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A public service announcement from the Glass Container Manufacturers Institute in which a young man and woman leave various forms of litter around a city as they have fun on a date. An offscreen male narrator implores the viewer on behalf of glass manufacturers to "make love, not litter" and "keep America beautiful." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from Stag beer in which a group of elderly women collect and crush aluminum cans, while an offscreen male narrator describes how the company will pay one-half cent per can dropped off at Stag recycling centers. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company featuring a blind man who describes his experience working as an administrative director at the company. An offscreen male narrator discusses how the John Hancock company employs over 500 employees with some form of disability. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Shell Oil in which a researcher stands in a body of water and demonstrates some of the company's methods for oil spill containment and clean-up. The researcher and an offscreen male narrator claim that Shell prioritizes preventing spills so that such containment methods never need to be used. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement for the Opportunities Industrialization Center's (OIC) adult education programs in which a Black man from New York recounts his difficulties finding and sustaining a job until OIC taught him a useful trade. The man addresses the camera about the importance of learning a skill to make it in the world. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Glass Container Manufacturers Institute in which an offscreen narrator describes the steps for how recycled glass is processed and formed into new products over shots from a recycling plant and an automated bottling assembly line. The narrator tells the viewer that the bottle they used last week may form part of the future bottle they will use next week. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Safety Belt Task Force in which a girl sitting in a rocking chair recounts her struggles following her father's death in a car crash. The girl angles her face toward the camera to reveal a scar from the accident, while an offscreen male narrator urges the viewer to wear a seat belt. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Using maps and animated diagrams, the importance of the Middle East in the world strategy of the Allied nations during World War II is shown. Austere images and narration inform the viewer of the strategic issues at stake: control of oil production, the region's role as a wall obstructing supply lines between Japan and Europe, the distance Allied supplies must travel to reach Egypt, Palestine, Iraq and Iran. Narration states "The Middle East stands between our enemies. While we hold it our enemies cannot win, and it will become a vital instrument in their defeat."
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
Shows how the Extension Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture helped recruit and place young people from towns and cities on farms during World War II to combat farm labor shortage.
A public service announcement from the Atlantic Richfield oil company (ARCO) announcing their acquisition of Sinclair Oil and phasing out of Sinclair's dinosaur logo. The ad features an animation of a dinosaur telling an ARCO executive that he is retiring to live in Miami. As the dinosaur leaves, an offscreen male narrator states that the end of one era means the beginning of another. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Examines the eye in terms of structure, functions, disorders, and hygiene. Reveals, with animated drawings, the various parts of the eye and explains the physiology of sight. Illustrates such eye defects as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, and describes their correction with proper glasses. Calls attention to eye infections, the removal of foreign bodies, and damage by radiation.
An advertisement for General Electric in which actor and Native American chief Dan George talks about the significance of Lake Tahoe to his people. An offscreen male narrator discusses how General Electric's sewage treatment systems allow Lake Tahoe to remain one of the cleanest lakes in the world. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Uses found footage and animated diagrams to discuss the production, distribution, and consumption of food; the pre-war problems of overproduction and the anomaly of glutted markets and hungry people; the control exercised over production and distribution during World War II, with special attention to the food supply in Britain and America; and to offer a picture of what might be done in the post-war period.
A Hollywood short aiding the war effort, emphasizing the need for preparedness and conservation of materials, i.e. rubber, metal, shellac. An American soldier writes home from Bataan, and while his family reads the letter, the soldier's ghostly apparition interjects statistics about food and equipment shortages.
A public service announcement from the American Cancer Society in which a man buying cigarettes from a vending machine is juxtaposed with shots of casino games, rolling dice, and a horse race. The vending machine dispenses a carton of cigarettes as an offscreen male narrator states, "You lose." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Shows how to operate the controls of a vertical turret lathe, set up tools in the main turret head, rough-face and rough-turn an aluminum casting, and drill the center hole.
Begins with a short summary of American attitudes to the War in Europe and how the U.S. underestimated the militaristic tendencies of the Japanese. Argues that the Chinese have been fighting World War II longer than any other allied nation and should be considered one of America's chief allies. Describes America's effort to supply allied nations in the Pacific with war materials. The desperate need of the Chinese people is stressed. Scenes include the carrying of supplies over the Burma Road and the bombing of Chinese cities.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
Newsreel contains stories about Veronica Lake getting her hair cut to promote worker safety, how absence from factory jobs can affect soldiers, how women going to war is affecting the care of children, British planes bomb Bremen, a sing-along version of the Army Air Corps song.
A public service announcement from the American Cancer Society in which a woman takes a shower while an offscreen female narrator urges viewers to give themselves a monthly breast self-examination. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information in which an offscreen chorus sings a modified version of the children's rhyme "Ten Little Indians" over scenes of people suffering and overdosing from illicit drug use. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the New York City Department of Health in which a rat is shown burrowing its way underneath a scene of children playing outside as ominous music plays. An offscreen male narrator encourages viewers to cut off rats' food sources by disposing of garbage in a lidded trash can. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Presents the general aims of the civilian defense program during World War II. Describes the training and duties of the air raid warden. Closes with a proclamation by Governor Schricker.
