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Compiled footage from the years 1955-1956, primarily focused on a young Lynn.
Begins with scenes of Christmas: Nelle and Lynn decorating the tree, holiday cards on the mantle, Lynn opening presents. Shot of exterior of Bixler home at 8539 Broadway Street and Lynn playing in the yard. Shot of Lynn in Easter dress with basket. Shows some footage taken through airplane window.
Cut to the 1956 Indianapolis 500 race taken from the stands ; Bixler family visits Sarasota, Florida and the Sarasota Jungle Gardens ; Lynn's birthday and a children's party ; the Bixlers at Little America Amusement Park in Indianapolis ; Lynn and friends playing outside ; Lynn showing balloon animals to the camera ; Lynn and Nelle playing board games ; Lynn's classroom at school at Christmastime ; footage of animals from Cincinnati Zoo, including monkeys and seals performing.
Title card: "The Bixler's go to Florida, Hollywood-Miami, February 1956". Images of postcards advertising flights to Florida.
Lynn and Nelle at Storyland, a kiddie park with a fairy tale and nursery rhyme theme ; shows Lynn at a petting zoo interacting with various animals, including a monkey who steals her hat ; monkeys on leashes and in costume perform at a tourist attraction. The Bixlers visit Africa USA ; footage of a Jeep safari (some blurry) and river cruise with many shots of zoo animals and lush foliage. Next is the Parrot Jungle and a crocodile show. Brief footage of homes along the water in Fort Lauderdale. The film ends with Lynn playing in the ocean, her "first experience with the Atlantic Ocean".
Film begins with British Merchant Navy ship. Primarily shows blurry footage of Fiji, including a village with thatched roof buildings and new construction. Local children interact with and smile for the camera. A storefront advertises Procera bread. The film then shows a busy intersection in a town - the crowd is diverse with people in traditional and western-style clothes.
Travelogue documenting Bailey's trips to New Zealand, Indonesia, and Cambodia, 1955-1956. Film begins with footage of people playing cricket in Auckland, the Auckland War Memorial Museum, and people enjoying the beach. In Rotorua, Maori women in traditional dress play instruments and perform a dance. Shows the New Zealand Parliamentary Library and Riddiford Baths in Wellington. Captures diverse landscapes of New Zealand, including beaches, snowy mountains, and geothermal areas. Bailey's mother, Nellie Freeman, accompanies her in New Zealand. Footage of Asia primarily shows small village life and men, women, and children working in fields and doing housework. Bailey captures a large celebration complete with a float that has a Hindu temple spire. Ends with extensive footage of Angkor Wat with close-ups of the art and architectural features.
Topic of discussion on this program is the actual organization of the major parties. Our lecturer considers the national characteristics of parties as opposed to the idea that each of them is a conglomeration of local political machines. He concludes with a look at the role the private citizen can and does play in party organization.
Shows many of the kitchen appliances of tomorrow. Takes the viewer inside the experimental laboratories of General Motors to see such advanced aids to cooking as an automatic recipe viewer, heatless oven, automatic servers, and new designs in cabinets. Through animation, gives a short glimpse of some seemingly improbably but beneficial inventions not yet perfected.
The French horn, capable of producing melody, and the piano, a percussion instrument able to produce symphonic effects, are instruments which contrast with each other and blend exquisitely. To illustrate this musical partnership the program features John Barrows, French horn, and Vera Brodsky, piano. This film deals with the blending and contrasting of voices in composition and Mr. Barrows points out how composers have capitalized on this partnership.
Discusses the performance of necessary functions by our political parties. Explains why we have the two-party system. Mentions party factions and splinter groups. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses abstract art and the elements in a machine society which have furthered its development. Discusses the influences of Cezanne, the cubists, and the futurists. Uses charcoal drawings to distinguish expressionistic from geometric abstraction.
Continues the discussion of abstract art begun in ABSTRACT ART: PART 1. Discusses inspiration, technique, and communication in abstract painting. Features Stuart Davis, American abstract painter, and shows works by Davis and by Jackson Pollock. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Shows in detail how the body parts of various animals are related to their eating habits. Includes such examples as the cirri of barnacles, the mouth parts and legs of crayfish, the teeth of lions and cows, the tongues of butterflies, the noses of hogs, the beaks of birds and the paws of squirrels.
