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Presents a discussion of the use of man's freedom. Tells how freedom can best be utilized to bring about and adjustment between aspirations and needs. Panelists include Dr. Erich Fromm, psychoanalyst, Barbara Ward, economist and author, and host Dr. Huston Smith. (KETC) Kinescope.
Shows how terra cotta clay may be used to create a reproduction. Demonstrates two different methods of using terra cotta. Explains several large pieces of terra cotta sculpture and presents them in their natural setting. Discusses and shows how this technique of sculpture can be used for monuments and on buildings. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Shows in detail what happens in a stimulus-response situation. Illustrates with a startle response. Explains the sensitivity of the five senses. Discusses the rods and cones of the eye and their purposes. Describes the type of response caused by muscles and glands. Points out the interrelations of the endocrine glands. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
The first program includes highlights from the other programs in this series to serve as an overview. Robert Frost discusses with a group of high school students and adults how and why he writes poetry. Illustrates his points with readings of his own poems, including "The Pasture" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." Emphasizes that prose has rhythm but that poetry is rhythm plus rhyme. Features a conversation with Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of the Salk polio vaccine. (WQED) Kinescope.
Robert Frost talks about and illustrates with his own poems the fundamental meaning of poetry. He speaks of the fun of writing, listening to words, and stories in poetry. He reads from his own poems “The Runaway Colt,” “Dust,” “The Woodchuck,” “The Ant,” “The Bluebird,” and “Stopping by the Woods.” This program evolved from a lecture to fifth grade classes involved in WQED’s Television Teaching Demonstration.
Robert Frost discusses with a group of high school students what brings him happiness in life, what he does for entertainment, and what it means to write a poem. Reads and interprets from "The Gift Outright," "The Road Not Taken," and "Mending Wall." He denies that poems say anything more than they seem to say. (WQED) Kinescope.
Robert Frost speaks informally with a group of friends about poetry, authors, and publishing. He discusses his philosophy of poetry, and his ideas on religion, loyalty, world affairs, love, and science. Suggests that one should not read more into a poem than is intimated by the poet. (WQED) Kinescope.
This program is a conversation between Robert Frost and DR. JONAS SALK, developer of the Salk Polio Vaccine. They compare and discuss the similarities of science and poetry, and the devotions and the methods of procedure the poet and the scientist must make as well as the satisfaction derived in both fields by fulfillment.
Discusses the role and status of artists in society. Considers the sources of support of artists and suggests that artists are necessary to any society. Includes participation by Mark Van Doren, the author, and Philip Evergood, an American painter. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Describes the critic as having a responsibility to society while expressing his own point of view. the critic does not attempt to educate but rather to observe keenly and to report and comment upon the arts. Features critics from the New York Herald-Tribune, Time magazine, and the New York Times. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenagers from the United Kingdom, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Indian discuss prejudices against Britain and her policies. They further discuss their preconceived notions about America and indicate how their visit has changed these ideas. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Herald Tribune Forum delegates from Israel, France, Turkey, and Lebanon discuss their prejudices against other forum delegates and their countries. They indicate that some of their prejudices have been removed through acquaintances made in the U.S. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Herald Tribune Forum members from the Gold Coast, the Union of South Africa, Ethiopia, and Nigeria discuss American prejudices towards Africans and towards African-Americans. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Homer, a school bus, and his driver Tom help children learn about proper conduct when riding in a school bus, and the responsibility of riders in maintaining safety. Illustrates how to get on and off the bus, how to wait for the bus, the six basic rules of safe bus riding, and the importance of evacuation drills.
Discusses and demonstrates scenic design and the part it plays in theatrical production. Introduces the scenic designer and his work, discusses the problems he faces as an artist, and shows how he creates scenery. Illustrates the objective of stage scenery. Presents styles of scenic design including realism, stylism, and theatricalism.
