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This program explores the man-machine relationship through the research of Paul Fitts, Julian Christiansen, and George Briggs. It examines how humans handle and process information, as well as the challenges of information feedback between people and machines. The program also looks at human behavior within complex man-machine systems and how insights from these studies have influenced the redesign of equipment to better match human capabilities. The research highlights the dynamic interaction and adjustment between human users and technological systems.
Through free expression art activities, a teacher shows how children think, feel, and develop in a year at a Japanese school. Selects pupils from a first-grade class and traces their personality growth and development as it relates to their home life and social-school environment. Indicates that personal problems and predispositions influence the types and variety of children's artistic creations. Illustrates how children can be encouraged to remove deeply rooted fears through art activity and social participation.
Discusses the contribution of stage costumes to the art of the theater. Follows the costume designer through the initial analysis of the play, the drawing-board, the costume workshop, and to the actual wearing of the costumes. Stresses four basic considerations of costume design: unity, identification, projection, and functionalism. Outlines problems related to action, setting, lighting, and make-up.
Explains the set-up and operation of the Kodak Pageant motion picture projector. Shows proper placement of components for effective use, threading, focusing, and centering the picture on the screen. Shows techniques for rewinding, forward and reverse opertion, cleaning, and lamp replacement.
Shows how the average local health department helps to control the spread of communicable diseases and maintain America's high standard of living by protecting water and food supplies from contamination, by enforcing rigid standards of cleanliness, by insuring proper disposal of refuse, by making laboratory tests, and by supplying immunizing agents to physicians and hospitals. Explains that agencies devoted to tuberculosis and polio prevention, community hospitals, the Red Cross, and the family physicians all work together to maintain high standards of health. Educational Consultants, Harold S. Diehl, Anita D. Laton.
Follows the Young family in the process of becoming naturalized Canadians. Discusses the opportunities they may expect in a country which is important as a producer of grain, iron ore, uranium, aluminum, wood pulp, and lumber. Emphasizes the growing eminence Canada may gain as the population increase begins to approach the productive potential.
Uses the home experiences of six high school youngsters to portray and analyze the conditions leading to conflict between parents and their adolescent offspring. Shows how a group plan to go to the "Blue Room" after the Junior Prom precipitates an argument in each home situation, and analyzes the reasons for the conflicting viewpoints of parents and youngsters. Encourages mutual understanding of each other's position and depicts the Smith's success with the family conference technique as suggestive of a way to improve relations.
A line supervisor discusses with a foreman his problem in supervising the women in his department. The fact is brought out that the same rules apply in supervising both men and women, but that women haven't the same background of industrial experience and very often have more home responsibilities than men. These facts must be taken into account by the supervisor.