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Shows life in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona, and the topography, rainfall, and other characteristic features, including the imprint of Spanish and Indian cultures. Irrigation, stock raising, mining, agriculture, and oil extracting and refining are among the occupational activities shown. The exchange of goods and services with other sections of the country is depicted by animation.
British Ministry of Information, Soviet War News Film Agency, Central News Reel Studios, Moscow
A Soviet-British co-production reporting to the Allied nations on the lives of children in the Soviet Union, providing "a glimpse of the Soviet child from infancy to high school." Portrays an idyllic and well organized system for educating and caring for the 35 million Soviet children of the day. The scholastic, athletic, and creative accomplishments of Soviet youth are shown.
Dramatizes the conservation of war materials by residents of a typical town. Explains how the war effort is helped by sharing rides and collecting tin cans and other salvage. Explains the organization of civilian defense units and shows a neighborhood meeting.
A public service announcement from the Wilderness Society in which a scene of forest wildlife is overlaid with audio of developers clearing trees. An offscreen male narrator reminds the viewer that "man does not live by development alone," while onscreen text provides information on how to order a free booklet on "the American wilderness." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Presents the training of civilians for rescue work during World War II. Shows the procedures for assigning volunteers to the type of work for which they are prepared and training them to perform as a unit. Follows a squad from the sounding of the alarm, going to the scene, surveying the wreckage and taking notes, and tunneling for buried victims, to the orderly departure of the squad from the scene.
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Borge Hansen-Moller : produced and directed by, Kenneth Richter : camera
A Coordinator of Inter-American affairs film intended to foster alliance and educate U.S. audiences about the Ecuadoran nation. "All who live in our hemisphere know that it must be kept as a place of freedom" states narration, urging the alliance of all the Americas in the fight against the Axis. The role of Ecuador and its Galapagos Islands territory in the defense of the Panama Canal are emphasized. Ecuadoran natural resources in service of the Allied cause include balsa wood and oil. Narration characterizes the viewpoint of the Ecuadoran people as supportive of the U.S. in the war: "Ecuador can hope for its rightful and untrammeled place in the family of nations only through the triumph of the United States and its allies." Concurrently, U.S. viewers are assured, "it’s good to know in these days of war that here is a friendly nation, a land ready for cooperation, for mutual defense..."
A public service announcement from the U.S. Department of the Interior in which audio of children singing about going to the beach overlays a scene of a deserted beach covered with trash, dead fish, and rats. An offscreen male narrator warns that "beaches should be for people," not rats. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
News stories include civilians giving up travel to enable the movement of soldiers, how a truck operates as a laundry at the front, the highway from Seattle through Canada to Alaska is completed, a report on the campaign in New Guinea, a sing-along version of The Marines' Hymn.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
News stories include the introduction of the Mosquito reconnaissance bomber, the war in New Guinea, urging those at home to repair appliances as new ones are not available, the bombing on Naples, Italy, a letter to his fellow workers from machinist Arthur Hocking whose son has been killed in the war urging them to do everything possible to wind up the war, the United States Coast Guard song is played over scenes of Coast Guard life.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
Newsreel contains stories about Veronica Lake getting her hair cut to promote worker safety, how absence from factory jobs can affect soldiers, how women going to war is affecting the care of children, British planes bomb Bremen, a sing-along version of the Army Air Corps song.
A public service announcement from the University of Toronto featuring a silent scroll of text discussing the problem of noise pollution and urging the viewer to contact the university's Pollution Probe to learn more. White screens accompanied by a noisy siren bookend the text scroll. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Source material used for the Agency for Instructional Technology series Geography in U.S. history : illuminating the geographic dimensions of our nation's development.
McRobbie-Gair Family Home Movies Collection: This home movie contains mainly footage of a large military parade in Melbourne, Australia. It is most likely of an ANZAC day parade. ANZAC day is one of the major public holidays in Australia and is held annually on April 25. It commemorates the first landings of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) at Gallipoli, Turkey, on April 25, 1915. The year of this particular parade is not yet clear though it is probably in the early 40s. But the footage of the event is particularly important as it features shots of numerous senior Australian politicians and military officers, including former Australian Prime Ministers, William Hughes and John Curtin. There is additional footage of other military parades and school sporting events very typical of the time.
Erskine Caldwell, American novelist and reporter, interviewed before leaving Moscow, briefly tells of the civilian defense work he witnessed. Scenes showing how the Russians are carrying out their pledge of "All for Victory!" including efforts in huge metallurgical plants, the oil industry, the rapid harvest, nurses drilling, and Red Cross work.