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Distinguishes between work and play and work and leisure, and discusses the meaning of chores. Explains that work is that which we have to do for subsistence. Presents a derivation of the word "leisure", and lists some leisure activities. Places leisure between work and play, and points out that there are no distinct dividing lines between leisure and work and leisure and play. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Explains the need for law, and discusses the kinds of law which men provide over and above natural or divine law. Compares the various kinds of law with the enforcement necessary to make them binding. Shows how penal codes and civil law define various types of offenses, and describes different law-making authorities. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions). Kinescope.
Discusses Christian dogma versus the Darwinian theory. Stresses the impact of modern psychology and biology upon man's concept of man. Discusses some sociological and legal distinctions between man and animals. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Continues the discussion of how and in what respects man differs from other animals. Defines what is meant by difference in kind and degree giving the biologist's conception and the philosopher's definition. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Discusses various types of work, ranging from sheer drudgery to labors of love. Lists several activities, such as dancing, football, carpentry, and music, which are play for some and work for others. States two conditions by which work takes on dignity, and defines the dignity of man and the dignity of labor. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Defines "justice of law," and discusses the relation of natural to just and unjust law. Explains the equality of justice, and illustrates how man-made laws have been evolving toward natural laws. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
This is the first of a series of four discussions on philosophy. In it, Dr. Adler defines philosophy and discusses the relationship of philosophy to science and religion. He also answers the question whether man needs a philosophy of life and reveals his belief that philosophy is useful and, in fact, is the foundation of all learning.
Show how philosophy differs from science and religion in its methods and objectives, and states that each is independent of the other. Points out that as historians, chemists, and astronomers differ in their methods of inquiry, so also do scientists, philosophers, and theologians. Insists that there need not be conflicts among the three if each group stayed within their own field. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Tells about the Institute of Philosophical Research in San Francisco, and discusses its purpose and activities. Explains the necessary conditions for philosophical progress, and describes the contribution of the Institute to liberal education. Points out that the Institute is not attempting to find answers to all questions, but rather to establish a foundation for future philosophers. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses the evidence and arguments for the Darwinian theory of man's nature and origin. Outlines the Theory of Evolution as it applies to plants and animals, and applies this theory to man, considering both physical and mental evolution. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.