Discusses the relationship between science and common sense. Demonstrates the validity of the theory that "nature abhors a vacuum." Conducts experiments with water and mercury barometers to show the relationship of atmospheric pressure to the development of a newer and more concise theory. Features Dr. Leonard K. Nash, Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the importance of numerical measurement in the progress of science. Uses experiments from physics, chemistry, and astronomy to show how a quantitative approach to science aids in understanding. Presents a brief history of the evolution of the mathematics in science. Features Dr. Gerald Holton, Professor of Physics, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Describes and discusses the materials and tools used in modeling a portrait bust from clay. Shows the steps in applying clay to the armature. Illustrates how the sculptor proceeds to develop essential characteristics of the model's head. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling begun in Sculpture I. Brings the portrait bust to life-size proportions by adding more clay to the armature. begins work on some of the details of form ending with a general likeness of the model. (KETC) Kinescope.
Mose demonstrates the placement of features and the locating and working out of the especially prominent jaw muscles of the model. He explains the use of the death maskand tells stories about models and techniques.
Explains and demonstrates how sculpture in relief developed from the cave man to the present. Illustrates with ancient and modern examples. Discusses the composition and carving techniques of full-scale reproductions of famous sculptures. Describes how the artist's sculpture is transferred in the production of a commemorative medal. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Discusses the use of stone as a medium of sculpture. Demonstrates the tools and techniques of stone carving. Shows several works carved from different types of stone explaining why particular stone os chosen for a specific piece of sculpture. Illustrates with the carving of a portrait of Washington. features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick presents a historical review of sculpturing, emphasizing the materials and techniques employed in creating this art form. Discusses sculptural masterpieces from Egypt, Assyria, and Greece. Displays and explains the use of various varieties of stone. Demonstrates ways in which the beginner may use simple materials and tools--plaster of Paris, insulating brick, and a knife. Continues with a more detailed explanation of the sculptor's tools--mallet and various chisels. Features Henry Bursztznowicz demonstrating the techniques and tools used.
Demonstrates the tools and techniques of wood carving. Discusses and shows the advantages and disadvantages of wood as a medium of sculptor. Illustrates with finished works carved from different woods explaining the sculptural qualities and techniques of each. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Demonstrates the removal of the mold from the clay bust. Shows methods and implements used in removing the cast. Points out the importance of being careful and patient. Reviews briefly what has taken place in the preceding programs. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling from Sculpture IV. Explains how the artist works to refine certain areas. Demonstrates how to "draw" carefully in the clay to bring out certain characteristics of the model. Discusses capturing certain expressions in the clay. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the work on details begun in Sculpture V. Explains how an area can be broken up into planes by the use of a block of wood. Demonstrates ways of modeling the eyes. Discusses the importance of the sculptor being able to draw graphically. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling from Sculpture VI and completes the clay bust. Discusses and demonstrates how the eye is modeled. Emphasizes the importance of having different parts work together as a whole. Outlines the many finishing techniques that can be used. Comments briefly on several contemporary sculptors. (KECT) kinescope.
Describes and illustrates the mold casting stage in the development of the sculptural portrait. Shows how plaster is mixed, applied to the clay, and the importance of working fast. Discusses the use of shims for separating the mold. Concludes by showing the completed mold. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the process of making a plaster cast. Points out how the molds are shellacked and placed together again. Demonstrates how the plaster is mixed. Shows the process of pouring the plaster into the mold. (KETC) Kinescope.
Shows how the mold is removed from the finished plaster bust. Discusses the use of bluing in the first coat of plaster. Illustrates the use of the screwdriver and mallet in removing the mold. Concludes with a comparison of the model and the completed plaster portrait bust. (KETC) Kinescope.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick discusses the importance of the self-portrait as a means of art expression. Tells how the self-portrait not only preserves a physical likeness of the artist, but provides an insight into his character, mode of dress, and customs. Demonstrates the various techniques involved painting self-portraits by having two professional artists develop their own likenesses. Presents and explains the work and self-portraits of great artists to help develop a greater understanding of this art form.
Discusses the essentials of love, and explains how sexual love and erotic love can be combined. Distinguishes between sexual desire and sexual love, outlining the elements of both. States that if sex or want come first, love is short lived but that love will last if it comes first. (Palmer Films) Film.
