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Discusses Guatemalan politics, relations with the U.S., the use of U.S. foreign aid. Describes the country itself and its customs and habits. Shows native clothing and handicrafts. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Surveys the political and economic evolution of Puerto Rico. Explains Puerto Rico's new political association with the U.S. Describes present Puerto Rican efforts to realize economic benefits through this new status. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the basic elements of painting--line, form, color, and texture--as well as those of music and poetry. Clarifies the meaning of these elements with charcoal drawings, musical selections, and poetry readings.
Discusses and demonstrates scenic design and the part it plays in theatrical production. Introduces the scenic designer and his work, discusses the problems he faces as an artist, and shows how he creates scenery. Illustrates the objective of stage scenery. Presents styles of scenic design including realism, stylism, and theatricalism.
Describes the art of stage make-up and its function in the theatre. Presents and discusses three main categories of make-up: character, stylized, and straight make-up. Examines the tools and materials used in stage make-up and demonstrates their use. Shows the functions of make-up in relation to characterization, lighting, distance, and color.
Discusses the role of music and sound in theatrical production. Shows the sound designer at work and exhibits the tools and equipment he uses. Demonstrates techniques followed in creating musical and sound effects for a play, using illustrations from well-known productions.
Discusses the contribution of movement and gesture to the art of the theatre. Stresses the importance of the director in determining stage action. Presents problems encountered in stage composition, stage movement, and stage business.
Discusses stage lighting in terms of special effects, atmosphere, and mood. Follows the work of the light designer from the initial preparation to the final production. Outlines the objectives and demonstrates in detail the basic requirements of stage lighting. Presents many types of lighting equipment and explains how they are used to produce desired effects. Includes a brief history of stage lighting.
Explains dialogue from the point of view of the playwright who composes it and the actor who gives it expression. Describes and demonstrates three types of dialogue: straight dialogue, set speech, and soliloquy. Illustrates devices and techniques used by the actor to support the dialogue including articulation, tempo, force, and quality. (KUON-TV) Film.
Examines the actor's contribution to theatrical production. Discusses two basic steps in the actor's creation of the character which he portrays: visualization and expression. Demonstrates by following the actor and director through a study-analysis discussion and a rehearsal of Romeo and Juliet.
Shows and discusses the play from the point of view of the playwright and the stage director. Describes how the playwright uses such sources as feelings, ideas, actuality, real people, and in analyzing and interpretation the play. (KUON-TV) Film.
Discusses various levels of understanding of art in terms of visual, historical, and esthetics elements. Explains such terms as abstraction, cubism, futurism, and shows examples of each. Demonstrates the importance of the background of the viewers in his reaction to painting by analyzing the expressed likes and dislikes of five college teachers. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Traces the various methods of propulsion. Explains the development of jet propulsion by the Chinese in 1232. Relates the history of the use of rocker power to the age of firearms. Shows how the rocket became an important weapon at sea because of the flammable nature of the ships. Surveys the actualities and dreams of rocketry throughout its development. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.) Film.
Explains the principle of propulsion, and illustrates the way in which the design of a rocket engine increases the speed of escaping gases. Illustrates the law of momentum as applied to propulsion. States that one of the biggest problems of jet designers is that of making jet gases go faster. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.) Film.
Traces the history of the development of the liquid-fuel missile by groups in Germany and the U.S. Views the development of the White Sands Proving Grounds and a parallel development of rocketry by the Germans, and explains the similarity of the two. Identifies the German A-9 and A-10 rockets as the forerunners of the multi-stage rocket. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.) Film.
Examines what has happened in Europe to check the threat of a menancing population growth. Traces the growth of population in Europe from the Middle Ages and suggests that the small-family concept, which began in England in the late nineteenth century, has had more effect on population than any other thing.
