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"Produced in cooperation with the Institute of Pacific Relations, this film answers such vital questions as: How large in the Japanese Empire? Is Japan self-sufficient in food? What is Japan's naval and military strength? What are the living standards of the Japanese people? What are Japan's vital weaknesses? How can Japan be defeated?"--War Films Bulletin of the Extension Division Indiana University, February, 1943.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a man waits in a long line at a specialty ice cream parlor, and a narrator says that Knudsen has the same taste and added convenience of being available at the grocery store.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a man waits in a long line at a specialty ice cream parlor, and a narrator says that Knudsen has the same taste and added convenience of being available at the grocery store.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a boy runs to the grocery store to buy the product quickly, and shows the carton to a line of people waiting for ice cream from a specialty parlor.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a boy runs to the grocery store to buy the product quickly, and shows the carton to a line of people waiting for ice cream from a specialty parlor.
Using maps and animated diagrams, the importance of the Middle East in the world strategy of the Allied nations during World War II is shown. Austere images and narration inform the viewer of the strategic issues at stake: control of oil production, the region's role as a wall obstructing supply lines between Japan and Europe, the distance Allied supplies must travel to reach Egypt, Palestine, Iraq and Iran. Narration states "The Middle East stands between our enemies. While we hold it our enemies cannot win, and it will become a vital instrument in their defeat."
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
"The title of this film is self-explanatory. It is especially adapted for students of archaeology and anthropology" (A List of U.S. War Information Films, Office of War Information, Bureau of Motion Pictures, April, 1943, 13)
A public service announcement from the National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information in which an offscreen chorus sings a modified version of the children's rhyme "Ten Little Indians" over scenes of people suffering and overdosing from illicit drug use. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the New York City Department of Health in which a rat is shown burrowing its way underneath a scene of children playing outside as ominous music plays. An offscreen male narrator encourages viewers to cut off rats' food sources by disposing of garbage in a lidded trash can. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An amateur film documents popular travel destination spots across Canada, including: Niagara Falls, Waterton Lakes National Park, Jasper National Park, Columbia Ice Fields, Athabasca Falls, Banff, Chateau Lake Louise. Amateur Cinema League member filmmaker.
A public service announcement for the Opportunities Industrialization Center's (OIC) adult education programs in which a Black man from New York recounts his difficulties finding and sustaining a job until OIC taught him a useful trade. The man addresses the camera about the importance of learning a skill to make it in the world. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, The National Geographic Society
Described as a film portraying "twenty types of orchids and other flora of South and Central America and the conditions under which they grow" (U.S. Government Films, U.S. Office of Education, 1954, 134), its underlying subject is enchantment with the projected image itself. The color palette of Kodachrome reversal film is on display, capturing the faces of young women posed with exotic tropical flowers. The natural riches of Latin America --cacao, mangoes, and coffee--are presented for the delectation of audiences to the north. One of many similarly-styled productions in the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs catalog of short, documentary subjects, this film contributes to the war era campaign to sway popular opinion toward a spirit of allegiance and neighborly-ness between the nations of the Americas.
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, R.H. Macy and Company, Inc.
A Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs film reporting on a marketplace of goods from Latin American nations held at Macy's Department store in New York City's Herald Square. Promoting more than commerce between nations, both the bazaar and the film are intended to reinforce alliances between all the nations of the Americas during wartime. Showing the flags of the nations represented, narration states "21 symbols of American solidarity, 21 Republics firmly consolidated, to make up our western hemisphere." Color photography accentuates the beauty and exoticism of the displays. As shoppers are shown admiring the displays of art and culture and purchasing from each nation's vendors, the audience is told "they bought the goods that Latin America has to sell, money from merchandise, goodwill build on good trade relations, every sale a guarantee that the Americas mean business. Business that means friendship in the western hemisphere."
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
Using color photography, this travelogue transports viewers in the U.S. to the exotic locale of Nahuel Huapi National Park, in the Argentine Andes. Showing the stifling mid-summer heat of Buenos Aires in January, the narrator explains city-dwellers' desire to escape to the cool, clean air of the mountains. The camera follows a group of young Argentines as they hike in the mountains, play with a herd of dairy cows, pick wild strawberries and prepare their yerba mate. Striking landscape photography shows glaciers, waterfalls, and captures an avalanche as it occurs. As with all Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs films, affinity between the nations of the Americas is encouraged by presenting foreign places to domestic audiences in an appealing, humanizing light.
Shows Lake Patzcuaro in Mexico and the life of the Tarascan Indians who live on its shores. Portrays their daily activities, such as fishing, and their market day at Patzcuaro. Then pictures a fiesta day, with scenes from the famous Dance of the Old Men. Ends with further scenes of the calm lake.
Visualizes Color-keyed moods, recurrent themes, contrapuntal melodies, and various rhythmic patterns through the animation of Oskar Fischinger. Presents an interplay of shapes, Colors, and movement in GasparColor.