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Reviews the life of Andrew Carnegie from his poverty-stricken youth in Scotland to his leadership in American industry. Depicts his trials and successes in railroading and his development of the iron and steel works which made his huge fortune. Then shows his decision to devote his fortune and energies to philanthropy.
Characterizes Andrew Jackson as the "champion of the common man" and dramatizes the following significant events in his life: generalship in the War of 1812; association with Webster, Calhoun, and Clay in regard to states' rights; unsuccessful Presidential campaign of 1824; two terms as President; "Kitchen Cabinet"; and the establishment of the Bank of the United States.
Dramatizes the story of Tommy Randall, who has been caught stealing at school, and who is sent to a child guidance clinic rather than being of an emotional problem. Traces the disturbance, through a portrayal of his family lie, to its source. Shows how Tommy's mother learns to understand him and how Tommy himself becomes adjusted through the work of the clinicians.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Inc., Lawrence K. Frank
Contrasts the various parental attitudes toward children's questions, and shows the effects on a child's personality of interest and concern about his questions, or a negative, rejecting attitude on the part of parents. Demonstrates typical reactions to children's questions about death, birth, illness, and policeman on the corner.
A public service announcement from the Atlantic Richfield oil company (ARCO) announcing their acquisition of Sinclair Oil and phasing out of Sinclair's dinosaur logo. The ad features an animation of a dinosaur telling an ARCO executive that he is retiring to live in Miami. As the dinosaur leaves, an offscreen male narrator states that the end of one era means the beginning of another. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Shows several youngsters finding shelter upon hearing an air raid alert. Then portrays Ted and Sue, at home when the alert sounds, taking the necessary precautions against an atomic bomb. They cover windows, check the kitchen for fires, and go to the basement to wait for instructions over the battery radio. Next pictures what to do in case of a bombing without warning, as demonstrated by Ted and Sue. They are commended by the warden for their good work.
Shows a group of junior high boys and girls playing beat ball. Demonstrates division into teams, throwing, running, and putting the runner out. Introduces several variations of the original game.