Shows how the mold is removed from the finished plaster bust. Discusses the use of bluing in the first coat of plaster. Illustrates the use of the screwdriver and mallet in removing the mold. Concludes with a comparison of the model and the completed plaster portrait bust. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the process of making a plaster cast. Points out how the molds are shellacked and placed together again. Demonstrates how the plaster is mixed. Shows the process of pouring the plaster into the mold. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling begun in Sculpture I. Brings the portrait bust to life-size proportions by adding more clay to the armature. begins work on some of the details of form ending with a general likeness of the model. (KETC) Kinescope.
Describes and discusses the materials and tools used in modeling a portrait bust from clay. Shows the steps in applying clay to the armature. Illustrates how the sculptor proceeds to develop essential characteristics of the model's head. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the world from which the conquistadors came. Describes their lands of origin on the Iberian Peninsula and traces their ancestral antecedents. Appraises these Europeans who first established American empires. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the geography of Latin America, including information on area and population. Designed for the average North American viewer. (KETC) Kinescope.
Explains that a major problem of jet propulsion is increasing the speed of the expanding gas in the jet engine. Shows how the speed is increased by the addition of heat, more gas,and heavier molecules. Points out that there is no limit tot he speed that gas will move through the end of propulsion chambers if a material can be obtained that will stand the increased temperature. (New Mexico College of A.& M.A.)
Reviews the principles of sound and its transmission as it applies to rocket propulsion. Using the V-2 rocket motor as an example, the orientation of a typical rocket motor, including the types of materials used for fuels, is explained. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
The V-2 was called the A-4 by the Germans and as such should have been the fourth in the A series of missiles. Actually it was the fifth since the A-5 was predecessor to the V-2. The A-4 incorporated most of the latest rocket knowledge and even extrapolated by increasing the dimensions greatly over any missile that had previously been built. Pumping of propellants and cooling of the motor were two major problems that were solved. Since the collapse of Germany, the V-2 has been used in several novel experiments.
Contrasts pulse jets, turbojets, and ramjets to a true rocket. Compares the operation of a true rocket engine with that of a jet engine, and explains the operation of the three types of jet engines showing the advantages and disadvantages of each. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
Mose demonstrates the placement of features and the locating and working out of the especially prominent jaw muscles of the model. He explains the use of the death maskand tells stories about models and techniques.
Describes the main characteristics of impressionism and contrasts it with the art that prevailed in the era which preceded it. Stress is placed upon impressionism's major characteristics including elimination of details and use of color to produce optical effects in which colors are mixed by the eye. Special attention is given to coloring techniques used in painting such as use of colored dots rather than solid color areas.
Discusses the training of the men who represent the U.S. overseas. Describes the embassies and the men we have abroad, the history of our diplomatic service, and its present organization and budget. Considers the adequacy of the present program, with suggestions for the future. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Describes the organization of American states and appraises its effectiveness. Discusses U.S.-Latin American relations and considers how they can be improved.
Shows numerous paintings and discusses factors in the world today which lead artists to produce such paintings. Points out that war, mechanization, anxiety, and insecurity, speed and motion, and emphasis on the individual are some of the concerns of today's artists. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Points out and discusses the values to be gained from the process of creating. Invites the viewer to draw a still life and shows five art students working creatively in various media.
Discusses the process of revision through which a painting is developed, revealing how the artist uses his skill, knowledge, and experience to shape his ideas into a finished work of art. Compares many drawings and sketches with the paintings based upon them.
Discusses line, form, and symbol as conventional devices for communication in the visual arts. Demonstrates some of the conventions used for communication in the theater and the dance. Illustrates the communication of ideas, using pictures by Picasso and others.
Two artists demonstrate the creative process by reacting to a stimulus presented by a psychologist. Defines creativity and outlines the elements composing it; stresses the influence of environment on the creative impulse.
