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The anatomy of the eye is shown in detail by diagram, regular photography, and cinephotomicrography. Demonstrates how to correct defects in focusing, the approved way of removing foreign objects from the eye, correct lighting precautions, and other measures for good eye hygiene. A silent teaching film.
Indicates the basic principle of the standard plain milling machine. Each part of the machine is named and explained, and some elementary setups are demonstrated.
Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should note that this film may contain images of deceased persons.
This home movie contains material mainly from three visits the Gair family made in Australia to Mildura and the Murray Valley in the State of Victoria in 1940, and central Australia in 1950 and possibly 1957 to the State of South Australia and the Northern Territory, especially central Australia. It contains sequences of travel with a prominent Australian tour company, Bonds Tours, utilizing an elongated, rugged car for travel.
There is significant footage from Mt. Buffalo National Park in Victoria and Alice Springs and the West MacDonnell National Park in the Northern Territory. Notable locations within Mt. Buffalo National Park include wonderful shots of Pulpit Rock and Wilkinson’s Lookout, Lake Catani, the Leviathan, Manfield’s Lookout, Bent’s Lookout, and Reed’s Lookout. Shots in South Australia include Parachilna Gorge and the Flinders Ranges, with a stop at the Ancorichina Hostel nearby, as well as William Creek.
A wonderful sequence of camera tilts reveals the various Kodak posters for Mt. Buffalo National Park. In the Northern Territory locations include Alice Springs (known locally as “The Alice”), the Fink Gorge National Park and West MacDonnell National Park, and the Hermannsberg Lutheran mission, an Aboriginal mission in the Ljirapinta Ward of the MacDonnell Shire. A majority of the final segment includes many profile and group shots of Aboriginal people at a mission possibly sponsored by the “Australian Board of Missions, Church of England, Alice Springs,” which was printed on a nearby car. Footage consists of color film stock with particularly beautiful title cards inserted for many new locations and sites.
McRobbie-Gair Family Home Movies Collection: Following the European leg of their trip, the Gairs then sailed from Southampton to New York on the Queen Mary but there is no footage of this trip as Mr Gair had misplaced his movie camera and had to have it replaced in New York. This movie consists of travelogue sequences mainly of the Eastern United States and Canada, with footage from New York, Washington D.C., Virginia, Illinois, and New Mexico.
The film opens with shots of the New York City skyline and Times Square at night with an amazing light show of entertainment and advertising signage. The marquee of several historic movie theatres can be seen, including the Loew's State Theatre and the Strand Theatre, showing Only Angels Have Wings (1939) and Indianapolis Speedway (1939), respectively. Other notable footage includes a particularly engrossing segment of the 1939-40 New York World's Fair with excellent shots of many of the individual country exhibits at this event. There is also footage from George Washington's Mount Vernon estate in Virginia, Chicago cityscapes, and wonderful footage of Niagara Falls.
Moving north to Canada the film captures shots from Montreal, Toronto, and Québec City. Notable sequences include shots of Montmorency Falls and Château Frontenac in Québec City. Finally, the film travels to the American Southwest of New Mexico, including the cities of Gallop and Albuquerque. The film captures in amazing detail an "Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial" in Gallop, according to a title card, which includes ritual dancing, games (including tug-of-war and foot and horse races), and a rodeo with broncos and bulls. Footage consists of a combination of color and black and white film stock with title cards inserted for new locations and cities.
McRobbie-Gair Family Home Movies Collection: This home movie contains mainly footage of a large military parade in Melbourne, Australia. It is most likely of an ANZAC day parade. ANZAC day is one of the major public holidays in Australia and is held annually on April 25. It commemorates the first landings of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) at Gallipoli, Turkey, on April 25, 1915. The year of this particular parade is not yet clear though it is probably in the early 40s. But the footage of the event is particularly important as it features shots of numerous senior Australian politicians and military officers, including former Australian Prime Ministers, William Hughes and John Curtin. There is additional footage of other military parades and school sporting events very typical of the time.
Two boys, both between the ages of four and five, are subjects in a study of aggressive and destructive impulses. The film shows how differently two children, but a few months apart in age and from similar backgrounds, respond to a graduated series of opportunities and invitations to break balloons. Demonstration film of a projective technique developed by L. Joseph Stone.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service
Shows the work of the U.S.D.A Forest Service forest rangers across the nation's 161 national forests. Narration lists the forest ranger's duty to "manage the vast American woodland to produce more timber for home builders, more forage for stockmen, more fish and game for sportsmen, protected watershed for towns and municipalities, abundant power for hydroelectric plants, and reliable supplies of water for famers who rely on irrigation." Forest fire prevention and fighting, replanting burned and logged areas, search and rescue of missing persons, educating children and enforcing poaching laws are among the jobs of the forest ranger depicted.
Laurence Olivier's reading of passages from Milton, William Blake, Robert Browning, Rudyard Kipling and Abraham Lincoln accompany scenes of daily life in wartime Britain. The texts selected emphasize national identity and heritage, patriotism, and the justness of the Allied cause.