techniques of full-scale reproductions of famous sculptures. Describes how the artist's sculpture is transferred in the production of a commemorative medal. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Discusses the use of stone as a medium of sculpture. Demonstrates the tools and techniques of stone carving. Shows several works carved from different types of stone explaining why particular stone os chosen for a specific piece of sculpture. Illustrates with the carving of a portrait of Washington. features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick presents a historical review of sculpturing, emphasizing the materials and techniques employed in creating this art form. Discusses sculptural masterpieces from Egypt, Assyria, and Greece. Displays and explains the use of various varieties of stone. Demonstrates ways in which the beginner may use simple materials and tools--plaster of Paris, insulating brick, and a knife. Continues with a more detailed explanation of the sculptor's tools--mallet and various chisels. Features Henry Bursztznowicz demonstrating the techniques and tools used.
Demonstrates the tools and techniques of wood carving. Discusses and shows the advantages and disadvantages of wood as a medium of sculptor. Illustrates with finished works carved from different woods explaining the sculptural qualities and techniques of each. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Demonstrates the removal of the mold from the clay bust. Shows methods and implements used in removing the cast. Points out the importance of being careful and patient. Reviews briefly what has taken place in the preceding programs. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling from Sculpture IV. Explains how the artist works to refine certain areas. Demonstrates how to "draw" carefully in the clay to bring out certain characteristics of the model. Discusses capturing certain expressions in the clay. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the work on details begun in Sculpture V. Explains how an area can be broken up into planes by the use of a block of wood. Demonstrates ways of modeling the eyes. Discusses the importance of the sculptor being able to draw graphically. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling from Sculpture VI and completes the clay bust. Discusses and demonstrates how the eye is modeled. Emphasizes the importance of having different parts work together as a whole. Outlines the many finishing techniques that can be used. Comments briefly on several contemporary sculptors. (KECT) kinescope.
Describes and illustrates the mold casting stage in the development of the sculptural portrait. Shows how plaster is mixed, applied to the clay, and the importance of working fast. Discusses the use of shims for separating the mold. Concludes by showing the completed mold. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the process of making a plaster cast. Points out how the molds are shellacked and placed together again. Demonstrates how the plaster is mixed. Shows the process of pouring the plaster into the mold. (KETC) Kinescope.
Shows how the mold is removed from the finished plaster bust. Discusses the use of bluing in the first coat of plaster. Illustrates the use of the screwdriver and mallet in removing the mold. Concludes with a comparison of the model and the completed plaster portrait bust. (KETC) Kinescope.
An advertisement for Sealtest ice cream in which a woman tastes the brand product thinking it's from a specialty parlor and is surprised to learn it's Sealtest.
An advertisement for Sealtest ice cream in which a woman tastes the brand product thinking it's from a specialty parlor and is surprised to learn it's Sealtest.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick discusses the importance of the self-portrait as a means of art expression. Tells how the self-portrait not only preserves a physical likeness of the artist, but provides an insight into his character, mode of dress, and customs. Demonstrates the various techniques involved painting self-portraits by having two professional artists develop their own likenesses. Presents and explains the work and self-portraits of great artists to help develop a greater understanding of this art form.
Discusses the essentials of love, and explains how sexual love and erotic love can be combined. Distinguishes between sexual desire and sexual love, outlining the elements of both. States that if sex or want come first, love is short lived but that love will last if it comes first. (Palmer Films) Film.
An advertisement for Shell Oil in which a researcher stands in a body of water and demonstrates some of the company's methods for oil spill containment and clean-up. The researcher and an offscreen male narrator claim that Shell prioritizes preventing spills so that such containment methods never need to be used. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Man learned early to read the messages of the footprint and the broken twig and the book of the clouds and the tides, as truly as though these were printed texts. Soon he began to make readable marks, blazing trails, signaling with piled stones and scratches on rock. Out of this came primitive pictograph for purposes of magic, commemoration, and communication. He talked to strangers in a sign language, the very symbols of which later were written down as characters. Simple pictures of these things came to stand for complicated ideas, as well as the things themselves. This opening program shows how very elaborate messages were early conveyed by simple signs.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick discusses the creation of a work of art through sketching. He explains and demonstrates the expression of an idea using a variety of media and techniques. Uses the work of Miro, Kandinsky, and others of the contemporary school to clarify the expression of concepts and objectives. Stresses the point that sketching should represent each individual's own personal creative interpretation of an idea.