Discusses the role and status of artists in society. Considers the sources of support of artists and suggests that artists are necessary to any society. Includes participation by Mark Van Doren, the author, and Philip Evergood, an American painter. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Describes the critic as having a responsibility to society while expressing his own point of view. the critic does not attempt to educate but rather to observe keenly and to report and comment upon the arts. Features critics from the New York Herald-Tribune, Time magazine, and the New York Times. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the nature and importance od adult learning, and points out the fallacy of thinking that the school is the only place where education occurs. Explains that adult learning is the gaining of wisdom and understanding and is for everybody, regardless of formal schooling. States that "adults are more educable than children as children are more trainable than adults," and stresses that when we cease to learn our mind starts to die. (Palmer Films) Film.
Distinguishes between morality and virtue, and discusses good and bad love. Points out that the three bad loves are love of money, pride, and romantic love, and explains both that Adler's and Freud's views of love. Presents and defines the commands of love--love God, love thyself, and love others--and illustrates how bad love can defeat good love. (Palmer Films) Film.
Discusses the nature of opinion as contrasted with knowledge. Points out that where opinion can be right or wrong, knowledge can not be wrong. States that opinions are subject to conflict, and gives various examples of opinion such as majority rule, opinion polls, and controversy. (Palmer Films) Film.
Discusses fraternal love, and differentiates it from sexual love. Explains Aristotle's idea of human association based on utility, pleasure, and excellence. Distinguishes between justice and love, and depicts a society based on love and friendship rather than justice. (Palmer Films) Film.
Discusses the essentials of love, and explains how sexual love and erotic love can be combined. Distinguishes between sexual desire and sexual love, outlining the elements of both. States that if sex or want come first, love is short lived but that love will last if it comes first. (Palmer Films) Film.
Discusses the psychological difference between knowledge and opinion, and describes the skeptic point of view. Compares knowledge and opinion in relation to truth, and states that most of the things learned in school--history, geography, geometry--are right opinions, not knowledge. Presents Adler's views, and quotes from great philosophers. (Palmer Films) Film.
States that people read for pleasure, information, and enlightenment. Explains what enlightenment means and how to read for this type of learning. Points out that to gain enlightenment, a person should actively read books that are challenging. Gives suggestions for active reading. (Palmer Films) Films.
Presents the case for television as an instrument for learning, and explains the obstacles that stand in the way of successful educational television programs. Suggests how to watch an educational program if it is to help in learning. (Palmer Films) Films.
Discusses the role of conversation and discussion in the life of learning. Gives the three methods of teaching--indoctrination, lecturing, and questioning. Suggests how adult conversation can serve as the means of learning. (Palmer Films) Film.
Describes various kinds of art and their distinct differences. Distinguishes between the productive and the cooperative arts, and states that the latter consists only of farming, healing, and teaching. Explains and illustrates the differences between useful arts and fine arts. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
In the concluding program on this subject, Dr. Adler deals with the two general considerations of aesthetics and ethics. On the side of aesthetics, he draws a comparison between beauty in art and beauty in nature. He also deals with the problem of intellectual and moral content of art, the consideration of freedom of the arts, and concludes by comparing the importance in human life of producing as opposed to appreciating works of art.
Defines fine art and distinguishes between the terms liberal and servile as applied to the arts. Points out that a work of fine art has individuality, originality, and says something. Depicts modern painting as a revolt against the public's lack of aesthetic understanding. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Explains that Wellmet House attempts to rehabilitate the mentally ill not by gaining conforming behavior but by helping them relate to other people in natural and unstructured ways. Points out that half of the residents are mentally ill and the other half are college students from nearby universities who staff Wellmet House. Emphasizes the need for each patient to find individual expression. Shows patients and staff at dinner, parties, the local pub, and a house meeting.
Continues the modeling from SCULPTURE: PART 3. Presents a review of the materials and work completed in the preceding programs. Explains the three general parts into which the head is divided. Shows the sculptor working on the eyes, chin, ears, and nose. Stresses the importance of good lighting on a work of sculpture. (KETC) Kinescope.
Uses animated photography of models and other photographic techniques to take an imaginary trip to the moon. Shows the comparative sizes of the earth and moon and plots the moon's orbit around the earth. Reveals much detail about the moon as the rocket ship nears the destination of its imaginary trip.
