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Joan and Jerry Johnson watch the growth of plants and animals on their parents' farm during the summer. They fish, watch a frog and a dragonfly, see a young robin leave its nest, help their parents, gather flowers and blackberries, watch a spider, and eat watermelon.
Explains how industrialized New England, unable before the depression to compete with the cheap labor of the South and some foreign countries, diversified her economy and became a leader in such technologies as plastic, radar, and rubber production. Presents scenic views of New England's mountain and coastal areas, and something of the background of stoicism that has tempered the New Englander's character.
Describes man's interest in the world of space and portrays some of his exploratory efforts. Shows how the Hayden Planetarium conducts an imaginary trip to the moon, describes Mount Palomar Observatory's telescope, and discusses radio astronomy and rocket exploration. Explores man's ability to fly at high speeds through ground tests in a test chamber, and the effect of rocket flight on white mice. Includes shots of the earth from an ascending rocket and photographs of eruptions on the sun and planets.
Dramatizes the work of the six law-enforcement agencies of the Treasury Department, which are shown dealing with smuggling, narcotics running, illegal production and sale of alcohol, counterfeiting of money, theft of government checks, and income tax evasions, as well as protecting the person of the President.
Presents several reasons for the crisis in the teacher supply in 1947, including low salaries, lack of training, overcrowded conditions, and social restrictions.
Illustrates how the UN meets the need of men and groups everywhere for a forum in which men can speak to each other and to discuss their problems. Shows briefly the forming of the UN, the interrelationships of its component bodies, the part played by the General Assembly regarding the Korean war, and the role of the Communist powers in that conflict. Refers to the peace treaty with Japan and expresses hope for Japan's entry into the United Nations.
Describes the life of the Yugoslavian people, and shows some of the changes made in Yugoslavia since Tito's break with Russia. Says that Tito tries to follow Lenin's communism more closely than Russia does and that he has made collective farms, encouraged the rise of factories, and instituted literacy classes and trade schools. Shows American aid to Yugoslavia after the drought of 1950.
Presents the problem of juvenile delinquency during World War II and the war's effect on the youth of the United States. Shows some of the temptations which beset wartime youth and discloses the work done by intelligent communities in handling the problem.
Shows three distinct tendencies in present-day farming: large-scale, factory-style farming with crops scientifically scheduled and treated; the cooperative technique under which small land-owners group together for more favorable production and distribution; and the way of the traditional independent farmer.
Reviews the important wartime changes and also points out their lasting effect upon the entire nation, as manufacturers planned to keep industry in the West after World War II. Offers glimpses of such Pacific Coast industries as shipbuilding, aircraft production, lumber, oil, steel, and synthetic rubber.
Discusses the problems involved in adopting children today. Shows acceptable procedures of adoption, the precautions taken to insure future happiness, the dangers of black-market adoptions, and the problem of older children who are less frequently adopted.
Immediately following Pearl Harbor, one of the critical problems facing the United States was what to do with the 100,000 people of Japanese descent living up and down the Pacific Coast. The immediate step was to remove all Japanese from critical areas around air fields, harbors, and industrial plants, to forestall sabotage and espionage. This mass migration accomplished by the Army working with the War Relocation Authority is shown in the film--from the first registration through the movement to temporary quarters established in race tracks and fair grounds to the final migration to settlements in Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.
"Typical incidents in the daily life of a city patrolman are used in explaining the role of the police force in protecting citizens and maintaining order in the community"-- Library of Congress National Union Catalog, 1953-1957; Volume 28. Motion pictures and filmstrips.
"Stridently anti-Japanese film that attempts to convey an understanding of Japanese life and philosophy so that the U.S. may more readily defeat its enemy. Depicts the Japanese as "primitive, murderous and fanatical." With many images of 1930s and 1940s Japan, and a portentious [sic] and highly negative narration by Joseph C. Grew, former U.S. ambassador to Japan."--Internet Archive.
Describes the economic, religious, and social characteristics of life in Bangkok, Thailand. Includes views of the temples, the old Palace of Kings, the King and the Queen at a state function, the floating river market, the busy streets, the celebration of the Buddhist New Year, and a traditional Thai funeral. Describes the attachment of the Thai people to ancient traditions as well as their love for modern comforts. Highlights the cooperation of the American and European businessmen with the Siamese in developing local industry and describes the country as the "rice bowl of Asia."
Shows some of the ways in which the two-way radio can be used, especially in civilian defense. A simulated raid on Syracuse, New York, shows how fire-fighting equipment, police, ambulance service, and construction equipment could be called and coordinated from a central control office by means of the two-way radio.
