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King Vidor, Hollywood director of The big parade, War and peace, Solomon and Sheba, and the silent film Our daily bread, recalls Hollywood landmarks of a bygone era and talks about his directing techniques. Includes some segments of his films.
Contrasts the areas of the world where there is an abundance of food with the areas where starvation is a way of life, and documents the pattern which has led to the lack of an adequate food supply. Reviews the history of the food crisis along with attempts at solutions. Covers areas including India, Libya, the Philippines, South America, Canada, Europe, and the United States.
Presents a highly condensed version of Russian history since the eve of World War I through the eyes of the "average Ivan" who has lived through this period. Discusses the initial period of capitalism, the collective farm movement, the great purges of the 1930's, the first Five Year Plans, the lack of consumer goods, the bitterness of World War II, and the Cold War. Illustrates each of these phases of Russian history with Russian periodicals and pictures. (Center for Mass Communication) Film.
Explains that making a book in the Middle Ages took a great deal of time and planning. Traces the process of manuscript making from the preparation of parchment paper to the binding of the book.
Two speakers discuss what the scientific community knew about the moon before the Apollo Program and what was learned from the missions from two different perspectives. One is from Jack Schmitt who worked on mapping the moon and planetary science before he became an astronaut who walked on the moon during the Apollo 17 mission. The other perspective comes from Hal Masursky who worked with the U.S. Geological survey and was involved in the selection of the landing sights on the moon.
Delineates some of India's major problems and the progress being made toward solving some of them. Reports on famine, industrialization, birth control campaigns, a fertilizer festival, governmental "red-tape," food destruction by pests, village life, sacred cows, and politics.
Portrays and explains, by means of animation, the role played by the Pacific Ocean in international affairs. Shows the growth of man's knowledge of the Pacific through the voyages of the early explorers and the later expansion of settlement in this area. Traces the settlement of Pacific island and coastal areas by British, Russians, Germans, French, Dutch, and Americans, and discusses the establishment of political control by these nations. Concludes with a review of Japan's efforts to control the Pacific.
Shows geographical features and physical characteristics of the seashore, and its more common inhabitants. Uses film clips and still photographs to explain the tidal cycle. Discusses the problems of survival faced by marine animals. Presents live specimens and filmed sequences of common seashore animals including sea anemones, starfish, snails, barnacles, and crabs. (KCTS) Kinescope.
Shows life in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona, and the topography, rainfall, and other characteristic features, including the imprint of Spanish and Indian cultures. Irrigation, stock raising, mining, agriculture, and oil extracting and refining are among the occupational activities shown. The exchange of goods and services with other sections of the country is depicted by animation.
Explains that a major problem of jet propulsion is increasing the speed of the expanding gas in the jet engine. Shows how the speed is increased by the addition of heat, more gas,and heavier molecules. Points out that there is no limit tot he speed that gas will move through the end of propulsion chambers if a material can be obtained that will stand the increased temperature. (New Mexico College of A.& M.A.) Film.
Documents and dramatizes a civil lawsuit based on an automobile injury case. Dramatizes the beginning of the trial, showing how prospective jurors are chosen and questioned to determine possible bias and how the jury is selected and sworn in. Presents both lawyers making opening statements to the jury, and concludes with the direct and cross examination of all witnesses in the case for the plaintiff.
Reveals the appearance, tonal qualities, and functions of various instruments of the woodwind choir--piccolos, flutes, clarinets, oboes, English horns, bassoons, and contrabassoons. Uses close-up photography to illustrate the techniques of playing these woodwinds. Includes excerpts from Brahms' First symphony, Beethoven's Turkish march, and Brahms' Fourth symphony.
Describes the life of the Yugoslavian people, and shows some of the changes made in Yugoslavia since Tito's break with Russia. Says that Tito tries to follow Lenin's communism more closely than Russia does and that he has made collective farms, encouraged the rise of factories, and instituted literacy classes and trade schools. Shows American aid to Yugoslavia after the drought of 1950.
Shows how scientists determine the content of the cigarette smoke entering the mouth and its effect on rabbits and humans. Shows how tars and nicotine from cigarette smoke are collected in a laboratory and measured, and pictures their effect on skin temperature, breathing, and blood vessels. Presents a relationship between smoking and cancer and concludes by stating that each person must determine for himself whether he wishes to take the risks of smoking.
Presents scenes of natural objects typifying the things which inspire ceramist Dik Schwanke. Shows him at work in his studio, illustrating his methods of combining pottery and sculpture. Includes background music by the "Shags."