Presents members of the New York Herald Tribune World Forum and forum director Helen Hiett Waller. Teenagers from the Sudan, Israel, Ceylon, and Yugoslavia discuss American slang as an obstacle to the understanding of English and as a puzzlement and source of amusement to foreign visitors. The young people examine slang words and phrases in their own language.
Hand puppets portray the age-old story of two girls named Snow White and Rose Red, who live with their mother in a small cottage near the forest. One evening a bear comes to their door seeking warmth. He is invited in, and after playing with the two little girls, the mother tells him he is welcome to stay with them until spring.
Discusses naviagational routes in space travel. Describes parabolas, hyperbolas and ellipses as the curves that will be traced by airships coasting in planetary and solar gravitational fields.
Discusses stage lighting in terms of special effects, atmosphere, and mood. Follows the work of the light designer from the initial preparation to the final production. Outlines the objectives and demonstrates in detail the basic requirements of stage lighting. Presents many types of lighting equipment and explains how they are used to produce desired effects. Includes a brief history of stage lighting.
Home movie documenting multiple trips Bailey took to Europe between 1957 and 1964. Highlights include pastoral scenes and medieval architecture in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany ; Bailey boarding the Auguste Piccard mesoscaphe in Lausanne, Switzerland ; public art in Geneva, including the Reformation Wall and Woodrow Wilson Memorial Sphere. In Paris, Bailey visits the Palace of Versailles, Notre Dame, Tuileries Garden, Chartres Cathedral, and the Sorbonne, which she once attended as a student.
A public service announcement from Stag beer in which a group of elderly women collect and crush aluminum cans, while an offscreen male narrator describes how the company will pay one-half cent per can dropped off at Stag recycling centers. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Describes the role of the production crew--the designers, craftsmen, and technicians. Demonstrates the procedures followed by the production staff in the creation of the play. Shows where they work, how they perform their jobs, and the tools which they use.
Describes the fundamental relationships existing between music, staging, and words in the successful and meaningful production of an opera. Stresses the importance, on the part of the stage director and the actors, of understanding the language of the music in arriving at staging procedures. Shows correct and incorrect examples of fitting stage movement to the music using selections from Don Giovanni, Faust, and Carmen. (WQED) Kinescope.
[motion picture] Orients students to the opportunities and experiences for the study of government at a typical college or university. Emphasizes that government cannot be taken for granted and that everyone is a part of the government. Demonstrates various areas of government for study: American government, politics, public administration, comparative and internal relations, and immediate controversial problems. Concludes with the generalization that the study of government is democracy at work.
All 33 of the Herald Tribune High School Forum delegates appear in their native costumes and talk of their experiences and impressions after their three month stay in four different American homes and schools. 1957 (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Summer in Scandinavia
This film contains graphic footage that some viewers may find distressing.
Home movie documenting Bailey's trip to Scandinavia, circa 1964. Features street scenes of major cities such as Oslo, Helsinki, Stockholm, and Copenhagen. Captures the daily life of locals as they enjoy public parks and markets in each city. Ends with footage of a hunting expedition in the Arctic, where men track, kill, and skin seals and polar bears.
Springtime in Europe
Home movie documenting multiple trips Bailey took to Europe between 1957 and 1964. Highlights include pastoral scenes and medieval architecture in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany ; Bailey boarding the Auguste Piccard mesoscaphe in Lausanne, Switzerland ; public art in Geneva, including the Reformation Wall and Woodrow Wilson Memorial Sphere. In Paris, Bailey visits the Palace of Versailles, Notre Dame, Tuileries Garden, Chartres Cathedral, and the Sorbonne, which she once attended as a student.
Shows the use of tape recorders in teaching situations and presents some of the different models of recorders indicating their controls, various speeds, and purposes. Gives a demonstration of several microphone placements and offers suggestions for the improvement of recorded sound quality. Explains how to edit tapes by splicing and suggests many uses for tape recorders such as in language instruction, music groups, and conferences.
