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"Step-by-step manufacture and assembly of the B-26 medium bomber in the Glenn Martin plant at Baltimore."--War Films, Bulletin of the Extension Division, Indiana University, February, 1943.
Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should note that this film may contain images of deceased persons.
This home movie contains material mainly from three visits the Gair family made in Australia to Mildura and the Murray Valley in the State of Victoria in 1940, and central Australia in 1950 and possibly 1957 to the State of South Australia and the Northern Territory, especially central Australia. It contains sequences of travel with a prominent Australian tour company, Bonds Tours, utilizing an elongated, rugged car for travel.
There is significant footage from Mt. Buffalo National Park in Victoria and Alice Springs and the West MacDonnell National Park in the Northern Territory. Notable locations within Mt. Buffalo National Park include wonderful shots of Pulpit Rock and Wilkinson’s Lookout, Lake Catani, the Leviathan, Manfield’s Lookout, Bent’s Lookout, and Reed’s Lookout. Shots in South Australia include Parachilna Gorge and the Flinders Ranges, with a stop at the Ancorichina Hostel nearby, as well as William Creek.
A wonderful sequence of camera tilts reveals the various Kodak posters for Mt. Buffalo National Park. In the Northern Territory locations include Alice Springs (known locally as “The Alice”), the Fink Gorge National Park and West MacDonnell National Park, and the Hermannsberg Lutheran mission, an Aboriginal mission in the Ljirapinta Ward of the MacDonnell Shire. A majority of the final segment includes many profile and group shots of Aboriginal people at a mission possibly sponsored by the “Australian Board of Missions, Church of England, Alice Springs,” which was printed on a nearby car. Footage consists of color film stock with particularly beautiful title cards inserted for many new locations and sites.
A public service announcement from the Citizens for Clean Air in which the close-up and audio of a man breathing overlays shots of cars, planes, factory chimneys, and other sources of air pollution. An offscreen male narrator describes the many kinds of pollutants in the air we breathe and urges the viewer to write to the organization's address. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a family takes a road trip and the parents forget their son at the Dairy Queen, and they travel back to find him enjoying a sundae.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a mailman takes a break to eat a banana split and laughs as a dog tries to perform tricks in order to eat some of the ice cream.
An advertisement for Dairy Queen ice cream in which a Monkees-esque teen idol runs from a group of fans and travels to the Dairy Queen and feels refreshed.
Modern community hygiene controls are presented. How the death rate from communicable diseases has been reduced through scientific advances and social controls. The effective functioning of a public health department.
Technique of drilling and tapping blind holes in cast steel on a radial drill. A drill jig with loose bushings is used for locating the holes. Setting up the work on the table of the machine, setting the jig on the piece to the layout lines. Calculating the size of the tap drill and the method used when setting the machine to drill a number of holes to the same depth. A wizard drill chuck is used in the drilling operation, and a standard friction chuck for holding the tap. The action of a tap in a hole is shown in animation and the reason why a tap binds in the hole and must be reversed frequently when tapping in tough metals.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Henry R. Collins, Jr.
Portrays representative activities of an Eskimo family living on Nunivak Island, off the Alaskan coast. Focuses on the children and looks at the Eskimo solution to the problems of food, shelter, clothing, and transportation; tasks of parents and children; handicraft arts; forms of recreation; family and community relationships; traditional manners and customs; and changes resulting from outside contacts.
An advertisement for Big Dip "ice milk" in which an animated man tells an ice cream scoop about the product and the scoop creates a sculpture of the Eifel Tower out of the ice milk.
An advertisement for General Electric garbage disposals in which an offscreen male narrator describes the disease risk from common houseflies and how the town of Jasper, Indiana eradicated most of their flies through reforming garbage collection and installing GE kitchen disposals. Close-ups of flies and footage of Jasper accompany the narration. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Electric in which actor and Native American chief Dan George talks about the significance of Lake Tahoe to his people. An offscreen male narrator discusses how General Electric's sewage treatment systems allow Lake Tahoe to remain one of the cleanest lakes in the world. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for General Motors in which a male narrator describes the company's initiative in designing a windshield that can withstand the impact of stones. Two test drives, first with a regular windshield and the second with GM's more damage-resistant windshield, are demonstrated, and the narrator argues that the new windshields are further proof that GM cares about keeping consumer repair costs down. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
The scene is Virginia, 1765, just after the King's tax proclamation has been read and the legislature is in an uproar. Ensuing events lead to a protest meeting held by patriots at Richmond, at which Patrick Henry delivers his "Give me liberty" speech.
A public service announcement from the Glass Container Manufacturers Institute in which a young man and woman leave various forms of litter around a city as they have fun on a date. An offscreen male narrator implores the viewer on behalf of glass manufacturers to "make love, not litter" and "keep America beautiful." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the Glass Container Manufacturers Institute in which an offscreen narrator describes the steps for how recycled glass is processed and formed into new products over shots from a recycling plant and an automated bottling assembly line. The narrator tells the viewer that the bottle they used last week may form part of the future bottle they will use next week. Submitted for the Clio Awards.