Man learned early to read the messages of the footprint and the broken twig and the book of the clouds and the tides, as truly as though these were printed texts. Soon he began to make readable marks, blazing trails, signaling with piled stones and scratches on rock. Out of this came primitive pictograph for purposes of magic, commemoration, and communication. He talked to strangers in a sign language, the very symbols of which later were written down as characters. Simple pictures of these things came to stand for complicated ideas, as well as the things themselves. This opening program shows how very elaborate messages were early conveyed by simple signs.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick discusses the creation of a work of art through sketching. He explains and demonstrates the expression of an idea using a variety of media and techniques. Uses the work of Miro, Kandinsky, and others of the contemporary school to clarify the expression of concepts and objectives. Stresses the point that sketching should represent each individual's own personal creative interpretation of an idea.
Presents members of the New York Herald Tribune World Forum and forum director Helen Hiett Waller. Teenagers from the Sudan, Israel, Ceylon, and Yugoslavia discuss American slang as an obstacle to the understanding of English and as a puzzlement and source of amusement to foreign visitors. The young people examine slang words and phrases in their own language.
Hand puppets portray the age-old story of two girls named Snow White and Rose Red, who live with their mother in a small cottage near the forest. One evening a bear comes to their door seeking warmth. He is invited in, and after playing with the two little girls, the mother tells him he is welcome to stay with them until spring.
Discusses naviagational routes in space travel. Describes parabolas, hyperbolas and ellipses as the curves that will be traced by airships coasting in planetary and solar gravitational fields.
Discusses stage lighting in terms of special effects, atmosphere, and mood. Follows the work of the light designer from the initial preparation to the final production. Outlines the objectives and demonstrates in detail the basic requirements of stage lighting. Presents many types of lighting equipment and explains how they are used to produce desired effects. Includes a brief history of stage lighting.
Describes the role of the production crew--the designers, craftsmen, and technicians. Demonstrates the procedures followed by the production staff in the creation of the play. Shows where they work, how they perform their jobs, and the tools which they use.
Describes the fundamental relationships existing between music, staging, and words in the successful and meaningful production of an opera. Stresses the importance, on the part of the stage director and the actors, of understanding the language of the music in arriving at staging procedures. Shows correct and incorrect examples of fitting stage movement to the music using selections from Don Giovanni, Faust, and Carmen. (WQED) Kinescope.
All 33 of the Herald Tribune High School Forum delegates appear in their native costumes and talk of their experiences and impressions after their three month stay in four different American homes and schools. 1957 (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Shows the use of tape recorders in teaching situations and presents some of the different models of recorders indicating their controls, various speeds, and purposes. Gives a demonstration of several microphone placements and offers suggestions for the improvement of recorded sound quality. Explains how to edit tapes by splicing and suggests many uses for tape recorders such as in language instruction, music groups, and conferences.
Discusses the use of terra cotta clay in sculpturing. Shows the modeling of a figure in terra cotta clay. Explains the nature of this medium and the problems of working with it. Tells how terra cotta clay differs from ordinary modeling clay. Demonstrates the "inside-outside" method of working with terra cotta. Illustrates with examples of completed figures in different kinds of terra cotta clay. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Demonstrates through slow motion and natural photography the positions and movements of the "Texas Star." Opens with a group of eight dancers performing the introduction to the dance. Shows each pair of dancers, identified by a number, demonstrating the different parts of the dance and how each step flows smoothly into the next. Concludes with the performance of the dance to a record.
Examines the actor's contribution to theatrical production. Discusses two basic steps in the actor's creation of the character which he portrays: visualization and expression. Demonstrates by following the actor and director through a study-analysis discussion and a rehearsal of Romeo and Juliet.
In the concluding program on this subject, Dr. Adler deals with the two general considerations of aesthetics and ethics. On the side of aesthetics, he draws a comparison between beauty in art and beauty in nature. He also deals with the problem of intellectual and moral content of art, the consideration of freedom of the arts, and concludes by comparing the importance in human life of producing as opposed to appreciating works of art.
Uses photographs and diagrams the explain the age of the universe. Discusses the age of the earth, compositions of the milky way, how stars are formed, and cosmic development. Points out the difference between mechanical and evolutionary changes in the universe. Explains the uncoiling spiral of a new galaxy, and speculates on the duration of our own solar system. Features Dr. Bart J.Bok, Professor of Astronomy, National University of Australia. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Show how the black keys on the piano can be an alphabet of music all by themselves. Demonstrates the black key scale is characteristic of much folk or primitive music and show how it has been used by many modern composers. (University of Rochester) Film.