Discusses and explains the size and arrangement of the universe. Defines and illustrates light minutes, light hours, and light years. Uses photography to chart the universe of galaxies and plot the size of the universe. Features Dr. Bart J. Bok, Professor od Astronomy, National University of Australia. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
An advertisement for Beatric Foods Meadow Gold ice cream in which a narrator drops scoops of three flavors of ice cream from the top of the Leaning Tower of Piza in order to determine the bounce quality of each variety, and a boy runs to the bottom and takes one of the scoops into a dish and eats it.
An advertisement for Hood Ice Cream in which a boy enters an ice cream parlor and chooses vanilla, and when the attendant tells him about all the flavors available the boy is shown with a dish containing them all.
Discusses the conditions and effects of drug addiction among young people. Reveals how an individual may be enticed to use narcotics. Outlines some of the causes of addiction and considers the possibilities of treatment and cure. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the use of military force as the major deterrent to war until an international force can be established. Features General John E. Hull, United States Army (retired) and host Dr. Huston Smith. (KETC) Kinescope.
Delinquent behavior is not directly related to IQ. Sheriff Lohman reviews this point with Dr. A. Arthur Hartman of the Psychiatric Bureau of Chicago’s Municipal Court. Case studies of two delinquent boys are presented, one with a low IQ and the other with a high one.
Discusses delinquency as a group phenomenon and contrasts the boys' gang and the boys' club. Reveals typical gang behavior and activities through an interview and in film sequences. Examines the influence of the gang in a community and on the members of the gang. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Outlines the ways in which an individual develops a concept of himself as delinquent or criminal. Pictures typical episodes from the record of a delinquent and presents an interview with a delinquent become criminal. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Dr. Dietrich Reitzes, associate professor of social psychology at the University of Indiana and a member of the US Selective Service in Felon Studies, joins Sheriff Lohman for a study of the relationship between youth’s neighborhood and his acts of misbehavior. Captain Boone presents another case study. The Sheriff and Dr. Reitzes discuss the problem of areas which seem to breed delinquency. Illustrations of houses in the shadow of commerce and industry, buildings in neighborhoods that are physically deteriorating and dangerous, neighborhoods where the population is in transition, where economic dependency is on relief agencies, where neighborhood disorganization is taking place, where the population of adult criminals is high and where gangs are common –these are all illustrated.
Outlines some of the factors contributing to the narcotics traffic. Suggests possible ways to prevent drug addiction and to treat addicts. Shows how drugs are distributed and used. Features and interview with an addict. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the use of western capital for the industrial development of the under-developed areas of the world. Presents an analysis of long range foreign aid policy to help secure peace. Features Dr. Harlan Cleveland, Dean, Syracuse University, John E. Hull, General, United States Army (retired), and host Dr. Huston Smith. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents a discussion of American Foreign Policy. Points out the need of convincing our allies we are doing "the right thing" in foreign affairs. Features Mr. Paul Nitze, President of the Foreign Service Educational Foundation, and host Dr. Huston Smith. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses international law as an effective force in world affairs. Suggests that international law be backed with an international police force. Features Dr. F. S. C. Northrop, Professor of Philosophy and Law, Yale University, and host Dr. Huston Smith. (KETC) Kinescope.
Hand puppets are used to tell the age-old story of the two children whose step mother takes them to the forest and leaves them. The trail they've left with bread crumbs, is eaten by the birds, so unable to find their way home, they say their prayers and go to sleep under a tree. They wake in the morning and discover a candy house.
Beautifully costumed marionettes bring this original story by Tom Tichenor to life. It’s the tale of Princess Frumptious who is called "Frumpy" by her servants and people of the kingdom, because her hair is never combed, her apron never tied, her manners always rude. Youngsters will be intrigued with the manner in which she changes her habits and has her name changed to Princess Scrumptious.
Presents a panel discussion on ways and means of realizing the potential economic and agricultural resources of the world. Features Barbara Ward, James McDonnell, and Henry Wallace. (KETC) Kinescope.
