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A message from Donald M. Nelson, chairman of the War Production Board, urging Americans to save metals, rubber, and greases for the World War II effort.
An extemporaneous classroom demonstration of the cooperative planning of an assignment for the unit, '"The Historical Development of Certain Basic Institutions of Freedom in America." Mr. Roland Crary is the demonstration teacher of pupils selected from an eleventh-grade class in American History of the University High School of Iowa City, Iowa. The film was constructed for the purpose of enriching the usual procedures, not of superseding them, in an effort to conserve the time of teachers in assembling materials.
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
Using color photography, this travelogue transports viewers in the U.S. to the exotic locale of Nahuel Huapi National Park, in the Argentine Andes. Showing the stifling mid-summer heat of Buenos Aires in January, the narrator explains city-dwellers' desire to escape to the cool, clean air of the mountains. The camera follows a group of young Argentines as they hike in the mountains, play with a herd of dairy cows, pick wild strawberries and prepare their yerba mate. Striking landscape photography shows glaciers, waterfalls, and captures an avalanche as it occurs. As with all Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs films, affinity between the nations of the Americas is encouraged by presenting foreign places to domestic audiences in an appealing, humanizing light.
"Produced in cooperation with the Institute of Pacific Relations, this film answers such vital questions as: How large in the Japanese Empire? Is Japan self-sufficient in food? What is Japan's naval and military strength? What are the living standards of the Japanese people? What are Japan's vital weaknesses? How can Japan be defeated?"--War Films Bulletin of the Extension Division Indiana University, February, 1943.
United States. Department of Agriculture, Wilding Picture Productions, Inc. : produced by
"A documentary tribute to the farm women of America and an explanation of their part in winning the war. Exemplified by 'Mom,' the farm woman is shown to be a potent force in lining up the farm family behind the agricultural war production program. It is "Mom" who helps the child out of difficulty. She looks after the chickens, the pigs, the young calf. If she's not in the garden or in the orchard, she is in the kitchen canning vegetables, picking a chicken, cooking, so that all will have enough and the right kind of food to eat. Everything and everybody on the farm depends on 'Mom.' She lends cheer and encouragement when morale is low. She is the moving spirit in community affairs. The things she does every day on the farm are war work. The attitude of farm women in general is summed up in 'Mom's' closing speech, 'If our farm can help—I guess it's little enough. It's kind of up to you and me to see it through' " (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 22).
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
"The title of this film is self-explanatory. It is especially adapted for students of archaeology and anthropology" (A List of U.S. War Information Films, Office of War Information, Bureau of Motion Pictures, April, 1943, 13)
Starring Lt. James Stewart, this WWII recruitment film shows jobs, training and education provided to men between the ages of 18 and 26 who enlist in the U.S. Army Air Forces.
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
A narrated travelogue addressed to viewers in the U.S. shows life in several small towns surrounding Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Shows rope making from sisal hemp and traditional textile weaving. Concludes with a visits to the outdoor markets in Santiago Atitlan and Chichicastenango.
Shows types of reamers; how to check the size of reamers; and how to ream straight holes with straight-fluted helical-fluted, and adjustable-blade reamers.
Erskine Caldwell, American novelist and reporter, interviewed before leaving Moscow, briefly tells of the civilian defense work he witnessed. Scenes showing how the Russians are carrying out their pledge of "All for Victory!" including efforts in huge metallurgical plants, the oil industry, the rapid harvest, nurses drilling, and Red Cross work.
Discusses radius, threading, sheer-cut finishing, round-nosed finishing, and side-facing tools. Demonstrates the correct setting of the tools and the type of cut each makes.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
News stories include the introduction of the Mosquito reconnaissance bomber, the war in New Guinea, urging those at home to repair appliances as new ones are not available, the bombing on Naples, Italy, a letter to his fellow workers from machinist Arthur Hocking whose son has been killed in the war urging them to do everything possible to wind up the war, the United States Coast Guard song is played over scenes of Coast Guard life.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
News stories include civilians giving up travel to enable the movement of soldiers, how a truck operates as a laundry at the front, the highway from Seattle through Canada to Alaska is completed, a report on the campaign in New Guinea, a sing-along version of The Marines' Hymn.
Dramatizes the conservation of war materials by residents of a typical town. Explains how the war effort is helped by sharing rides and collecting tin cans and other salvage. Explains the organization of civilian defense units and shows a neighborhood meeting.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures.
Tells of the energy, the courage, and the efforts of the Russians behind the front lines in World War II. Shows the holding and striking power of Russia.
Presents the training of civilians for rescue work during World War II. Shows the procedures for assigning volunteers to the type of work for which they are prepared and training them to perform as a unit. Follows a squad from the sounding of the alarm, going to the scene, surveying the wreckage and taking notes, and tunneling for buried victims, to the orderly departure of the squad from the scene.
The fascinating life of several small towns perched on the slopes of an extinct volcanic mountain. | The fascinating life of several small towns perched on the slopes of an extinct volcanic mountain.