Shows how Springfield, Massachusetts, offers an inspiring plan to other communities for combating racial and religious intolerance, and shows how any school and any town can deal with the causes of this injustice.
Gives the United Nations' report on how the Food and Agriculture Organization was beginning, in 1949, to solve the tremendous problem of doubling the world's food output. Emphasizes that the FAO is waging a world-wide attack on rats and insects, and shows what the FAO was doing in China to provide insecticides, serums, and fertilizer. Pictures the FAO's attempts to introduce improved agricultural equipment and methods.
Gives a pictorial exposition of the relationship of England to her colonies, protectorates, and mandates and highlights the outstanding characteristics of the free and self-governing dominions; then presents an analysis of the British people. Depicts England's struggle to restore herself to strength and prosperity immediately following World War II.
Shows the findings of Dr. Arnold Gesell, at the Yale University Clinic, concerning the mental and physical growth of children. Consists of candid-camera shots photographed through a one-way vision dome.
Shows in detail practical steps that can be taken to help old people lead active, useful lives; explores the day-to-day problems that accompany old age; and discusses the problems that spring from a needlessly helpless, dependent existence.
Stresses the need for purifying water for the various uses of a community, and shows methods of aerating, filtrating, disinfecting, and testing a city's water supply. Illustrates the complexity of this aspects of defending the health of a city.
Contains aerial photography, animation, and charts to show methods used by Indianapolis to effect slum clearance. Pictures city officials as they cite the need for rebuilding slum areas and tells of the founding in 1945 of the Indianapolis Redevelopment Commission outlining plans for future development as well as picturing results of past achievements. Points out the cooperative efforts of Flanner House as residents are assisted in the building of new homes, summarizes the accomplishments of the Commission, and views future plans for slum clearance.
Presents an historical examination of Japan and the factors involved in the solution of her population problem. Surveys crowded, modern Japan and illustrates change by focusing on a family and by tracing Japan's history with a fast-moving blend of art prints. Deals specifically with legalized abortion and birth control meetings and documents the advantages that a balanced population provides for Japan.
Uses a police dog to teach primary-grade children the various steps to follow while crossing the street. Explains how to wait for a policeman's signal or for a light signal, and how to cross the street when there is no signal; points out the danger of crossing the street between parked cars and in walking behind cars backing out of alleys. With subtitles.
Reviews the civil strife between religious groups during the first days of Free India. Stresses the fact that with the assassination of Gandhi much of the civil war stopped, and now Nehru is attempting to weld the country into a democratic state. Shows present-day India's industry, people, religion, and agriculture.
Introduces educator Welthy Fisher, her philosophy of education, and the environment in India where she works. Shows Indian teachers, trained in institutes founded by Mrs. Fisher, teaching in various villages with lectures, books, puppet shows, and opportunities for pupils to practice agricultural skills.
Discusses in detail the most common types of abortion procedures, aimed particularly at the woman who has already made the decision to have an abortion. Focuses on the need for post-abortion follow-up with the doctor, especially for contraceptive advice.
Advocates that camping be made an integral part of the school experience in this title originally produced in 1938. Examines a program for training professional educators in the area of outdoor education through a camping experience. Presents a glimpse of organized camping in this historical period of recreation education.
Discussion of the George Herzog collections at the Archives of Traditional Music, of early ethnomusicologists and the development of the field, and biographical information on Herzog. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Shows in detail the setting up of the Bell and Howell 16mm sound motion picture projector. Also gives information on oiling and greasing at stated intervals and replacing feed and take-up belts, projector lamp, and amplifier tubes.
A note from College Audition Preparation: Adventures in Brass is a project by the College Audition Preparation (CAP) of the Jacobs School of Music. The project was prompted by a lack of brass repertoire appropriate for collegiate auditions. CAP brass faculty thus commissioned renowned composer Anthony Plog to write a set of six new works for trumpet, trombone, horn, tuba, euphonium, and bass trombone. Dee Stewart and CAP assembled a roster of world-class performers and pedagogues to premiere these six compositions. In addition to recordings of the premieres, Adventures in Brass contains interviews with these faculty in which they provide technical, artistic, and practical guidance to young brass players preparing to apply to college. These videos were captured by and are shared with the help of Tony Tadey and the MITS Video production team of the Jacobs School of Music. We hope that the videos can be an inspirational and motivational force in your own adventures in brass.