Interview-in-depth with Henry A. Wallace. A warning from a leading agriculturalist of the imperative necessity to bring agricultural resources all over the world, and most especially in the under-developed areas, to their maximum production or face a misery in those under-developed areas which could trouble world peace even more than the opposing ideologies of American and Russia. There is a suggestion for a world loan development for small farmers through the co-operation of the wealthy nations.
Presents a panel discussion on birth control as the most immediate answer for keeping the expansion of the world population in harmony with the gradual expansion of production. Featured personalities are Barbara Ward, Julian Huxley, and Harrison Brown. (KETC) Kinescope.
Examines the resources of the earth and their ability to support man. Discusses the expansion of population in relation to resources. Points out the possibility of birth control to curb the dangers of population growth which could outrace the ability to produce. Features Harrison Brown, chemist and author. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the needs of education, federal aid, teacher and classroom shortages. Points out how individuals should be educated to make more valuable use of leisure time. Features Dr. Clarence Faust, President of the Fund for the Advancement of Education. (KETC) Kinescope.
Examines the potentiality of education on the sub-verbal level. Discusses the training of the special senses such as vision and the autonomic nervous system. Points out the need for research and application of training on the sub-verbal level in order for man to attain a higher capacity for thought. Features Aldous Huxley, author and lecturer. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents a look at the rapid growth in world population as a result of scientific advances in control of disease. Discusses the question of the expanding population with respect to economic and agricultural resources. Features Julian Huxley, biologist and author. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents a panel discussion on ways and means of preparing people for more significant living. Discusses the importance of a continuing education after formal training has ended. Points out reasons why adults do not continue educating themselves and how to overcome these problems. Features Mr. Aldous Huxley, Dr. Robert Hutchins, and Dr. Clarence Faust. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents a look at world illiteracy. Suggests the use of an already proven method of combating illiteracy in order to help the people of underdeveloped areas. Emphasizes that people are on the move and must be helped. Features Dr. Frank Laubach, missionary, educator, and author. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents a synthesizing of many aspects of education as discussed in the preceding programs. Points out how education can be used most effectively in activating man's potential. Features Mr. Frank Laubach, Mr. Robert Hutchins, and Mr. Aldous Huxley. (KETC) Kinescope.
This is the first in a series of children’s program. Poindexter introduces his friend Mr. Raccoon, Miss Red Hen, The Princes and the Boy from “The Story that Never Ended,” the shoemaker from the story of “The Elves and the Shoemaker,” puppets from the “Grasshopper and the Ants,” the Gingerbread Boy, The Three Little Pigs, and many others. This program sets the scene for the story adventures ahead in this series.
Hand puppets are used to tell the story of husband and wife who are visited by the Fairy Princess, disguised as an old woman. The husband and wife refuse to feed the Old Woman because their cupboard is bare and they are selfish. The Old Woman visits another peasant cottage, where a kinder husband and wife, beset by misfortune, offer to share their meager meal with the Old Woman.
Ella's new stepmother discharges all the servants and forces Ella to wait on her and her two stepsisters and to sleep on the cinders. Ella's name is then changed to Cinder-Ella. When the Prince has a grand ball, Cinderella is not allowed to go. But her fairy godmother appears, giving her a beautiful coach, a beautiful new dress for the ball.
Two Eyes, the prettiest and sweetest sister is mistreated by her mother and sisters and never gets enough to eat. Her fairy godmother tells her that her pet goat is magic and if she will say a magic rhyme she will have all the food she wants. Realizing that Two Eyes is eating better than they, the two sisters learn her secret and the goat is killed. Two Eyes then buries the goat's heart by the door step and a gold and silver fruit tree appears. When the Prince comes by and asks for some fruit only Two Eyes can pick it for him. When he learns of her cruel treatment, he takes her to his castle to be his bride.
