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From the series Ripples. Chris survives separation from his parents and endures a lonely night in a hospital bed in this continuation of Going to the Hospital. He meets other hospitalized children, learns to swallow a pill and likes a visit from his dad that includes a present. It's not so much fun when parents go home, the lights go out, the nurse is gone, and the other kids are asleep; but Chris figures out a way to get company that will help him fall asleep.
King Vidor, Hollywood director of The big parade, War and peace, Solomon and Sheba, and the silent film Our daily bread, recalls Hollywood landmarks of a bygone era and talks about his directing techniques. Includes some segments of his films.
This collection is excerpted from a larger one on the oral history of Kajor in the last 100 years of its independence, and "ranges over every political event in 18th and 19th century Kajor," concentrating "on the royal family and families of Marabouts"... "prominent in the late 18th and early 19th centuries." Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Shows that the traditional life of the Polynesians of American Samoa is being altered and challenged by its governing authority, the United States, and that a potential conflict exists between the western goals of education which stress independent thinking and the cultural values of Samoa which emphasize obedience to the family and respect for authority.
Describes Project WILL, a plan designed to promote racial understanding between black and white high school students in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Relates how one staff member becomes disillusioned during the federally sponsored project conducted in two six-week sessions, and challenges the premise of the experiment. Indicates that although the students were supposed to be making their own decisions, they actually had no control over the project.
Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
These tapes examine mainly the 19th century history of the Futa Toro. The recordings include more formal traditions, as in discussions with members of the hereditary classes of historians (awlube, ma bube, and wambabe) and more formal memoirs, as in interviews with members of the noble clases (to rodbr, sebbe, jawambe, subalbe). Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons. As of April 27, 2022, the following original tapes in this collection have not yet been digitized and will be added to this record at that time: EC 3862, EC 3863, and OT 1863.
WLIB, New York radio station, program entitled "The death of Dr. Martin Luther King." Program consists of excerpts of WLIB broadcasts, which originally aired from April 4-9, 1968--the day of Dr. Marin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, through the King memorial service at Moorehouse College in Atlanta. The station maintained 24-hour programming in the days following Dr. Marin Luther King Jr.'s assassination. Broadcast excerpts include interviews of people on the street in Harlem on April 4, an excerpt of President Johnson's radio address, and statements made by John Lindsay, Mayor of New York City, Percy Sutton, Borough President of Manhattan, and others. Also includes an excerpt of the memorial service eulogy given by Dr. Benjamin Mays. Second recording on tape documents the opening ceremonies for "Harlem on My Mind: Cultural Capital of Black America, 1900-1968," an exhibition mounted at the Metropolitan Museum of Art from January 18-April 6, 1969. Speakers included Mayor John Lindsay and Thomas Hoving, museum director. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Shows a group of fifth and sixth graders touring Washington, D.C. Includes a visit to the Capitol building where they tour the Statuary Hall, the Rotunda, the House chamber within the Capitol building, and meet with the Speaker of the House. Presents rare footage of a joint session of Congress.
Depicts a typical day in the life of the Indian musician, Bismillah Khan. Shows him in meditation on the banks of the Ganges, shopping in the market, worshiping, relaxing with his family at home, and performing on the shehnai, a classical reed instrument formerly restricted to court and temple ceremonies.
Introduces Duro Ladipo, the founder, director, playwright, composer, and principal male actor of the Duro Ladipo Traveling Theatre Company of Oshogbo, Nigeria. Explains how Ladipo became interested in drama and music. Shows members of the company touring Nigerian villages.
An interview with Senegalese President Senghor who discusses his poetry, the environment his poems reflect, and his attitude toward the blending of African and Western culture. Selected readings of his works are presented in English.
Discusses the individuality of artistic techniques. Follows Reginald Pollack as he attempts to find creative inspiration in nature. Shows the benefits of studying other artists' work.
Satyajit Ray, noted Indian film maker, explains the underlying philosophy guiding him in the production of his films, which he sees as a confluence of Eastern and Western cultures. Ray's main objective is to make his audiences see and think about issues such as poverty and politics.