Illustrates how the UN meets the need of men and groups everywhere for a forum in which men can speak to each other and to discuss their problems. Shows briefly the forming of the UN, the interrelationships of its component bodies, the part played by the General Assembly regarding the Korean war, and the role of the Communist powers in that conflict. Refers to the peace treaty with Japan and expresses hope for Japan's entry into the United Nations.
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Indiana University professor of law Susan Williams, and Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Randall Shepard preside over a mock trial held to determine whether King Richard III of England murdered his two nephews, the "princes in the Tower," over five hundred years ago. The case for the prosecution is argued by James F. Fitzpatrick, assisted by Paige Porter. John Walda, assisted by Dennis Long, argues in defense of King Richard.
A filmed presentation of the many facets of theatrical director Tyrone Guthrie, his ideas, and his methods of working. Guthrie is seen at his home in Ireland, conducting a rehearsal in New York, and talking with students at an American college. In filmed interviews he discusses his general philosophy toward the theatre as a medium. June Havoc and Darren McGavin describe the feelings which most actors have toward working under Guthrie.
Demonstrates with the Wheat Farmer an approved procedure for teaching with motion pictures. A seventh-grade social studies group studying how the world is fed discusses interests and problems which indicate that a motion picture would help; the teacher prepares the lesson by previewing the film and studying its handbook; immediately before screening, purposes or seeing the film are clarified; the film is shown; and pupils discuss questions previously outlined and plan further studies on the basis of what they have seen in the film.
Shows a group of fifth and sixth graders touring Washington, D.C. Includes a visit to the Capitol building where they tour the Statuary Hall, the Rotunda, the House chamber within the Capitol building, and meet with the Speaker of the House. Presents rare footage of a joint session of Congress.
Discusses the properties of water and how they affect its use. Shows that water is compsed of tiny particles which are always in motion, and that its exists in three states--solid, liquid, and gas. Uses experiment to explain how and why the processes of dissolving, evaporation, condensation, freezing, and expansion take place. Collaborator: Illa Podendorf.
Introduces educator Welthy Fisher, her philosophy of education, and the environment in India where she works. Shows Indian teachers, trained in institutes founded by Mrs. Fisher, teaching in various villages with lectures, books, puppet shows, and opportunities for pupils to practice agricultural skills.
An account of a canoe trip in the Quetico-Superior wilderness area of Northern Minnesota and Canada. Emphasizes the importance of keeping wilderness areas green, beautiful, and intact. Includes views of wildlife and wild flowers.
Professor Joel Climenhaga interviews New Zealand poet, Allen Curnow. Includes a discussion of Curnow's poetry, which reveals the character, history, and folklore of New Zealand. Presents his views on the role of the problems involved in writing in and about a new country.
Walter Kerr, drama critic for the New York Herald Tribune interviews distinguished American poet, Archibald MacLeish. Mr. MacLeish outlines his ideas on what poetry is and should be, including ideas on its uses. For him, poetry must come from experience and give form to experience. He sees younger writers as turning inward toward more spiritual and emotional themes and expressions.
Walter Kerr, drama critic for the New York Herald Tribune, interviews noted Irish author Frank O'Connor. Mr. O'Connor contrasts the novel and the short story in relation to characterization, plot, and the time element. He discusses styles of the short story and appraises past and present psychological and subject matter trends in prose fiction.
Director of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Robert Richman interviews the famous Danish author of Seven Gothic Tales and Out of Africa. Features her comments on the similarities and differences between poetry and story-telling. Surveys her writing techniques and closes as she relates one of her tales.
Literary critic and lecturer on South African affairs, John Barkham interviews the distinguished South African author, Nadine Gordimer. Deals with subjects ranging from the effect of South Africa on the author's work and her attitude towards racial problems to her opinions of C.P. Snow. Reveals her opinions of America, of herself, and of her writing. Presents her advice for the beginning writer.
This episode focuses on the art of the Etruscans, renowned for their skill in terra-cotta sculpture, particularly in creating larger-than-life figures. It highlights a display of such sculptures, including a heroic-sized warrior. Dr. Dietrich von Bothmer joins Professor Kraemer for a discussion on the techniques and significance of Etruscan art. The episode explores these works in the context of their cultural and artistic contributions.
Uses animation and live photography to show several benefits of clean water and some of the undesirable consequences of dirty water. An animated waterdrop and a small boy travel through water pipes to the city reservoir and up a mountain to discover the waterdrop's source. They learn the benefits of clean water to animals and later show their disgust when viewing a dirty river.
Presents the problem of juvenile delinquency during World War II and the war's effect on the youth of the United States. Shows some of the temptations which beset wartime youth and discloses the work done by intelligent communities in handling the problem.