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A public service announcement from the National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information in which an offscreen chorus sings a modified version of the children's rhyme "Ten Little Indians" over scenes of people suffering and overdosing from illicit drug use. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A public service announcement from the New York City Department of Health in which a rat is shown burrowing its way underneath a scene of children playing outside as ominous music plays. An offscreen male narrator encourages viewers to cut off rats' food sources by disposing of garbage in a lidded trash can. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Shows the location and physical features of the Hawaiian Islands, a wide variety of immigrant and native workers busy at large-scale production and harvesting of sugar cane and pineapples, other work, home life, and customs of the native Hawaiians. Portrays such native activities as fishing, cooking, eating, playing football, building canoes, and taking part in the ceremonies at a canoe-launching.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., A. J. Carlson, H. G. Swann, F. J. Mullin
Describes the structure and function of the renal system, and explains how the kidneys maintain uniformity in blood and tissues. Demonstrates, with animated drawings and laboratory experiments, the formation of urine, the regulation of blood composition, and the functioning of the bladder. Explains the relation of blood pressure to urine flow, and the rate of secretion as affected by sugar, water, and temperature.
Presents the life story of the snapping turtle in its natural habitat. Observes the snapping turtle's features, its encounters with other animal life, the laying and protection of its eggs, its hatching, and developmental conditioning. Its appearance is compared with that of the painted turtle. Digging in for and emergence from the winter's hibernation conclude the presentation.
Presents episodes from the home, school, and play life of children in a representative Chinese village. Traditional patterns of Chinese family life are portrayed. School training in loyalty to parents, together with home and community customs, reflects the influence of Chinese tradition on contemporary life. Recreational activities are shown, and Chinese dialogue is reproduced and interpreted.
Erpi Classroom Films Inc., Arthur I. Gates, Celeste C. Peardon
Presents characteristic activities of a boy and girl living in the Swiss Alps. Follows them through the Alpine village as they watch the tourists and visit shops where clocks and woodcarvings are sold. Depicts them at home and as they accompany their mother on a long, steep climb up the mountain to the summer pasture where the father and brother are tending the cattle. An instructional sound film.
An advertisement for Knudsen Ice Cream in which a man waits in a long line at a specialty ice cream parlor, and a narrator says that Knudsen has the same taste and added convenience of being available at the grocery store.
Buenos Aires, the commercial, financial, and industrial hub of predominantly agricultural Argentina. A grain broker and a packing plant employee, with the family of the latter, are introduced as representative city-dwellers. The vast pampas regions, the source of Argentina's agricultural wealth; the dependence of the city on the rural hinterland. Spanish dialogue is periodically incorporated into the film story. An instructional sound film.