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Shows the contest between Fred and Judy for a position on the safety patrol. During the contest they learn not to play in the street, not to run into the street from between parked cars, and how to cross streets safely.
A plant supervisor talks to his son, who has built a boat in the basement too large to go through the door, about planning a job in advance; and recounts several illustrative experiences at the plant.
Director of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Robert Richman interviews the famous Danish author of Seven Gothic Tales and Out of Africa. Features her comments on the similarities and differences between poetry and story-telling. Surveys her writing techniques and closes as she relates one of her tales.
An Indiana University student shows a prospective student's parents the campus and explains the counseling system. Includes academic and extracurricular activities, the extension centers, and many buildings on the Bloomington campus.
Presents the general nature, strengths, limitations, and developmental constructs of behavior therapy as based on the work of Clark Hull, B.F. Skinner, and Robert F. Mager. Distinguishes and explains the three types of classifications within behavior therapy: classical, operant, and cognitive. Uses dramatizations and illustrations to demonstrate the concepts of reinforcement, extinction, and punishment. Discusses criticisms of behavior therapy, and examines the ways in which behavior therapy can be applied to vocational rehabilitation.
A conversation between tubists Richard White and Dan Perantoni, moderated by euphonium player Demondrae Thurman, of how mentorship fosters success in spite of adversity.