Presents Marie Cosindas' color photographs with comments by museum visitors, art critics, and persons who have sat for her. Shows Miss Cosindas creating a still life and making two portraits.
Traces the story of the "Chicago Picasso." Relates the artist's original conception of the Chicago sculpture, the people and processes involved in the fabrication, and finally the construction of the statue by a steel erection company. Visits the first major exhibit of the Picasso sculpture.
Traces the story of the "Chicago Picasso." Relates the artist's original conception of the Chicago sculpture, the people and processes involved in the fabrication, and finally the construction of the statue by a steel erection company. Visits the first major exhibit of the Picasso sculpture.
Delineates some of India's major problems and the progress being made toward solving some of them. Reports on famine, industrialization, birth control campaigns, a fertilizer festival, governmental "red-tape," food destruction by pests, village life, sacred cows, and politics.
A filmed presentation of the many facets of theatrical director Tyrone Guthrie, his ideas, and his methods of working. Guthrie is seen at his home in Ireland, conducting a rehearsal in New York, and talking with students at an American college. In filmed interviews he discusses his general philosophy toward the theatre as a medium. June Havoc and Darren McGavin describe the feelings which most actors have toward working under Guthrie.
Introduces educator Welthy Fisher, her philosophy of education, and the environment in India where she works. Shows Indian teachers, trained in institutes founded by Mrs. Fisher, teaching in various villages with lectures, books, puppet shows, and opportunities for pupils to practice agricultural skills.
Presents an introduction to Anne Sexton and a view of her poetry. Describes how she began writing poetry and includes her reading "Her Kind," "Self in 1958," "Ringing the Bells," "The Addict," "Young," "Those Times," "Little Girl, My String Bean, My Lovely Woman," and "Live."
Representative photographs by the turn-of-the-century French photographer, Eugène Atget, with explanatory analysis by Berenice Abbott, a former protège of Atget.
Introduces four major choreographers--Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Charles Weidman, and Hanya Holt--who revolted against the conventions of ballet to produce American modern dance. Employs film clips and still photographs taken in 1934 to show the dancers and their teachers during the beginning days at Mount Bennington College. Each choreographer explains her/his view of the meaning dance should have within the arts. Includes a full production of Doris Humphrey's Passacaglia by the American Dance
Records the poetry and personality of Gwendolyn Brooks and the Chicago environment which provided the sources for most of her materials. Features Miss Brooks reading several of her poems, each accompanied by scenes of the people or locale described. Examines her method of working, the things she finds most pleasant in life, and the thrill of winning the 1950 Pulitzer Prize for poetry.
Contrasts the areas of the world where there is an abundance of food with the areas where starvation is a way of life, and documents the pattern which has led to the lack of an adequate food supply. Reviews the history of the food crisis along with attempts at solutions. Covers areas including India, Libya, the Philippines, South America, Canada, Europe, and the United States.
Presents scenes of natural objects typifying the things which inspire ceramist Dik Schwanke. Shows him at work in his studio, illustrating his methods of combining pottery and sculpture. Includes background music by the "Shags."
Explores India's most critical problem and examines proposed solutions. Discusses the agricultural crises and the social customs which interrelate with the population problem. Shows the educational strategy to control the size of families. Presents illuminating accounts of major aspects of life in contemporary India.
Presents an historical examination of Japan and the factors involved in the solution of her population problem. Surveys crowded, modern Japan and illustrates change by focusing on a family and by tracing Japan's history with a fast-moving blend of art prints. Deals specifically with legalized abortion and birth control meetings and documents the advantages that a balanced population provides for Japan.
Opens with an interview involving Nkosi, Soyinka, and featured guest, Achebe. Focuses on the craft and work of Achebe himself and questions whether he deliberately avoids passing moral judgment. Shows Achebe discussing the influences which have shaped his artistic life and recounting experiences from a U. S. visit. Closes with an examination of the traditional novel and a possible new African novel form.
Pictures and describes the regional campuses of Indiana University, pointing out their function and relationship to the University as a whole. Shows activities at the campuses, both inside the classroom and out. Emphasizes the educational opportunities offered the citizens of Indiana through the regional campuses.