Suggests ways of beginning in art and stresses the importance of making use of past experience. Shows students producing visual symbols which are suggested by a number of abstract ideas presented verbally. Encourages viewers to exercise the creativity that each possesses. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
At the milestone of nine months, the baby has learned many new things, including how to sit up and to crawl. Safety in the home is of double importance now and a playpen should be purchased at this time. Dr. Wagner discusses proper toys for this age group and the physical and emotional developments of the nine month infant.
Shows a mother with her child in the doctor's office where the baby is examined and mother and doctor discuss feeding, use of vitamins, and general progress of the infant. Discuss the concept of child care that emphasizes guidance and prevention of problems rather than treatment of disease only.
Discusses the activities, needs, and behavior of the one year old. Considers standing, walking, care of the feet, selection of shoes, and toilet training. Points out some of the behavior typical of this age group.
High-powered microscopic shots are used to illustrate the principle that sexual reproduction in simple and complex plants and animals always involves the production and the union of gametes; exemplifies the details of fusion by showing the union of the sperm and egg of a salamander. By means of time-lapse photography, follows the steps in the life cycle of the salamander. Explains that sexual reproduction provides both for the continuation of life and for the variations which benefit man.
Describes various uses of the bulletin board. Shows how to locate and maintain a bulletin board for both instructional and reference purposes, describes the materials from which bulletin boards can be constructed, and explains how to select materials so as to maintain interest in the display.
Discusses and illustrates some principles that can be applied in the breaking of habits with specific application to smoking and alcoholism. Points out that to break a habit, one must know what needs the habit satisfies, must have a strong urge to break it, and must practice the new ways of satisfying the needs formerly satisfied by the habit. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Shows that play is an important activity for children and that it has common patterns at different ages. Considers play activities of children between the ages of five and twelve years and explains the part that parents can play in helping to encourage and guide play at each age level.
Discusses the influence of the president in picking vice-presidential nominees and the difficulties in getting able men to accept this nomination. Points out that candidates are most often selected to "balance the ticket" from the standpoint of geography as well as points of view on pertinent issues. Considers the "whys" behind the nomination of seven vice presidents who eventually became president.
Examines a series of routine conflict situations faced by a college student. Defines and analyzes emotional conflict according to four general classifications: approach-approach, avoidance-avoidance, approach-avoidance, and double approach-avoidance. Uses white rats in a maze to illustrate these types of conflict and relates each type in terms of human behavior.
Discusses conflicts, and suggests effective ways of handling them. Identifies the various characteristics of a conflict as: the opposition forces, the vacillation, the inability to reach a decision without a great expenditure of energy.
Discusses Conservationism in America by Clinton Rossiter. Outlines the contents, clarifies terms, and assesses the author's position. Considers the techniques used and appraises the historical and literary merits of the book. Compares this with earlier work on conservatism. (Syracuse University) Kinescope.
Depicts the events and conditions leading to the writing of the U.S. Constitution, the formulation of the Great Compromise between the small and large states, the struggle for ratification, and the addition of the Bill of Rights. For junior high, high school, and college students. Pictures some of the historical background of the struggle by the colonies for independence and of the signing of the Constitution. Includes Shay's rebellion against the tariff, the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, and the disagreements among states. Shows how the misunderstanding between large and small states led to the establishment of a House and a Senate.
Describes convention management in relation to the four committees of all political conventions. Explains the seating of these four committees--rules, platform, credentials, and permanent organization. Shows a film on the fight between Taft and Eisenhower delegates in the credential committee of 1952.
Discusses the sequence of events that takes place when the national political convention is underway. Includes consideration of the role of the contemporary chairman, the "keynoter", general speeches presented as time fillers, reports from the four main committees, role call for nominations, nominating and seconding speeches, and demonstrations for the candidates. Presents films of the departure of Alabama and Mississippi delegates in 1948 and the nomination of Franklin Roosevelt in 1940. (Dynamic Films) Film.
Expands the popular definition of "primitive"--one who is self-taught--to include artists who reject academic or conventional expression, subject matter, or technique. Shows and discusses various examples of primitive art. (WQED) Kinescope.
Shows through readings, paintings, and natural photography the development of the portrayal of English lakes and landscapes by painters, poets, and others. Depicts the printing of illustrated tour guides and other books to create interest in the English lake country. (BBC) Film.
