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The Finder shows us how basic printing is in our lives by bringing before the camera a variety of things which are printed—stamps, billboards, toys, milk bottles, tin cans and plastic curtains. He goes on to investigate letterpress, the oldest printing method invented by Gutenberg 500 years ago. It is still one of the widely used printing methods.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Ralph E. Rush, Milan Herzog, Erpi Classroom Films Inc., Peter W. Dykema, M.L., Teachers College, Columbia University, Howard Barlow
Describes the appearance, functions, and timbre of each stringed instrument of the symphony orchestra. Illustrates bowing, pizzicato, and finger techniques used in playing instruments of the string choir. Explains characteristic tonal qualities of the violin, viola, cello, and bass viol, with excerpts from Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto, Schubert's Unfinished Symphony, and Rossini's William Tell Overture. An instructional sound film.
Describes the child in his second and third years. Stresses importance of play, vocabulary development, the nap and bed-time ritual, and the development of possessiveness and self-assertion. Shows some of the activities of children in this age group. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dr. Otto Struve, director of the Leuscher Observatory in Berkeley and the first man to prove that stars rotate on their axes, is Dr. Seaborg’s guest on this program. Hydrogen is rare and helium is positively scarce on earth but these two elements alone make up 99 percent of the universe as a whole. Dr. Seaborg and his guest attempt to explain this phenomenon and other topics such as the creation of the universe, the emptiness of “empty space,” and the ways in which astronomers unravel the secrets of the cosmos. The viewers also is taken on a journey of exploration in outer space with our host and Dr. Struve as they explore the sun, the Milky Way, and distant galaxies, all illustrated with remarkable astro-photos.
Professor Kraemer reads from an illustrated account by an Egyptian envoy, written in 1200 BC, who traveled to Syria at a time when law and order within the Egyptian empire were in a state of corruption. The account stresses the indignities suffered by a traveler.
Introduces the Republican Party record on particular political issues and outlines its stand on such issues as agriculture, foreign policy, civil rights, and natural resources.
Shows the raising and harvesting of a crop of wheat by a family in Kansas. Pictures plowing, harrowing, and planting in the late summer along with a variety of activities in which the wheat farmer engages. Dramatizes the struggle to get the crop in before an impending hail storm and reveals the risks involved in wheat farming.
Discusses and demonstrates theme and variations and traces the development of this musical form. Illustrations include variations of the Vintner's Daughter, and the "Trout-Quintet," played in its entirety by the Paganini Quartet, with piano. (USC) Film.
Presents the historical, geographical, industrial, and scenic highlights of the state, including the cities of Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, and South Bend. Also shows Indiana, Purdue, and Notre Dame universities, and manufacturing, industrial, and agricultural centers.
Defines art by discussing its distinguishing qualities. Differentiates between art and artifact. Shows a variety of art objects and paintings and contrasts art and artifact by playing two musical selections. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the characteristics of a "good" candidate in terms of age, religion, and home state. Points out that men from populous states stand the best chance of receiving the nomination. Also discusses favorite sons, dark horse candidates, and the nomination of candidates previously defeated.
This final program on the series is a “crystal ball” attempt to look into the future and answer the question, “Where is American art going?” A panel of well-known American figures in American art assists Dr. Preston in an attempt to select those elements in today’s painting which may well be termed characteristic of this era by later generations and to trace out the lines of development which will determine the future.
Going more deeply into the how and why of laughter, Dr. Feinberg discusses international jokes and tells how they originated. A clown routine, so common in international jokes, is demonstrated and analyzed.
In this concluding program on prejudices, the delegates stress some of the similarities between nations represented in the Forum group. These include Switzerland-Germany, common language and literature; Switzerland-Israel, multilingual country and neutrality; Switzerland-Finland, winter sports, neutrality; Germany-Israel, anti-Semitism in Germany, anti-German feeling in Israel; and Israel-Egypt, struggle to develop the desert, find water, be independent of foreign influence, and solve problems of refugees.
Outlines and discusses various theories of humor, and presents examples of laughter created to illustrate each theory. Shows, through the use of a polygraph, that physiological changes occur in various parts of the body when a person laughs. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Discuss the book, Witness, by Whittaker Chambers. Examines the content of this autobiographical work and the reasons why it was written. Appraises the significance of the book as a source for historians and as literature.
Shows how to choose a job by first knowing one's self as revealed by performance in intelligence, aptitude, and personality tests, by learning the characteristics of different jobs, and by fitting these two together. Illustrates these steps by following a series of counseling sessions between a counselor and a counselee. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses World Enough and Time by Robert Penn Warren. Outlines the plot, briefly sketches the characters, and appraises the literary form of this novel. Identifies and examines ides embodied in this work and indicates the author's serious concern with them. (Syracuse University) Kinescope.
Reviews, through documentary scenes taken from the National Archives, the historic events which led to the entry of the United States into World War II. Records the failure of the League of Nations to take strong action against the aggressive acts of Japan, Italy, and Germany. Highlights the war of nerves, the successive Axis aggression, U.S. Neutrality Acts, the various agreements and pacts, and the declaration of war by England, France, and the United States.
Documentary of events leading to United States entry to World War II. Different stages through which American public opinion passed as events in Europe took place are described.