Radio program includes folk songs, instrumental pieces, and court music. Original tape came from Yun Hong Sik (a Korean student at IU) who got it from Korean Broadcasting Company in Seoul, South Korea.
This program explores the man-machine relationship through the research of Paul Fitts, Julian Christiansen, and George Briggs. It examines how humans handle and process information, as well as the challenges of information feedback between people and machines. The program also looks at human behavior within complex man-machine systems and how insights from these studies have influenced the redesign of equipment to better match human capabilities. The research highlights the dynamic interaction and adjustment between human users and technological systems.
Pictures a business man who is suddenly thrust into the role of hospital trustee, contrasting what he expected his role to be and what it actually is. Explains what a governing board is and what it does.
Presents several Southerners who advocate viewpoints and actions which are at variance with extremists on both sides of the civil rights issue. Interviews Governor Carl E. Sanders of Georgia; R. E. McIver, a businessman of Conway, South Carolina: The Reverend James L. Hooten, minister of the First Christian Church, Savannah, Alabama; Beverly Briley, Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee; and Eleanor Sheppard (Mrs. Thomas E.), Mayor of Richmond, Virginia. Indicates that the differences of attitudes and approaches to civil rights presented provided insight into a range of viewpoints which would add sanity and stability to the South in the present period of crisis.
Reviews significant events in Eisenhower's career as a soldier, his years as President, and his retirement. Pictures the inaugural ceremony in 1953 and depicts such events as the Supreme Court decision on integration, the McCarthy investigations, and various international crises. Stresses social and scientific changes, research, and the high levels of production and consumption.
Explores the principal ways in which people go about finding information, by following a boy who discovers a baby bird as he asks advice from a man in a pet shop, learns by observation, consults various materials at the library, conducts an informal experiment when teaching the bird to eat adult food, and explores a community resource to find a home for it.
Presents through the experiences of a boy, insights into numerous aspects of frontier life in the Midwest. Illustrates the importance of the school, the self-sufficiency of the settlers, and the developing economic system evidenced in peddlers, the country gristmill, and stores in frontier towns using barter to acquire and sell goods. Social life is pictured through scenes of a quilting bee, men discussing politics and market prices, games and a spelling bee.
Everyday events in the life of a Midwest settler's family from a child's viewpoint. School and community activities as well as home life.
Explains the set-up and operation of the Kodak Pageant motion picture projector. Shows proper placement of components for effective use, threading, focusing, and centering the picture on the screen. Shows techniques for rewinding, forward and reverse opertion, cleaning, and lamp replacement.
Discusses the properties of water and how they affect its use. Shows that water is compsed of tiny particles which are always in motion, and that its exists in three states--solid, liquid, and gas. Uses experiment to explain how and why the processes of dissolving, evaporation, condensation, freezing, and expansion take place. Collaborator: Illa Podendorf.
Uses live-action photography and animation to survey alpha, beta, and gamma radiation and their characteristics; the instruments used to measure these types of radiation; and the principles basic to the operation of the instruments. All radiation is divided into two broad areas, electromagnetic and corpuscular. Ionization caused by radiation is explained, and the principles governing the operation and use of instruments using ionization to detect radiation are discussed. These instruments include gold leaf electroscopes, ionization chambers, Geiger counters, and cloud chambers. The construction and operation of scintillation counters are examined.
Shows how Indiana University is playing an important role in extending man's understanding of himself and the universe through its various schools, which serve to develop the wide variety of interests and abilities of students. Depicts the development of a close personal relationship between instructor and student through the advisory system. The libraries, museums, new classrooms, and specialized facilities, such as the language laboratory are viewed. Glimpses of student government, student teaching, the university theater, and campus newspaper demonstrate the university's attempt to provide activities to meet a variety of interests. Also shown are the cultural and recreational opportunities, the university's placement service, and the alumni activities. Closes with campus scenes familiar to all I.U. students.
Professor Joel Climenhaga interviews New Zealand poet, Allen Curnow. Includes a discussion of Curnow's poetry, which reveals the character, history, and folklore of New Zealand. Presents his views on the role of the problems involved in writing in and about a new country.