Discusses the early steps in the nominating process. Explains and illustrates the makeup of the national committee, the role of the national chairman, the importance of selecting a favorable convention site, apportionment of delegates, and state, county, and precinct organizations. Discusses a cartoon of the county chairman. (Dynamic Films) Film.
Shows a family and its household slaves engaged in their early morning tasks. Depicts the work involved in maintaining the home and reveals lack of many conveniences. Dramatizes the relationships that existed among the master of the household, his family, and his slaves.
The panel takes up the importance of the national convention in drafting a party platform and important intra-party conflicts which have developed over the drafting of such platforms at recent conventions. Along these same lines, the panel considers the procedure used to draft the platform and the question of whether the platform is drafted to represent the policy position of the candidate or for the candidate to stand on.
A panel here considers the advantages and disadvantages of the convention systems as it now operates. Speakers also discuss suggestions for improving the convention as a nominating device, alternatives methods for nominating a president and vice president, and the problems and advantages of these alternatives.
Describes constellations and how they got their names, nebulae and other star phenomena, the setting and rising of stars, and how the stars affected the making of the calendar. Includes animation and special cinema techniques.
Discusses rational and irrational fears with illustrations from real-life situations. Distinguishes between these two types of fears, and suggests ways of controlling them through a system of unlearning the original fear by gradually making it pleasant. (KOMO-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the benefits one receives from friends, and through interviews presents the values and bases of friendship. Presents reasons why some people are friendless and ways to help them acquire friends. Points out that one can have friends by engaging in activities with others. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses ways of getting along with people and through interviews shows why some people can more easily get along wit h others. Emphasizes interest in others, acceptance, and understanding, as well as cheerfulness, helpfulness, and neatness and basic factors in getting along with people. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses and demonstrates how the deciphering of papyri led to recent excavations in Negev that have resurrected the village of Nesson--lost for 2000 years. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses Great River by Paul Horgan. Sets forth the scope of the book, analyzes its form, and appraises the strengths and limitations of its author as historian and writer. Stresses the importance of the work with regard to the historical technique used.
Piatigorsky plays "Bourees #1 and #2" from Suite in C Major, by Bach; "Slow Movement" from Cello Sonata, by Chopin; "Masques" from Romeo and Juliet, by Prokofief; "Romance," by Anton Rubinstein; "Waltz," by Tschaikowsky; and "Introduction, Theme and Variations," by Schubert-Piatigorsky.
Explains and illustrates the causes of strong feelings such as anger, anxiety, and aversion, and shows how people deal with them. Suggests controlling strong feelings through understanding, and presents approved outlets as outdoor, religious, and thrill activities, sports, music, helping others, confidential talks, and scribbling. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Demonstrates various methods of preparing materials to be used on different types of still projectors. Explains that instructional materials may be prepared for projection by utilizing their qualities of opacity, translucency, and transparency. Shows the use of carbon film, adhesive coloring materials, India ink, and sheets of plastic. Demonstrates a technique for stenciling on carbon film and a method for making plastic transparencies from magazine pictures.
Forum delegates attempt to define Europeanism as contrasted to Americanism as they launch this challenging topic of discussion. Talk moves naturally into a consideration of a federated Europe and all five delegates agree on the desirability of a united Europe. In considering sacrifices of individual countries in an effort to achieve this unity, the German delegate points out the cynicism of his teachers about politics—the result of having to admit twice that what they had previously taught was false. Italian and French participants both comment on the lack of instruction in contemporary politics in their school systems.
Demonstrates the use of high contrast photography for the preparation of 2" x 2" and 3 1/4" x 4" negative and positive slides, transparencies, and overlays for overhead projectors and for printing on paper for use in opaque projectors. Shows the basic steps of setting up to photograph materials on high contrast film as well as the processing of the film. Illustrates the application of this type of photography in the preparation of instructional materials in a variety of subject-matter areas.
Discusses the values of a hobby as a source of fun and relaxation, friendship, recognition, and health. Presents people and their hobbies, how they came to choose a particular hobby and the values they receive from their hobbies. Suggests different hobbies and where to secure information about each. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Footage of Bailey's trip to the United Kingdom in 1956. Documents many historical landmarks and buildings around England, Scotland, and Wales. Highlights include the Royal family at the Braemar Gathering and scenes of the games, Roman ruins, numerous castles, and scenes of 1950's London.