Shows the preparation and use of photographic slides in instruction. Suggests various sources of pictures and shows how pictures can be photographed by the teacher or copied from other printed matter. Includes and introduction to the Polaroid camera and film that can produce positive slides in three minutes. Recommends using slides for teaching and reporting to parent groups on children's activities and progress. Discusses the use of a tape recorded narration for some groups of slides.
Curator Wilkinson returns on this program to present the story of the Nomad Scythians who ranged the Russian plains during the Sixth Century BC. Exhibits include examples of Scythian metal work, which was extremely avant-garde for that day. Discussion emphasizes the inventiveness, imaginativeness, and other cultural characteristics of these ancestors of the Russians.
Reports on excavations concluded at Nimrud, Iraq. Emphasizes the bronze gates, now in the British Museum, that were originally located in Balavat, near Nimrud. Points out that recent discoveries have shed light on various facets of ancient Assyrian civilization. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses the revolutionary reign of King Akhnaton in Egypt, 1400 B.C. Emphasizes his attempt to establish monotheism and to direct Egyptian death. Considers, also, the change in painting and sculpture from ritualistic forms to realism. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses the correspondence between ancient kings of the Middle Eastern countries. The letters were recently discovered in the Egyptian village of El-Amarna, and they deal with problems of money, with intrigues, and with marriage settlements. (NU) Kinescope.
[motion picture] Orients students to the opportunities and experiences for the study of government at a typical college or university. Emphasizes that government cannot be taken for granted and that everyone is a part of the government. Demonstrates various areas of government for study: American government, politics, public administration, comparative and internal relations, and immediate controversial problems. Concludes with the generalization that the study of government is democracy at work.
Shows the use of tape recorders in teaching situations and presents some of the different models of recorders indicating their controls, various speeds, and purposes. Gives a demonstration of several microphone placements and offers suggestions for the improvement of recorded sound quality. Explains how to edit tapes by splicing and suggests many uses for tape recorders such as in language instruction, music groups, and conferences.
[motion picture] Presents a number of problems arising in the filming of a person walking into a room to talk to someone. Explains that certain effects can be created in the minds of an audience by the way the sequence is filmed and edited. Uses animation and live action to illustrate examples of variation achieved by changes in camera movement and placement, composition of scene, and cutting during action or at junction points of action. Concludes with scenes selected to form a sequence for audience interpretation.
Tells of the importance of corn to the settlers. Explains how the Indians helped the settlers plant corn and their methods of cultivation. Shows the participation of Indian children in planting, grinding, and keeping birds away from the corn fields.
Introduces the series, SCIENCE AND HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY, by discussing the reasons for calling the conference. Surveys the problems to be discussed. Features Dr. Huston Smith, Professor of Philosophy, Washington University. (KETC) Kinescope.
A Tom Tichenor original story. Marionettes tell the story of a little bunny who never wants to stay home. When her mother leaves her to attend a meeting, Bunny throws a tantrum. Bunny has a dragon friend named Nogard, who comes to visit her when she has to stay at home. Nogard suggests that Bunny touch his wings so that she can fly, and they fly out of the window together. They visit a castle, and Bunny meets a Princess; they fly on to the Wild Wild Woods where they meet a skunk. Mr. Skunk tells Bunny that he would invite her to his home for dinner but he has nothing to eat. A wolf appears and frightens the skunk away and Bunny terrified hides in a tree trunk. She flies home after the wolf leaves, having learned her lesson… and resolves to always want to stay home.
Animal marionettes portray the characters in the story of a Little Rabbit who is always wishing. His mother sends him to Professor Groundhog, the wisest animal in the forest because she knows the Professor will advise the Little Rabbit not to wish all the time. Prof. Groundhog sends the Little Rabbit to find Pinkney Green, an elf, who can grant one wish. Pinkney Green shows Little Rabbit the magic wishing pond and gives him magic instructions which he must follow before he makes his wish. Little Rabbit wishes for little red wings and home he goes to show his mother. She doesn't recognize him and sends him away. Only Prof. Groundhog knows him and lets him sleep in his home but Little Rabbit finds the wings are most uncomfortable and he can't sleep.