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Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
A line supervisor discusses with a foreman his problem in supervising the women in his department. The fact is brought out that the same rules apply in supervising both men and women, but that women haven't the same background of industrial experience and very often have more home responsibilities than men. These facts must be taken into account by the supervisor.
Reviews significant events in Eisenhower's career as a soldier, his years as President, and his retirement. Pictures the inaugural ceremony in 1953 and depicts such events as the Supreme Court decision on integration, the McCarthy investigations, and various international crises. Stresses social and scientific changes, research, and the high levels of production and consumption.
Short promotional film focusing on student learning at Indiana University. Begins with a tour of the buildings and resources of the Libraries, the "focal point of I.U.'s academic program." The film then moves on to highlight teaching at the university, showing history professor, R. Carlyle Buley in individual conference with a student as well as in the classroom. Finally the film shows how teaching and learning are not just confined to the classroom, but come about through student meetings and informal gatherings. Ends with I.U. students graduating and going on to become productive members of society, proving that "books do come alive."
Shows the development of Negro education. Emphasizes that such a development was slow and difficult from the schoolhouse with broken windows and the teachers only a few steps ahead of the pupils to the modern school which spreads its influence beyond the confines of its four walls through training 9in home economics, machine shop, and handicrafts. Ends with shots of Negroes in universities, as surgeons and nurses in hospitals, and in the Army.
Demonstrates how the facilities of a large city library are made available to rural libraries. Shows the library truck from Gary, Indiana, delivering books, pictures, and other materials weekly, free of charge, upon the written request of a small-town librarian. Indicates how such cooperation results in better public service.
Presents basic fundamentals of basketball. Coach Branch McCracken and the Indiana University basketball team demonstrate, in regular and slow-motion photography, ways of shooting, passing, dribbling, and defensive and offensive footwork. For intermediate grades, high school and college.
Analyzes defensive footwork action in basketball by first demonstrating the correct stance. Slow motion and close-up photography then portray the two basic defensive moves: the parallel movement, which governs lateral guarding motions, and the stride, which governs advancing and retreating motions. Emphasis is placed on the correlation of arm movement with footwork, turning, pivoting, and getting into position for taking the ball on the rebound.