Discusses the use of terra cotta clay in sculpturing. Shows the modeling of a figure in terra cotta clay. Explains the nature of this medium and the problems of working with it. Tells how terra cotta clay differs from ordinary modeling clay. Demonstrates the "inside-outside" method of working with terra cotta. Illustrates with examples of completed figures in different kinds of terra cotta clay. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Demonstrates through slow motion and natural photography the positions and movements of the "Texas Star." Opens with a group of eight dancers performing the introduction to the dance. Shows each pair of dancers, identified by a number, demonstrating the different parts of the dance and how each step flows smoothly into the next. Concludes with the performance of the dance to a record.
Examines the actor's contribution to theatrical production. Discusses two basic steps in the actor's creation of the character which he portrays: visualization and expression. Demonstrates by following the actor and director through a study-analysis discussion and a rehearsal of Romeo and Juliet.
In the concluding program on this subject, Dr. Adler deals with the two general considerations of aesthetics and ethics. On the side of aesthetics, he draws a comparison between beauty in art and beauty in nature. He also deals with the problem of intellectual and moral content of art, the consideration of freedom of the arts, and concludes by comparing the importance in human life of producing as opposed to appreciating works of art.
Uses photographs and diagrams the explain the age of the universe. Discusses the age of the earth, compositions of the milky way, how stars are formed, and cosmic development. Points out the difference between mechanical and evolutionary changes in the universe. Explains the uncoiling spiral of a new galaxy, and speculates on the duration of our own solar system. Features Dr. Bart J.Bok, Professor of Astronomy, National University of Australia. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Show how the black keys on the piano can be an alphabet of music all by themselves. Demonstrates the black key scale is characteristic of much folk or primitive music and show how it has been used by many modern composers. (University of Rochester) Film.
Describes the white keys of the piano as part of the composer's language. Shows different colors and tonal qualities of various white key scales. Demonstrates transposition and shows the great variety possible in seven white piano keys. (University of Rochester) Film.
Discusses and illustrates physical characteristics of the bird. Explains the skeletal system, covering of feathers, and uses of the beak and feet. Outlines graphically the ancestry of the bird. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Preston E. James, Milan Herzog
Locates the Amazon river on a map and describes its size, tributary rivers, and climate. Shows the vegetation, jungle animals, and life of primitive Indians who live in the jungle. Depicts life in small villages and major occupations of the people. Discusses the primary industries of the Amazon region.
Outlines and explains the life cycle of the salamander and shows some common salamanders of New England. Show how to set up a terrarium for keeping salamanders as pets. Also considers ferns, mosses, and club mosses suggested for use in a terrarium. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Shows close-ups of toads and frogs of New England. Pictures various kinds of frogs and toads, explains how to identify their eggs, and presents extreme close-up views of the action of polliwogs. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Hand puppets enact the story of a man and wife who were too lazy to plant their own pear trees. Their neighbor tells them they may have all the pears that fall from the tree on their side of the fence.The husband goes to fetch wood and meets a bear who agrees to carry wood to the wife if he can have some bread pudding. The selfish husband and wife eat all of the pudding before the bear arrives. When he sees he has been tricked, the bear upsets everything in the house and leaves. He comes to the pear tree and decides to take the pears. Just then the wife sneezes, the bear thinks they are shooting at him so he drops the pears and runs away. The neighbor comes by and recovers the pears that were dropped, leaving the lazy man and wife with nothing.
Discusses the development of printing. Describes how printing is developed from simple writing on papyrus to decorated books written on parchment and vellum. Explains the origins of and differences between parchment and vellum. Discusses paint,ink,and writing techniques of the Middle Ages. Illustrates with collector's items. (USC) Film.
Introduces the series, SCIENCE AND HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY, by discussing the reasons for calling the conference. Surveys the problems to be discussed. Features Dr. Huston Smith, Professor of Philosophy, Washington University. (KETC) Kinescope.
WKNO-TV, The Junior League of Memphis, Tom Tichenor, Diane Parrish, Emma Wade, Al Gresham, Al Wood, Bill Orr, Howard Holst
Marionettes reveal the story of a Young Tailor who buys jam for one slice of bread which attracts seven hungry flies. The tailor kills all seven flies with one blow, decides he is very brave, and goes to the castle to win the hand of the Princess. He presents himself to the King and Queen, who sent him to kill two giants who have been destroying the kingdom. They promise the tailor the Princess in marriage when the giants are dead.