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Presents scenes of natural objects typifying the things which inspire ceramist Dik Schwanke. Shows him at work in his studio, illustrating his methods of combining pottery and sculpture. Includes background music by the "Shags."
This collection consists of music, oral data, and interviews among the Kpelle of Liberia and includes popular zither, lamellphone, musical bow, lute, slit-drum and xylophone music; Kpelle script interviews; children's songs, work-songs, drum signals, tales, cante-fables and music associated with rites and ceremonies. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
"Corridos from the Mexican Revolution" (presented by Juan Díes). Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Sones de México performs traditional Mexican music. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
WLIB, New York radio station, program entitled "The death of Dr. Martin Luther King." Program consists of excerpts of WLIB broadcasts, which originally aired from April 4-9, 1968--the day of Dr. Marin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, through the King memorial service at Moorehouse College in Atlanta. The station maintained 24-hour programming in the days following Dr. Marin Luther King Jr.'s assassination. Broadcast excerpts include interviews of people on the street in Harlem on April 4, an excerpt of President Johnson's radio address, and statements made by John Lindsay, Mayor of New York City, Percy Sutton, Borough President of Manhattan, and others. Also includes an excerpt of the memorial service eulogy given by Dr. Benjamin Mays. Second recording on tape documents the opening ceremonies for "Harlem on My Mind: Cultural Capital of Black America, 1900-1968," an exhibition mounted at the Metropolitan Museum of Art from January 18-April 6, 1969. Speakers included Mayor John Lindsay and Thomas Hoving, museum director. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Reviews significant events in Eisenhower's career as a soldier, his years as President, and his retirement. Pictures the inaugural ceremony in 1953 and depicts such events as the Supreme Court decision on integration, the McCarthy investigations, and various international crises. Stresses social and scientific changes, research, and the high levels of production and consumption.