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In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick discusses the vital and revolutionary change that the constructions of the modern engineer with new materials have upon our thinking in art, particularly in the field of sculpture. Looking at large photographs of bridges, fire escapes, and TV antennas, we are conscious of the open-work build-up, the thrust, the tensions of modern constructions that stimulate the artist’s imagination toward new and dynamic art creativity. Materials such as wire, sheet metal, string, plaster, and wood are used in non-objective space designs, stabile and mobile.
Discusses the significance to science of observation and experimentation. Demonstrates with experiments the difference between observation and laboratory experiments. Shows and explains early laboratory apparatus used in developing natural laws of science. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Two Eyes, the prettiest and sweetest sister is mistreated by her mother and sisters and never gets enough to eat. Her fairy godmother tells her that her pet goat is magic and if she will say a magic rhyme she will have all the food she wants. Realizing that Two Eyes is eating better than they, the two sisters learn her secret and the goat is killed. Two Eyes then buries the goat's heart by the door step and a gold and silver fruit tree appears. When the Prince comes by and asks for some fruit only Two Eyes can pick it for him. When he learns of her cruel treatment, he takes her to his castle to be his bride.
This is the first in a series of children’s program. Poindexter introduces his friend Mr. Raccoon, Miss Red Hen, The Princes and the Boy from “The Story that Never Ended,” the shoemaker from the story of “The Elves and the Shoemaker,” puppets from the “Grasshopper and the Ants,” the Gingerbread Boy, The Three Little Pigs, and many others. This program sets the scene for the story adventures ahead in this series.
Mr. Goldovsky discusses his basic philosophy of the Opera in English and demonstrates his production techniques with excerpts from Rigoletto, and his own personal story of the need for the broader concept and acceptance of opera.
Discusses the opinion in the realm of action, and points out the need for authority because of the disagreement among men. Points out that man makes decisions through his own judgement or opinion. Explains that the freedom of choice raises the need for some authority, either force or majority rule, in order that men may live together in peace. (Palmer Films) Film.
A public service announcement for the Opportunities Industrialization Center's (OIC) adult education programs in which a Black man from New York recounts his difficulties finding and sustaining a job until OIC taught him a useful trade. The man addresses the camera about the importance of learning a skill to make it in the world. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Shows Eliot O'Hara illustrating how to paint crowds of people as he starts from the beginning of a painting and demonstrates how to paint figures in perspective. Explains his method for making figures with dabs from a brush and his techniques for painting special effects such as a horizon, wet street, and suntanned bodies. Presents famous masterpieces by several world famous artists to illustrate the various points made.
While painting his impression of crowds on a street and at a seashore, Eliot O'Hara demonstrates brush strokes and techniques which he uses in producing a feeling of movement in crowd pictures. Shows how colors can intensify the sense of motion in a painting. Includes views of painting of crowd scenes by Marin, Daumier and Dufy.
Tells the story of the invention and spread of paper making. Discusses the materials and tools used in making paper. Demonstrates how paper was made in ancient China. Traces the history of the movement of paper making from China to Germany. (USC) Film.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick discusses the use of paper as a medium of artistic expression. He demonstrates, with simple tools, the processes of folding, slashing, and scoring. Explains how to select appropriate papers for paper sculpture. Using the various techniques, several sculptures are constructed with examples.
Interweaves sequences of events in the lives of several people to relate moments of beauty and tenderness of everyday life in the city of Stockholm. Captures the early morning tempo of the city, a rainstorm, boys playing, a parade, fishermen on the waterfront, an artist painting, and closing with dusk along the harbor front as the lights of the city are turned on.
Discusses and illustrates perceptions of objects. Uses diagrams and animated film. Shows how the mind organizes objects psychologically into sets in order to understand them more easily. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Shows the preparation and use of photographic slides in instruction. Suggests various sources of pictures and shows how pictures can be photographed by the teacher or copied from other printed matter. Includes and introduction to the Polaroid camera and film that can produce positive slides in three minutes. Recommends using slides for teaching and reporting to parent groups on children's activities and progress. Discusses the use of a tape recorded narration for some groups of slides.
There are many partnerships in nature where two plants may help each other, or a plant and animal may mutually benefit one another, or where two animals may contribute to each other’s welfare. You will see on this program an example of each. The lichen, a common plant, looks like one individual, but really consists of two kinds of plants living together. You will see this story through the microscope. And you will see the story of cross-pollination, in which bees and insects take nectar from the flowers and in so doing transfer pollen from one flower to another. Ever look inside a wood eating termite? You will and with a microscope to see a story of mutual benefit. Inside the termite lives a host of one-celled animals which assist the termite in digesting the cellulose in the wood he consumes. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Presents a discussion of American Foreign Policy. Points out the need of convincing our allies we are doing "the right thing" in foreign affairs. Features Mr. Paul Nitze, President of the Foreign Service Educational Foundation, and host Dr. Huston Smith. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents a panel discussion on birth control as the most immediate answer for keeping the expansion of the world population in harmony with the gradual expansion of production. Featured personalities are Barbara Ward, Julian Huxley, and Harrison Brown. (KETC) Kinescope.
Examines the resources of the earth and their ability to support man. Discusses the expansion of population in relation to resources. Points out the possibility of birth control to curb the dangers of population growth which could outrace the ability to produce. Features Harrison Brown, chemist and author. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents a look at the rapid growth in world population as a result of scientific advances in control of disease. Discusses the question of the expanding population with respect to economic and agricultural resources. Features Julian Huxley, biologist and author. (KETC) Kinescope.
Sketches the background of the independence movement in the Latin Americas early in the nineteenth century: the intellectual revolution in Europe, Anglo-American and French breaks with the past, unrest in the Latin American colonies, and the events of the Napoleonic Age. (KETC) Kinescope.