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Dramatizes the versatility of Oliver Wendell Holmes's successes, including his accomplishments in the field of medicine and his activities as a man of letters and lecturer. Portrays events related to the writing of "Old Ironsides," Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, and other works.
Shows Inger and Halvard as they help their parents with the farm work. They and their mother bring the cattle down from the summer pasture in the mountains, they visit the village across the fiord, and the whole family attend a festival.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Ann H. Morgan
Discusses such animal adaptations to winter as protective coloration, storing of food, adding layers of fat, and hibernation. Shows the winter habitats of the badger, woodchuck, chipmunk, owl, rabbit, porcupine, bobcat, and fox. Describes the fluctuating seasonal changes larvae undergo.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Joseph G. Fucilla
Pictures the Conti family during harvest time in Umbria. They harvest olives, sort them, and take them to the mill for extraction of the oil. On a trip to the market they see the monastery of St. Francis of Assisi, and they later celebrate the harvest with a feast.
Eugene Kash, Gudrun Parker, Denis Gillson, Joseph Champagne, Eldon Rathburn, Thomas Daly, Guy Glover, Peter Jones, Margaret Ellis, National Film Board
The various instruments of the wood-wind and brass sections of an orchestra are characterized as to appearance, tone, and use during a children's concert conducted by Eugene Kash, Canadian violinist. Then demonstrates the effect of both sections combined.
Eugene Kash, Gudrun Parker, Denis Gillson, Joseph Champagne, Eldon Rathburn, Thomas Daly, Guy Glover, Peter Jones, Margaret Ellis, Ottawa Children's Concert Committee, Separate School Board of Ottawa, Ottawa Public School Board, National Film Board of Canada
Features Eugene Kash, Canadian violinist, conducting a children's concert and instructing the children about percussion instruments. Shows the children clapping in time to the rhythm and pictures a children's rhythm band composed of seven kinds of instruments. Demonstrates games that develop rhythm consciousness. Shows older children listening for percussion instruments as recorded music is played.
F. W. Keller, E. S. Keller, Jack Cardiff, Casper J. Kraemer
A photographic survey of Rome: the Colosseum, St. Peter's Square, the art treasures of the Basilica of St. Peter, the fountains of the Villa d'Este and the Piazza Navona, the ruins of the Forum and Hadrian's villa, and views of the city as seen by the light of a traditional fireworks display.
Historical Summary:
Opens with aerial views of Rome's Colosseum, and then pictures the Apostle Paul's statue in St. Peter's Square and details of the Basilica of St. Peter. Shows details of the fountains of Rome, the ruins of the Forum, Hadrian's palace and large estate, and a brilliant fireworks display.