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Presents scenes of natural objects typifying the things which inspire ceramist Dik Schwanke. Shows him at work in his studio, illustrating his methods of combining pottery and sculpture. Includes background music by the "Shags."
Illustrates how the UN meets the need of men and groups everywhere for a forum in which men can speak to each other and to discuss their problems. Shows briefly the forming of the UN, the interrelationships of its component bodies, the part played by the General Assembly regarding the Korean war, and the role of the Communist powers in that conflict. Refers to the peace treaty with Japan and expresses hope for Japan's entry into the United Nations.
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Indiana University professor of law Susan Williams, and Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Randall Shepard preside over a mock trial held to determine whether King Richard III of England murdered his two nephews, the "princes in the Tower," over five hundred years ago. The case for the prosecution is argued by James F. Fitzpatrick, assisted by Paige Porter. John Walda, assisted by Dennis Long, argues in defense of King Richard.
A filmed presentation of the many facets of theatrical director Tyrone Guthrie, his ideas, and his methods of working. Guthrie is seen at his home in Ireland, conducting a rehearsal in New York, and talking with students at an American college. In filmed interviews he discusses his general philosophy toward the theatre as a medium. June Havoc and Darren McGavin describe the feelings which most actors have toward working under Guthrie.
Demonstrates with the Wheat Farmer an approved procedure for teaching with motion pictures. A seventh-grade social studies group studying how the world is fed discusses interests and problems which indicate that a motion picture would help; the teacher prepares the lesson by previewing the film and studying its handbook; immediately before screening, purposes or seeing the film are clarified; the film is shown; and pupils discuss questions previously outlined and plan further studies on the basis of what they have seen in the film.
Shows a group of fifth and sixth graders touring Washington, D.C. Includes a visit to the Capitol building where they tour the Statuary Hall, the Rotunda, the House chamber within the Capitol building, and meet with the Speaker of the House. Presents rare footage of a joint session of Congress.
Discusses the properties of water and how they affect its use. Shows that water is compsed of tiny particles which are always in motion, and that its exists in three states--solid, liquid, and gas. Uses experiment to explain how and why the processes of dissolving, evaporation, condensation, freezing, and expansion take place. Collaborator: Illa Podendorf.