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Presents an historical examination of Japan and the factors involved in the solution of her population problem. Surveys crowded, modern Japan and illustrates change by focusing on a family and by tracing Japan's history with a fast-moving blend of art prints. Deals specifically with legalized abortion and birth control meetings and documents the advantages that a balanced population provides for Japan.
Introduces the subject of Japanese Brush Painting. Explains the use of the brush painting materials. Discusses the Japanese approach to art. Artist-host T. Mikami paints samples of the subjects to be covered in the series. (KQED) Kinescope.
Immediately following Pearl Harbor, one of the critical problems facing the United States was what to do with the 100,000 people of Japanese descent living up and down the Pacific Coast. The immediate step was to remove all Japanese from critical areas around air fields, harbors, and industrial plants, to forestall sabotage and espionage. This mass migration accomplished by the Army working with the War Relocation Authority is shown in the film--from the first registration through the movement to temporary quarters established in race tracks and fair grounds to the final migration to settlements in Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.