Describes the white keys of the piano as part of the composer's language. Shows different colors and tonal qualities of various white key scales. Demonstrates transposition and shows the great variety possible in seven white piano keys. (University of Rochester) Film.
Discusses and illustrates physical characteristics of the bird. Explains the skeletal system, covering of feathers, and uses of the beak and feet. Outlines graphically the ancestry of the bird. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Preston E. James, Milan Herzog
Locates the Amazon river on a map and describes its size, tributary rivers, and climate. Shows the vegetation, jungle animals, and life of primitive Indians who live in the jungle. Depicts life in small villages and major occupations of the people. Discusses the primary industries of the Amazon region.
Outlines and explains the life cycle of the salamander and shows some common salamanders of New England. Show how to set up a terrarium for keeping salamanders as pets. Also considers ferns, mosses, and club mosses suggested for use in a terrarium. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Shows close-ups of toads and frogs of New England. Pictures various kinds of frogs and toads, explains how to identify their eggs, and presents extreme close-up views of the action of polliwogs. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Hand puppets enact the story of a man and wife who were too lazy to plant their own pear trees. Their neighbor tells them they may have all the pears that fall from the tree on their side of the fence.The husband goes to fetch wood and meets a bear who agrees to carry wood to the wife if he can have some bread pudding. The selfish husband and wife eat all of the pudding before the bear arrives. When he sees he has been tricked, the bear upsets everything in the house and leaves. He comes to the pear tree and decides to take the pears. Just then the wife sneezes, the bear thinks they are shooting at him so he drops the pears and runs away. The neighbor comes by and recovers the pears that were dropped, leaving the lazy man and wife with nothing.
Discusses the development of printing. Describes how printing is developed from simple writing on papyrus to decorated books written on parchment and vellum. Explains the origins of and differences between parchment and vellum. Discusses paint,ink,and writing techniques of the Middle Ages. Illustrates with collector's items. (USC) Film.
Introduces the series, SCIENCE AND HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY, by discussing the reasons for calling the conference. Surveys the problems to be discussed. Features Dr. Huston Smith, Professor of Philosophy, Washington University. (KETC) Kinescope.
WKNO-TV, The Junior League of Memphis, Tom Tichenor, Diane Parrish, Emma Wade, Al Gresham, Al Wood, Bill Orr, Howard Holst
Marionettes reveal the story of a Young Tailor who buys jam for one slice of bread which attracts seven hungry flies. The tailor kills all seven flies with one blow, decides he is very brave, and goes to the castle to win the hand of the Princess. He presents himself to the King and Queen, who sent him to kill two giants who have been destroying the kingdom. They promise the tailor the Princess in marriage when the giants are dead.
Discusses the evidence and arguments for the Darwinian theory of man's nature and origin. Outlines the Theory of Evolution as it applies to plants and animals, and applies this theory to man, considering both physical and mental evolution. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Discusses and demonstrates the use of the versatility of the instrument and explains how effects are produced. Features Rey de la Torre. Includes the following illustrative selections: Llobet, "Catalonian Melody"; Terrega, "Tremolo Study"; Sor, "Theme and Variation"; and Albenize, "Leyenda."
Discusses various aspects of the colonial overseas empires and suggests how these aspects affected the future nations. Reviews some of the economic aspects of the colonial Latin Americas. (KETC) Kinescope.
Tells about the Institute of Philosophical Research in San Francisco, and discusses its purpose and activities. Explains the necessary conditions for philosophical progress, and describes the contribution of the Institute to liberal education. Points out that the Institute is not attempting to find answers to all questions, but rather to establish a foundation for future philosophers. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Continues the painting shown in THE HANDS. Shows the outlining and painting of the cross, including the addition of the grain of the wood. Explains the importance of the cross to the theme of the painting. (KETC) Kinescope.
Outlines the ways in which an individual develops a concept of himself as delinquent or criminal. Pictures typical episodes from the record of a delinquent and presents an interview with a delinquent become criminal. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the psychological difference between knowledge and opinion, and describes the skeptic point of view. Compares knowledge and opinion in relation to truth, and states that most of the things learned in school--history, geography, geometry--are right opinions, not knowledge. Presents Adler's views, and quotes from great philosophers. (Palmer Films) Film.