Delegates from India, Korea, Norway and the United Kingdom thrash out the controversial question of U.N. membership for Red China in a lively discussion during this program. "Actually it is not a question of whether we like a country or its government. The fact is that it—the country—should be recognized," Norway says and the Korean delegate comes back with, "Nations that don’t love peace should not be admitted to the U.N." The conversation swings into a second heated discussion on the effectiveness of competition between the United States and Russia to aid underdeveloped countries.
The services of artist John Drummond of Iowa State College are utilized to show another method of causing laughter, that of the use of the caricature. He draws a caricature of lecturer Feinberg. The artist’s techniques are then analyzed and demonstrated to show just how he goes about emphasizing certain features and deemphasizing others to make his subject appear “funny.”
In this program, artist John Drummond of Iowa State College demonstrates more techniques of caricaturing and their relation to humor as Dr. Feinberg lectures on the same subject.
Presents for discussion is supervisory training sessions the problem of a supervisor who leaves the office promptly but tells his clerical workers that they must work overtime, and who later criticizes the girls when they refuse to volunteer to work on Saturday.
Analyzes and discusses Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn. Points out the various levels of this picaresque novel and indicates the problems with which it deals. Speculates on the psychological meanings of some of Twain's chief characters. Considers the author's artistic development. (Syracuse University) Kinescope.
Highlights from the 1956 Indiana High School Athletic Association state basketball finals game between Gerstmeyer and Crispus Attucks. Crispus Attucks High School, a high school in Indianapolis that remained segregated until the 1970s, won the state basketball championship in 1955 and 1956. By doing so, they became the first all-black team in the nation to win a state high school basketball title.
Presents a play-by-play account of the 1956 finals basketball game between Lafayette and Crispus Attucks (Indianapolis). Designed for coaching purposes.
Considers developments in physics, chemistry, and psychology that have affected American art. Indicates that new materials, techniques, and subject matter have been provided. Discusses theories of perception, color and vision as they relate to the art of painting. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Presents each member of the New York Brass Quintet as he introduces his instrument and plays illustrative excerpts. Two trumpets begin with a duet. With the addition of the trombone, the French horn, and the tuba, a selection written for each successive ensemble is performed. Musical selections are: Pezel, Three Short Pieces from Suite; Saint-Jacome, Duet, No. 6; Spezzaferri, Preluio e Fuga; Bach, Two Chorales; and Ewald, Quintet for Brass, (3rd movement). (Arts and Audiences, Inc.) Film.
The New York Woodwind Quintet is featured on this opening program with introductions by Yehudi Menuhin. Each member of the Quintet provides a simple explanation of his method of tone production evoking the familiar experiences of the children. For example: playing a flute is compared to blowing over the top of a soda bottle; the length of tubing in a French Horn is likened to a garden hose. The music selected for demonstration gives each instrument an opportunity to illustrate its sound alone and with the other instruments.
Introduces the series AMERICAN POLITICS. Proposes to answer the following questions. (1) What are the nature, purpose, and methods of the major American political parties? (2) How are the parties' candidates nominated, including candidates for president and vice-president? (3) What have been the parties' records on the major issues of American politics? (KETC) Kinescope.
Gives some historical background for looking at modern art and offers a number of approaches to contemporary art. Outlines briefly the eleven remaining programs in the series. (WQED) Kinescope.
Alistair Cooke interviews humorist James Thurber who reflects on events of his childhood and discusses the highlights of his career as an author and illustrator.
Explains the principles and demonstrates procedures and materials for joining and gluing wood, emphasizing the mortise-and-tenon and edge-to-edge joints. Shows procedures for application of glue and the use of clamping tools in gluing.
Dr. Feinberg puts another great writer under the microscope in this discussion of the humor of Jonathan Swift. He presents and analyses samples of Swift’s material.
Discusses the primary system and its effect on the party system. Considers whether or not the primary system destroys party discipline, thus weakening the party, or, conversely does it give more power to the machine? (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the party records regarding individual freedom promised by the first amendment in the Bill of rights. Reviews the two parties' defense of these rights, especially in times when national security is threatened, and discusses the question of civil rights. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the wall paintings found in Egyptian tombs depicting the Egyptian concept of life in the next world. Emphasis is on the tomb of King Rekh-mir-re. (NYU) Kinescope.
