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Two boys, both between the ages of four and five, are subjects in a study of aggressive and destructive impulses. The film shows how differently two children, but a few months apart in age and from similar backgrounds, respond to a graduated series of opportunities and invitations to break balloons. Demonstration film of a projective technique developed by L. Joseph Stone.
Technique of drilling and tapping blind holes in cast steel on a radial drill. A drill jig with loose bushings is used for locating the holes. Setting up the work on the table of the machine, setting the jig on the piece to the layout lines. Calculating the size of the tap drill and the method used when setting the machine to drill a number of holes to the same depth. A wizard drill chuck is used in the drilling operation, and a standard friction chuck for holding the tap. The action of a tap in a hole is shown in animation and the reason why a tap binds in the hole and must be reversed frequently when tapping in tough metals.
The scene is Virginia, 1765, just after the King's tax proclamation has been read and the legislature is in an uproar. Ensuing events lead to a protest meeting held by patriots at Richmond, at which Patrick Henry delivers his "Give me liberty" speech.
Focuses on the conservation of important natural elements such as rubber, oil and metal needed to support the U.S. Victory Program. Viewers are shown various ways in which they can change daily habits to get the most out of these materials.
Portrays representative aspects of Louisiana and its key city, New Orleans, during the years of Creole dominance. Shows Mississippi River packet boats, delta country, cotton and cane plantations, slavery, education, religion, architecture, music, the code duello, Creole customs, manners, and attitudes, and the prevalence of French speech.
Newsreel sport highlights from notable sporting events from the year. Events include: National Basketball Invitational finals, The Preakness, 29th Indianapolis 500 Speedway Race, National Golf Open, 53rd National Senior A.A.U Championships, All-Star Baseball game, National Tennis Singles Championship, the World Series of 1941.
Examines what has happened in Europe to check the threat of a menancing population growth. Traces the growth of population in Europe from the Middle Ages and suggests that the small-family concept, which began in England in the late nineteenth century, has had more effect on population than any other thing.
The anatomy of the eye is shown in detail by diagram, regular photography, and cinephotomicrography. Demonstrates how to correct defects in focusing, the approved way of removing foreign objects from the eye, correct lighting precautions, and other measures for good eye hygiene. A silent teaching film.
Shows various types of micrometers; how to use a micrometer, read the barrel and thimble scales, check the accuracy of readings, and take care of the instrument.
Indicates the basic principle of the standard plain milling machine. Each part of the machine is named and explained, and some elementary setups are demonstrated.
Presents the life of the sunfish from the preparation of the nest, the laying and fertilizing of the eggs, the hatching of the eggs, and the development of the fish to maturity.
Explains that Wellmet House attempts to rehabilitate the mentally ill not by gaining conforming behavior but by helping them relate to other people in natural and unstructured ways. Points out that half of the residents are mentally ill and the other half are college students from nearby universities who staff Wellmet House. Emphasizes the need for each patient to find individual expression. Shows patients and staff at dinner, parties, the local pub, and a house meeting.
This film uses diagrams to illustrate the importance of salvaging common everyday items in an effort to reuse important raw materials for building ships. The film asserts that one day's salvage by the whole British people counteracts the loss of one ship. An emphasis is put on "The importance of salvage to the flow of goods; [and] various examples of useful materials commonly thrown away."--War Films, Bulletin of the Extension Division, Indiana University, February, 1943.
A public service announcement for the American Cancer Society in which a doctor walks down a hospital corridor while addressing the camera about how money raised for cancer research is being spent. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the American Cancer Society in which a man buying cigarettes from a vending machine is juxtaposed with shots of casino games, rolling dice, and a horse race. The vending machine dispenses a carton of cigarettes as an offscreen male narrator states, "You lose." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the American Cancer Society in which a woman takes a shower while an offscreen female narrator urges viewers to give themselves a monthly breast self-examination. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in which the song "America the Beautiful" plays ironically over still images of trash, poverty, and destitution in an inner city ghetto. An offscreen male narrator says that if the viewer does not think the song and pictures go together, they need to "change the pictures." The narrator states that the AIA is "trying to" enact this change. Submitted for the Clio Awards.