Discusses the dignity of man and its importance. Examines the influence upon the human race of the ideas of such men as Galileo, Darwin, Marx, and Freud. Points out the state of man's dignity today in a world of terrorism, torture, hatred, and progressive dehumanization. Concludes with the reasons for a belief in man's dignity. (KQED) Film.
Uses charts, models, and diagrams to illustrate basic concepts of solar measurement. Explains the use of parallax in finding the scale of the universe. Demonstrates how to find the distance to the moon and sun. Features Dr. Cecelia Payne-Gaposchkin, Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Distinguishes between work and play and work and leisure, and discusses the meaning of chores. Explains that work is that which we have to do for subsistence. Presents a derivation of the word "leisure", and lists some leisure activities. Places leisure between work and play, and points out that there are no distinct dividing lines between leisure and work and leisure and play. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Explains centrifugal force and its relationship to the establishment of an earth satellite. Shows the three-stage missile and the part it might play in the formation of a satellite. Outlines various possible orbits of such a satellite. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
Discusses some of the problems related to the recovery of a multi-stage rocket used to establish and maintain an earth satellite. Describes the recovery, by parachute or glider technique, of the first two stages of a three stage missile. Outlines how the third stage of such a rocket would return to the earth. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
Discusses the basic elements of painting--line, form, color, and texture--as well as those of music and poetry. Clarifies the meaning of these elements with charcoal drawings, musical selections, and poetry readings.
Defines fine art and distinguishes between the terms liberal and servile as applied to the arts. Points out that a work of fine art has individuality, originality, and says something. Depicts modern painting as a revolt against the public's lack of aesthetic understanding. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Outlines and explains the various forms of government, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses. Describes government by one man, by a few men, and by the populace, and discusses governments in terms of whether they are working for the common good of the people or self interests. Distinguishes between representative and direct democracy, and points out that extreme democracy is mob rule. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses delinquency as a group phenomenon and contrasts the boys' gang and the boys' club. Reveals typical gang behavior and activities through an interview and in film sequences. Examines the influence of the gang in a community and on the members of the gang. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Today beneath our feet we find dwarf plants which once were green giants of the Coal Age. We may hold a fossil in our hands of a plant that live 250,000,000 years ago, yet looked very much like a fern of today. The club mosses, horsetails and ferns, mostly miniature plants in northern forests, once grew to be 60-1000 feet tall in the warm, damp climate of the Carboniferous Period. Out of a terrarium, which you might set up in your living room, will unfold this story of a past age of plant life. You will find out how these simple plants reproduce by spores, and you’ll learn how to keep them in a miniature world.
Discusses the revolutionary reign of King Akhnaton in Egypt, 1400 B.C. Emphasizes his attempt to establish monotheism and to direct Egyptian death. Considers, also, the change in painting and sculpture from ritualistic forms to realism. (NYU) Kinescope.
Uses pictures, models, art objects, and discussion to describe ancient Delphi and the structures on MT. Parnassus. Explains the uses and unusual features of Apollo's temple, the amphitheater, and the treasuries. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses the world from which the conquistadors came. Describes their lands of origin on the Iberian Peninsula and traces their ancestral antecedents. Appraises these Europeans who first established American empires. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the collaboration between authors and illustrators in illustrating a text. Describes the problems involved and stresses the importance of the illustrator and the author working together. Defines an illustration as successful when it conveys accurately the ideas in the text. Uses examples from John Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, George Cruikshank's etchings for The Old Curiosity Shop, Rockwell Kent's woodcuts for Moby Dick, and others. (KETC) Kinescope.