Presents a highly condensed version of Russian history since the eve of World War I through the eyes of the "average Ivan" who has lived through this period. Discusses the initial period of capitalism, the collective farm movement, the great purges of the 1930's, the first Five Year Plans, the lack of consumer goods, the bitterness of World War II, and the Cold War. Illustrates each of these phases of Russian history with Russian periodicals and pictures. (Center for Mass Communication) Film.
Presents the scientists who participated in the discovery of elements 99, 100, and 101. Demonstrates the techniques, equipment, and chemistry associated with the original isolation of these elements. Presents a detailed example of the methods and equipment used in handling radioactive materials.
Discusses and illustrates mature and immature behavior of people, and shows what can be done to promote maturity. Presents people with mature traits in some relationships but immature traits in other situations. Points out that strong motivation, activity, and going out to meet people all promote maturity. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Uses animation to show the mechanism of meiosis, the chromosome halving cell division preceding the formation of sperm and egg cells and forming the basis of genetics.
Considers the whys and wherefores of defense spending as related to both foreign policy and domestic economic policy. Discusses the question, "Is there a partisan...Democratic or Republican...answer to the question of defense spending?" (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses why people make mistakes, and illustrates how these mistakes lead to either learning or quitting. Shows why some people are more disturbed by their mistakes than others. Presents ways of meeting mistakes: trying to prevent them, expecting them to occur and adjusting to the feeling of guilt, and turning to other successes. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Uses stained cells, animation, and time-lapse cinephotomicrography of living cells to compare mitosis and meiosis. Shows onion root tip, whitefish embryo, salamander epidermal, and living Tradescantia staminal hair cells photographed in time-lapse photography to present the details of mitosis. Portrays the basic features of meiosis by using lily anther cells and living sperm cells of a grasshopper photographed by time-lapse photography. Animation sequences give a side-by-side comparison of the two processes and show how mitosis, meiosis, and fertilization fit into the life cycle of common organisms.
Dr. Glenn Seaborg and his associates describe the discovery of the four "missing elements," technetium, astatine, francium, and promethium. Emphasizes the role of the cyclotron on the creation of synthetic elements. Dr. Ernest O. Lawrence explains the operation and development of high voltage accelerators from the first eight-inch cyclotron to the mammoth bevatron. Dr. Emilio Segre, a participant in the discovery of the first synthetic element, describes its discovery and demonstrates the technique used by him to identify astatine. (KQED) Film.
Continues the discussion of infant feeding begun in MAKING A FORMULA and introduces a mother and a baby-sitter who discusses with a doctor some of the problems and practices in baby-sitting. Points out the desirability of a pre-sitting meeting of mother, sitter, and baby.
Explores the sources of mysticism in American Art today and identifies qualities which mark a work as being mystical in character. Features a discussion with Darrell Austin, the painter, and readings from mystical poetry by Dr. Wilbur Scott of Hofstra College. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Convention floor strategy, nomination speeches and voting procedures are discussed in this program. Other topics consider include the techniques and practices used to influence the delegates in favor of particular candidates, the functions of nominating and seconding speeches and special problems connected with the nomination of the vice president.
Describes the culture of the people and the unusual climate of northern Norway. Explains that the northern third of the country is within the Arctic Circle but that the climate is much modified by the Gulf Stream. Depicts the splitting of the country into two distinct climates by a central mountain range. Views many of the geographic features peculiar to Norway.
Discusses the dietary needs of the expectant mother and stresses the importance of proper diet for maintaining the mother's dental health and for developing the baby's teeth. A specialist in nutrition and a dentist serve as consultants. (WQED) Kinescope.
Shows the differences among individuals in age, sex, race, size, aptitude, interests, attitudes, and achievement, and illustrates graphically how these traits are distributed into a bell-shaped curve when a large number of people are considered together. Shows how social expectations can create problems for deviants on either side of the curve. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses motivations of candidates and the backgrounds of men who have run for president. Touches on men with a driving desire to be president, the "reluctant" candidates, the role of king-makers, and the occupations which have served as stepping-stones to the presidency. (Dynamic Films) Film.