Shows Lake Patzcuaro in Mexico and the life of the Tarascan Indians who live on its shores. Portrays their daily activities, such as fishing, and their market day at Patzcuaro. Then pictures a fiesta day, with scenes from the famous Dance of the Old Men. Ends with further scenes of the calm lake.
Shows a workman producing one of the wooden masks used in religious festivals in Guatemala. Then pictures a religious procession at Solosa, with its effigies of Christ, and a special worship service at the church.
Traces the development of modern methods of communication, including the telegraph, telephone, wireless, and radio. Depicts Morse developing the telegraph by combining the earlier inventions of Volta, Watson, and Henry. Recalls Bell's work on the telephone, and shows Marconi discovering the possibilities of the wireless and DeForest, those of radio. Portrays modern communications instantaneously connecting the remotest parts of the world.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a man waits in a long line at a specialty ice cream parlor, and a narrator says that Knudsen has the same taste and added convenience of being available at the grocery store.
Describes the productive power of ranchers and their role in supplying America's war effort during World War II.
Portrays ranch life and western range country. Shows waterholes, windmills and watering tanks. Stresses improvements made through government range programs.
An amateur film documents popular travel destination spots across Canada, including: Niagara Falls, Waterton Lakes National Park, Jasper National Park, Columbia Ice Fields, Athabasca Falls, Banff, Chateau Lake Louise. Amateur Cinema League member filmmaker.
An extemporaneous classroom demonstration of the cooperative planning of an assignment for the unit, '"The Historical Development of Certain Basic Institutions of Freedom in America." Mr. Roland Crary is the demonstration teacher of pupils selected from an eleventh-grade class in American History of the University High School of Iowa City, Iowa. The film was constructed for the purpose of enriching the usual procedures, not of superseding them, in an effort to conserve the time of teachers in assembling materials.
Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should note that this film may contain images of deceased persons.
This home movie contains material mainly from three visits the Gair family made in Australia to Mildura and the Murray Valley in the State of Victoria in 1940, and central Australia in 1950 and possibly 1957 to the State of South Australia and the Northern Territory, especially central Australia. It contains sequences of travel with a prominent Australian tour company, Bonds Tours, utilizing an elongated, rugged car for travel.
There is significant footage from Mt. Buffalo National Park in Victoria and Alice Springs and the West MacDonnell National Park in the Northern Territory. Notable locations within Mt. Buffalo National Park include wonderful shots of Pulpit Rock and Wilkinson’s Lookout, Lake Catani, the Leviathan, Manfield’s Lookout, Bent’s Lookout, and Reed’s Lookout. Shots in South Australia include Parachilna Gorge and the Flinders Ranges, with a stop at the Ancorichina Hostel nearby, as well as William Creek.
A wonderful sequence of camera tilts reveals the various Kodak posters for Mt. Buffalo National Park. In the Northern Territory locations include Alice Springs (known locally as “The Alice”), the Fink Gorge National Park and West MacDonnell National Park, and the Hermannsberg Lutheran mission, an Aboriginal mission in the Ljirapinta Ward of the MacDonnell Shire. A majority of the final segment includes many profile and group shots of Aboriginal people at a mission possibly sponsored by the “Australian Board of Missions, Church of England, Alice Springs,” which was printed on a nearby car. Footage consists of color film stock with particularly beautiful title cards inserted for many new locations and sites.
McRobbie-Gair Family Home Movies Collection: Following the European leg of their trip, the Gairs then sailed from Southampton to New York on the Queen Mary but there is no footage of this trip as Mr Gair had misplaced his movie camera and had to have it replaced in New York. This movie consists of travelogue sequences mainly of the Eastern United States and Canada, with footage from New York, Washington D.C., Virginia, Illinois, and New Mexico.
The film opens with shots of the New York City skyline and Times Square at night with an amazing light show of entertainment and advertising signage. The marquee of several historic movie theatres can be seen, including the Loew's State Theatre and the Strand Theatre, showing Only Angels Have Wings (1939) and Indianapolis Speedway (1939), respectively. Other notable footage includes a particularly engrossing segment of the 1939-40 New York World's Fair with excellent shots of many of the individual country exhibits at this event. There is also footage from George Washington's Mount Vernon estate in Virginia, Chicago cityscapes, and wonderful footage of Niagara Falls.
Moving north to Canada the film captures shots from Montreal, Toronto, and Québec City. Notable sequences include shots of Montmorency Falls and Château Frontenac in Québec City. Finally, the film travels to the American Southwest of New Mexico, including the cities of Gallop and Albuquerque. The film captures in amazing detail an "Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial" in Gallop, according to a title card, which includes ritual dancing, games (including tug-of-war and foot and horse races), and a rodeo with broncos and bulls. Footage consists of a combination of color and black and white film stock with title cards inserted for new locations and cities.