Reviews the evidence on both sides and discusses the importance of the issue of accepting or rejecting Darwin's theory. Discusses the evidence in support of the conception that man is different in kind from other animals because he is rational. Stresses the significance of the entire issue. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Defines "justice of law," and discusses the relation of natural to just and unjust law. Explains the equality of justice, and illustrates how man-made laws have been evolving toward natural laws. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Describes various kinds of art and their distinct differences. Distinguishes between the productive and the cooperative arts, and states that the latter consists only of farming, healing, and teaching. Explains and illustrates the differences between useful arts and fine arts. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Divides laws into three categories--human, natural (moral), and divine--and discusses the nature of each. Suggests two ways of identifying the different laws, and explains how natural laws are discovered. Compares the characteristics of the positive or human law with the natural or moral law, and points out the conflicts which arise between the two. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses various types of work, ranging from sheer drudgery to labors of love. Lists several activities, such as dancing, football, carpentry, and music, which are play for some and work for others. States two conditions by which work takes on dignity, and defines the dignity of man and the dignity of labor. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Shows how man has learned to measure quantities beyond his sight and grasp. Uses diagrams to explain how the size of the earth was discovered in classical times. Examines modern problems of extreme scale including the universe and size of viruses. Features Dr. Philippe LeCorbeiller, Professor of Physics, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Points out and discusses the various groups or classes of colonial society--the whites, the mixed breeds, and the pure breed. Considers the religious, intellectual, and artistic life of these groups. (KETC) Kinescope.
Uses the cross section of a tree stump to explain the events in the life of a tree. Tells how insects, weather, hurricanes, and urbanization effect the life of a tree. Describes the function of the parts of a tree trunk. Illustrates, through experiments, how a tree lifts great quantities of water high in the air. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Animal marionettes portray the characters in the story of a Little Rabbit who is always wishing. His mother sends him to Professor Groundhog, the wisest animal in the forest because she knows the Professor will advise the Little Rabbit not to wish all the time. Prof. Groundhog sends the Little Rabbit to find Pinkney Green, an elf, who can grant one wish. Pinkney Green shows Little Rabbit the magic wishing pond and gives him magic instructions which he must follow before he makes his wish. Little Rabbit wishes for little red wings and home he goes to show his mother. She doesn't recognize him and sends him away. Only Prof. Groundhog knows him and lets him sleep in his home but Little Rabbit finds the wings are most uncomfortable and he can't sleep.
Presents two excerpts from Maxim Gorki's play The Lower Depths, as played by the Moscow Art Theater. One scene shows a group of social outcasts telling stories of former wealth and grandeur and an actor soliloquizing on "What is Man?" The second scene, taking place at a drinking party, shows the group's reaction to the actor's suicide.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick discusses the place of "The Madonna" in painting and sculpture. Uses prints to explain the many ways of representing this theme. Illustrates important points with sculptured madonnas and other religious works. Demonstrates various approaches to this subject with sketches.
Explains the need for law, and discusses the kinds of law which men provide over and above natural or divine law. Compares the various kinds of law with the enforcement necessary to make them binding. Shows how penal codes and civil law define various types of offenses, and describes different law-making authorities. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions). Kinescope.
Reports on excavations concluded at Nimrud, Iraq. Emphasizes the bronze gates, now in the British Museum, that were originally located in Balavat, near Nimrud. Points out that recent discoveries have shed light on various facets of ancient Assyrian civilization. (NYU) Kinescope.
Distinguishes between morality and virtue, and discusses good and bad love. Points out that the three bad loves are love of money, pride, and romantic love, and explains both that Adler's and Freud's views of love. Presents and defines the commands of love--love God, love thyself, and love others--and illustrates how bad love can defeat good love. (Palmer Films) Film.
Considers the kinds of human love, the various meanings of the word "love" as it is used in ordinary speech, and the different attitudes that people take toward love. Focuses on the problem of the distinction between love and desire and their relation to one another. (Palmer Films) Film.
Two artists demonstrate the creative process by reacting to a stimulus presented by a psychologist. Defines creativity and outlines the elements composing it; stresses the influence of environment on the creative impulse.
Discusses the process of revision through which a painting is developed, revealing how the artist uses his skill, knowledge, and experience to shape his ideas into a finished work of art. Compares many drawings and sketches with the paintings based upon them.
Discusses the fundamental ideas of government, and points out that a government to be just must be for, of, and by the people. Explains why a government must have power and authority in order to function. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses intellectual learning and the role of the teacher. Shows how learning is only a small part of education, and mentions briefly some theories of learning. Points out that the learner must act if learning is to take place and that the teacher us only a guide and an aid to the learner. (Palmer Films) Film.