Explains the autotrophic and teterotrophic methods of nutrition, and discusses the importance of chlorophyll bodies in plants in the manufacture of chemical compounds which can be made to release energy for the organism's various activities. Illustrates how all living things depend on the chemical compounds produced by green plants for their nutrition. (KUHT) Film.
Describes and demonstrates the sounds, manner of playing, and uses of representative percussion instruments. A young audience, led by members of the New York Percussion Trio, illustrate that organized clapping can be music. Members of the trio show and demonstrate wooden, skin-covered, and metal percussion instruments. The audience joins the trio in a mambo demonstrating how music can be made with some percussion instruments without long practice. Music includes: Nagel, Prelude in Dance; Kabelevsky, Dance of the Comedians; Portal, Sweet and Gentle; and an excerpt from Saint-Saens' Samson and Delilah. (Arts and Audiences,Inc.) Film.
Presents some of the aspects of the behavior and needs of the three to five year old. Discusses physical growth, play, likes and dislikes in foods, the acting out of roles, and the free flow of the imagination. Shows children aged three to five at play, and includes comments about communicable diseases, their prevention and control. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses Poems by Emily Dickinson. Considers her skill as a poet, and the effectiveness of her poetry. Traces the publishing and editing history of her poems. Emphasizes the significance of the 1956 Harvard edition from the standpoint of both publication and scholarship. (Syracuse University) Kinescope.
Explains how we learn from the portraiture left us, how ancient people looked. Indicates that the artist's styles are much the same today as they were 2500 years ago. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses pre-convention activity. Considers the influence of public opinion and public opinion polls, the role of the campaign manager, and the strategy for winning delegates in both states that pick delegates by conventions and states that hold primary elections. Shows scenes from the 1952 primary campaigns in New Hampshire and Nebraska. (Dynamic Films) Film.
Topic of program is the pre-convention strategy of the candidates, and content covers the factors which make a candidate available for his party’s nomination, the advantages and disadvantages of frankness on the part of an aspiring candidate, and the political hazards of the preference primary campaign,
Introduces and outlines the twelve-program series AT HOME WITH YOUR CHILD. Discusses the baby's need for space in the home and suggests and shows furnishings for the nursery area. Describes some of the uses of various pieces of equipment in the nursery. (WQED)
National political leaders and newspapermen meet in a panel discussion to consider the main issues, strategies and personalities developing in the 1956 presidential campaign. Questions before the panel for consideration include: What will be the main issues in the coming conventions? Will they dominate the personalities or be controlled by the personalities? Who will be the influential leaders in each of the conventions? Who are the strongest candidates for the nominations of the parties? What is their relative strength? Is there a chance for a “dark horse” in either party?
In this program the audience hears a review and summary of all the information on the physical and chemical nature of living material discussed in previous programs. Dr. Roney uses sketch pad diagrams and models to picture the structure and organizations of living material, as it is understood today.
Demonstrates and explains methods of manipulating elements and using them. Shows how iron is extracted and explains the derivation of a variety of products from petroleum. Uses a working model of a blast furnace and of a petroleum refinery. (KQED) Film.
Defines realism and discusses style, subject matter, and motivation with reference to realism in painting. Identifies and contrasts genre painting and illusionary realism and illustrates these with prints. A realistic portrayal of a landscape is done at the easel. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Shows how pigeons are taught abnormal behavior patterns by means of selective reinforcement of response and how the removal of the reinforcement causes the gradual extinguishing of the learned response. Derives from the experiments basic principles about learned behavior which are applicable in the training of children.
Shows how behavior that is reinforced does get learned while non-reinforced behavior is extinguished.
Reviews the records of both parties in the area of conservation and use of our natural resources. Points out that controversy has been particularly sharp on the development of power resources. (KQED) Kinescope.
Outlines the principles that guided the work of the romantic painter and illustrates these principles with paintings and prints. Shows a landscape in the romantic mode depicted at the easel. Identifies romanticism as the beginnings of expressionism. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Pictures three expeditions which trace the acquisition by the metropolitan Museum of Art of jewelry which belonged to an Egyptian Princess of the XIIth Dynasty. Traces and discusses changes in the techniques of archeology during the past 100 years. (NYU) Kinescope.