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Bash tells the story behind many of the sayings we use today. She tells of historical events and circumstances leading to the use of such phrases as: to pull up stakes; in the nick of time; lock, stock and barrel, and to fly off the handle. Songs include "Grey Goose," "Cockle Shells" and "Big Rock Candy Mountain."
Literary critic and lecturer on South African affairs, John Barkham interviews the distinguished South African author, Nadine Gordimer. Deals with subjects ranging from the effect of South Africa on the author's work and her attitude towards racial problems to her opinions of C.P. Snow. Reveals her opinions of America, of herself, and of her writing. Presents her advice for the beginning writer.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray differences in marriage rituals of three societies. Emphasizes the basic motive behind the selection of marriage partners, the rituals that join them, and the values that guide their relationships. Compares Americans, the Bantu of Africa, and the Muria of India.
Presents several Southerners who advocate viewpoints and actions which are at variance with extremists on both sides of the civil rights issue. Interviews Governor Carl E. Sanders of Georgia; R. E. McIver, a businessman of Conway, South Carolina: The Reverend James L. Hooten, minister of the First Christian Church, Savannah, Alabama; Beverly Briley, Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee; and Eleanor Sheppard (Mrs. Thomas E.), Mayor of Richmond, Virginia. Indicates that the differences of attitudes and approaches to civil rights presented provided insight into a range of viewpoints which would add sanity and stability to the South in the present period of crisis.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray the formation of human personality in three societies. Demonstrates the authoritarian, cooperative, and dwarfed personality types. Points out how personality types perpetuate themselves. Compares Americans, Alorese of the Dutch East Indies, and the Hopi Indians. (KUHT) Film.
Professor Joel Climenhaga interviews New Zealand poet, Allen Curnow. Includes a discussion of Curnow's poetry, which reveals the character, history, and folklore of New Zealand. Presents his views on the role of the problems involved in writing in and about a new country.