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Presents several Southerners who advocate viewpoints and actions which are at variance with extremists on both sides of the civil rights issue. Interviews Governor Carl E. Sanders of Georgia; R. E. McIver, a businessman of Conway, South Carolina: The Reverend James L. Hooten, minister of the First Christian Church, Savannah, Alabama; Beverly Briley, Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee; and Eleanor Sheppard (Mrs. Thomas E.), Mayor of Richmond, Virginia. Indicates that the differences of attitudes and approaches to civil rights presented provided insight into a range of viewpoints which would add sanity and stability to the South in the present period of crisis.
A picture of the progressive school system at work; some familiar arguments for and against it. A contrast between learning by memory drill and the new method of learning through individual projects. Many schools are carrying out Mann's belief that one can best be prepared for a happy life through education.
Outlines the advantages of the overhead projector as a visual aid to learning in classrooms, in business, and in industry. Shows the great variety of uses of the equipment, with opaque, translucent, and transparent materials, both in contrasting colors and in monochrome. Stresses the ease with which effective presentations can be improvised through the use of movable graphic components, overlays, polaroid filters, transparent working models, and even chemical reactions in a test tube.
Shows in detail practical steps that can be taken to help old people lead active, useful lives; explores the day-to-day problems that accompany old age; and discusses the problems that spring from a needlessly helpless, dependent existence.
Depicts the value to be derived by all from effective public relations between business, labor, government, and the people. The role of public relations personnel is shown, as is the type of course presently being offered in this field. Examples of effective public relations are given.
Stresses the need for purifying water for the various uses of a community, and shows methods of aerating, filtrating, disinfecting, and testing a city's water supply. Illustrates the complexity of this aspects of defending the health of a city.
Examines the role of radio as a means of mass communication from its inception up to, and including, 1950. Includes many of the radio personalities of the late 1940s such as Jack Benny, Bob Hope, Fibber Magee and Molly, Edgar Bergen, Fred Allen, and Walter Winchell, and also contains film clips of game shows and soap operas being broadcast. Explores the role of advertising in the radio industry and looks at the responsibility sponsors have in developing good programming for their audiences.
Describes the nature and use of artificial radio waves generated by man; examines the ionosphere, and explains its critical role in passing, reflecting, and absorbing radio waves; discusses natural radio waves from space, a knowledge of which is providing fresh insight into the features of the universe. Includes views of observatories and equipment used by radio astronomers.
Pictures and describes the regional campuses of Indiana University, pointing out their function and relationship to the University as a whole. Shows activities at the campuses, both inside the classroom and out. Emphasizes the educational opportunities offered the citizens of Indiana through the regional campuses.
Shows the harnessing of atomic energy for peacetime uses in the United States. Shows scientists and technicians working in the Atomic Energy Commission's laboratories and pants. Describes new uses for radioactive materials in medicine, biology, and industry.
Reviews the rise of Hitler to power, his broken promises, the invasion of Germany's neighbors, Germany's eventual defeat, and the Allied occupation of Germany, with its many problems which are aggravated by rigid zoning of the territory.
Provides a close look at the works and creative philosophy of Robert Erickson, a composer and inventor of musical instruments. Illustrates Erickson composing an original composition, '9 1/2 for Henry (Orville and Wilbur)," which integrates the sounds of modern technology with traditionally-produced music. Follows Erickson as he tapes the sounds of automobiles, airplanes, and wind, mixes the sounds in his studio, and attends the presentation of the final work.